I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 259 Intention to cooperate

Lin Feng watched Mr. Wang leave, and then began to think about how to deal with Phil.

Phil hasn't taken action yet. The only possibility is that he is still preparing. When he is ready, he will definitely take action on himself.

In addition, and the most important point is that once he wants to take action, he must cooperate with the people in the imperial capital. Only in this way can he have the opportunity to deal a fatal blow to himself.

At present, the only ones with such strength in the imperial capital are the Li Group and the Long Group. Of course, the Shangguan Group is also a possibility. After all, once someone helps them, he will definitely rise immediately.

The Li Group, with Li Xiao here, should not take action against them for the time being. The Long Group itself had just helped them, and it should not form an alliance with Phil.

From this point of view, the most likely one is the Shangguan Group.

In this case, then I can't let go of the Shangguan Group!

On the other side, Shangguan Group.

Shangguan Yi sat in the office, frowning.

Because at this time he was facing this choice.

Just now, the chairman of Phil Group called him and explained his intention to cooperate.

Of course, his purpose is to deal with Lin Feng. He can pay, no matter how much, as long as Lin Feng goes bankrupt and begs him on his knees.

With the help of Phil Group, Shangguan Yi would still be a little sure, but Shangguan Yi didn't want his daughter to be caught in the middle. Of course, this was just a small problem.

The most important thing is that he knows that Lin Feng has already established a good relationship with Li Xiao of the Li Group and Long Zheng of the Long Group. If he takes action, he will not be able to bear it if the three companies unite to deal with him!

Therefore, Shangguan Yi did not completely agree to Phil, but just said that he would think about it.

Just then, the secretary knocked on the door and walked in.

"Dong Yi, there is a man named Ye Tian who wants to see you."

"Meet me?" Shangguan Yi frowned. Ye Tian had a very bad reputation. Why did he come to see him?

"Drive him away and say I'm not here!" Shangguan Yi waved his hand, not wanting to see Ye Tian.

However, Ye Tian's voice came from far away.

"Yidong, how could you not see me? It really makes me sad when you do this!" Ye Tian walked in, with a look of pride and regret on his face.

The secretary was surprised to see Ye Tian come in by himself. He turned his eyes to Shangguan Yi and said guiltily: "Chairman, this..."

Shangguan Yi waved his hand, "Nothing, you go down first."

"Yeah." When the secretary saw this, he turned around and left, but before leaving, he glared at Ye Tian fiercely, muttering in his heart, why is this man so unqualified and coming uninvited.

Ye Tian was not surprised by Shangguan Yi's attitude. He had expected this before coming.

"Dong Yi, don't look at me like this. I can tell you responsibly that I am here to help you." Ye Tian's black eyes exuded a bit of light.

"Help me? Why do you have it? Why do you have nothing now?" Shangguan Yi said scornfully.

"Besides, do you know what I'm worried about? You even boasted that you were here to help me." Shangguan Yi shook his head and decided not to pay attention to this lunatic.

Faced with Shangguan Yi's ridicule, Ye Tian was not angry.

"Yidong, don't be impatient." Ye Tian smiled slightly, "Since I'm here, I'm here with great confidence, otherwise I wouldn't be here."

"What do you mean by this?" Shangguan Yi immediately became wary.

"Of course it means literally!" Ye Tian stood up, walked a few steps forward, and walked slowly to Shangguan Yi, "Dong Yi, I know everything about you. If you need anything, If it helps, just say it.”

"Of course, even if you don't say it, I know it!"

"Don't be embarrassed for now. With the help of Phil Group, are you still afraid of dealing with Lin Feng?"

"Even if the Long family and the Li family join forces to help Lin Feng, how can they defeat the Phil Group? Or do you think they will offend one of the top five major groups in the world for Lin Feng?"

"Of course the reason why I came back is that I have some skills!"

"I, Ye Tian, ​​am proficient in Feng Shui, martial arts, and medical skills."

"I heard that Phil likes immortality. I can use medical skills to please him. Martial arts can naturally be used to protect your safety. As for Feng Shui, you can operate behind your back to make the Li family, Long family, and Wang family suffer a lot. Months of mold probably won’t be a problem.”

"If you don't believe it, you can come and test me!" Ye Tian is still very confident in his own skills.

"No need! I believe in you, Mr. Ye!" Shangguan Yi stood up from his seat and stretched out his hand.

He had no reason not to believe in Ye Tian's skills.

He had also heard of Ye Tian's talents, but this boy had a poor character and kept doing wrong things, which was why he was reduced to this state. Of course, the most important thing was because Lin Feng couldn't tolerate him.

"Okay!" Ye Tian stretched out his hand and took Shangguan Yi's hand.

The reason why he knew about this was, of course, the information he bought with money.

Money can make all the difference!

Lin Feng was still preparing to deal with Shangguan Yi when Li Xiao called.

"Lin Feng, come here!"

Li Xiao's tone was very bad, which gave Lin Feng a bad feeling. Normally, Li Xiao would call himself Director Lin, so why would he call him by his first name this time?

"Mr. Li, what's wrong?" Lin Feng asked tentatively.

"I asked you to come, just come. What are you talking about?" Li Xiao hung up the phone with a bang.

This gave Lin Feng an even more bad feeling.

Secretary Liu was reporting on work at this time and happened to hear Lin Feng’s call.

So he asked tentatively: "Director Lin, I'll send someone to investigate first and make sure it's safe before you go over?"

Lin Feng shook his head, "No need. Since you are so anxious, it must be a very urgent matter. I can just go by myself."

"It's not safe, I'd better send someone to follow you!" Secretary Liu continued unwillingly.

"No need! All the experts are protecting my inner room. If others go, it won't help. If something happens, it will become a drag on me."

"Okay!" Seeing this, Secretary Liu didn't say anything more.

But the look in Lin Feng's eyes was still full of worry.

Lin Feng packed up and drove to Li's house.

At the door of Li's house.

A blue Bugatti Veyron, a beautiful swing brake, parked the car in a fixed parking space.

Then a handsome young man in his twenties stepped out of the car and took off his glasses, revealing a soft face full of collagen.

Who is this person?

It’s Lin Feng!

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the Li family, feeling like he was walking into a tiger's den again.

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