I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 284, Long Family Aotian

"I understand what you said. I'm just feeling a little emotional. This time, all forces have paid too much for me. I don't know if this favor can be repaid. If so, What should I do if I still don’t understand?”

It was rare for Nalan Ruyue to see Lin Feng being so sentimental. At this time, she turned her head and rolled her eyes at Lin Feng in annoyance.

"You, you, if you have always been like this, then you will regret even me helping you. The high-spirited young man back then has become like this because of such a small thing. It is really unreasonable. Bar!"

Nalan Ruyue's eyes were staring straight at Lin Feng. At this moment, after Lin Feng heard what Nalan Ruyue said, he couldn't help but be stunned. A moment later, he couldn't help but wrinkle slightly. frown.

"What Sister Nalan said is indeed true. In fact, I still blame me for this matter, but you can't blame me entirely. After all, that guy seems to be more hateful!"

Of course Nalan Ruyue knew what Lin Feng meant: "You have never told me what happened that day, how about you tell me today?"

After Lin Feng heard Nalan Ruyue say this, some complex colors flashed in his eyes. After struggling for a moment, he still chose to join Nalan Ruyue and drag out what happened that day.

When Nalan Ruyue heard Lin Feng tell this story, her pupils suddenly enlarged, and a bit of confusion flashed in her eyes.

"You said that man died in front of you in the end, and that his sister's disappearance was related to Shi Ming?"

After Lin Feng heard what Nalan Ruyue said, he couldn't help but nodded slightly, and some complicated colors flashed in his eyes.

"What you said is half true. I also think that person seems a bit weird!"

"This doesn't look like a conspiracy, but it sounds like a conspiracy. I can't explain it clearly, I can't understand it, I can't figure it out, and I can't explain it clearly!"

At this moment, after Lin Feng heard Nalan Ruyue say this, he seemed to suddenly remember something. He turned his head and glanced at Nalan Ruyue, and finally the others smiled like this .

"I think maybe all this is just a coincidence. It's just that this coincidence is a bit bizarre and a bit elusive. Other than that, he doesn't have any other explanation. What do you think?"

Nalan Ruyue nodded slightly: "Maybe it's because that guy has been suppressed by life for too long that he is like this. Otherwise, he would not be able to end his life so hastily. After all, no matter how much money he has, You can’t buy a life either!”

After Lin Feng heard what Nalan Ruyue said, some complex colors flashed in his eyes. At this time, he seemed to suddenly remember something, and turned his head towards Nalan Ruyue. Take a look here.

"I think I figured it out!"

After Nalan Ruyue heard what Lin Feng said, a bit of complexity seemed to flash in her eyes: "What do you understand?"

Lin Feng smiled slightly: "I understand what is going on!"

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he suddenly walked forward.

After Nalan Ruyue saw Lin Feng being so resolute, she couldn't help but shook her head and smiled. A somewhat teasing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he looked forward with a burning gaze, flashing in his eyes. A bit strange.

"I hope so. I hope you really understand it instead of pretending. There are some things that I can't say more about. It's best for you to know, that's all!"

After Nalan Ruyue said this, she couldn't help turning her head and glanced towards Lin Feng. Some complicated colors flashed in her eyes. At this moment, Lin Feng also subconsciously looked towards Nalan Ruyue. Glancing over here, the two people looked at each other. After a moment, Lin Feng suddenly laughed like this.

After Nalan Ruyue saw Lin Feng's smile, a bit of confusion flashed in her eyes, and then she couldn't help but frown slightly: "What are you laughing at?"

At this time, Lin Feng just raised his eyebrows slightly: "Guess what I'm laughing at? There's a prize for guessing it right!"

Nalan Ruyue rolled her eyes at Lin Feng angrily: "I know you are glib. If you are so glib, then I will ignore you!"

Lin Feng laughed: "You are really cute, you are very different from the rumors outside!"

After Nalan Ruyue heard Lin Feng say this, she suddenly smiled. She turned her head and glanced at Lin Feng, and then she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly.

"Then tell me, what are the differences between me and the rumors?"

Nalan Ruyue's eyes were blazing, and at this time, after Lin Feng heard what Nalan Ruyue said, he just thought for a moment: "You are not as cold as the rumors in the outside world!"

At this moment, Nalan Ruyue was stunned after hearing Lin Feng's words. After a moment, she couldn't help but shook her head and smiled: "Maybe outsiders are wrong? What kind of personality do I have? It's just me and me. People close to you know, don’t they?”

Nalan Ruyue's eyes were staring straight at Lin Feng, with some special colors flashing in her eyes. At this time, after hearing Nalan Ruyue's words, Lin Feng only raised his eyebrows slightly. He raised his eyebrows, then nodded slightly.

"What you said is half true, and it is indeed the case. The evaluations of others cannot be considered evaluations. Only the evaluations of those close to you can be counted. My sister is living a transparent life!"

After Nalan Ruyue heard Lin Feng's words, she also covered her face and let out a giggle.

At this time, Lin Feng saw Nalan Ruyue, smiling like a flower, and couldn't help but feel a bit emotional in his eyes.

When Nalan Ruyue saw Lin Feng like this, her eyes were fixed on Lin Feng. There seemed to be a bit of amusement and a bit of teasing in her eyes.

"What's wrong? Looking at you looking worried, did you remember something?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "I want to thank my sister this time. I just don't know what the discussion on this matter will be like tomorrow?"

Nalan Ruyue was also stunned at that time. After a moment, she turned her head and glanced towards Lin Feng.

"Don't worry, no matter what, my sister can still do it to save your life!"

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