I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 286: It’s not easy anymore

At this time, after Lin Tian heard what the old man said, some complex colors flashed in his eyes. At this time, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

"But later on, most of these people ended up badly, because they didn't know how to adapt to the situation, because they didn't know how to flatter, and because most of them didn't know how to retire after success, so most of them ended up bad!"

After the old man heard what Lin Tian said, he was stunned, while the young man next to him suddenly took a step forward.

"Don't talk nonsense. Some people are too proud and arrogant, so they will inevitably end up like that in the end. They can't blame others. They blame themselves for not being born with that fate!"

After the old man heard what the young man said, he turned his head and glared coldly at the young man.

"Ao Tianxiu is so rude. Those people back then were not worthy of your evaluation. They were the backbone of the country. Without them, we might not be what we are now. They are all heroes, but I am not. I am greedy and fearful. Die, so I’m still alive!”

At this moment, after Lin Feng heard what the old man said, he felt some good feelings in his heart for no reason. At this moment, after Long Aotian heard what Long Xuantian said, something flashed in his eyes. Divided into complex colors.

"Grandpa, you are a hero, you are a meritorious official, you will be remembered forever, how can they compare with you!"

Everyone only heard a snapping sound, and then there were five bright red fingerprints on Long Aotian's face. Long Aotian covered his face, and there was a kind of difficulty in his eyes. With a look of confidence, he stared straight at Long Xuantian, with a bit of unwillingness in his eyes.

"Grandpa, what do you mean?"

"Heroes cannot be insulted by you. From now on, you must remember that no matter where you go, you must respect those heroes, even if they are enemies. This is the rule of our Long family. As the eldest grandson of the Long family, you should abide by it. If there is a next time, I will be expelled from the Long family directly and I will not take it lightly!"

There was quite a bit of unwillingness in Long Aotian's eyes, but at this time he still nodded slightly.

After Lin Feng saw this scene, he was in awe of Mr. Long.

At this time, in the distance, Murong Kong's eyes were staring directly at the people in front of him. His eyes had never moved away from Lin Feng from the beginning to the end. At this time, he also nodded with satisfaction. .

"Yes, what this little guy said is true. I didn't expect that this little guy's eloquence could be so good. With just a few words, he could defeat the arrogant Long Xuantian. It's really amazing. It seems like this The bet was made right, and this boy will definitely achieve extraordinary things in the future!"

Murong Fu on the side had a look of disbelief in his eyes after hearing his grandfather say this. You must know that his grandfather has always been very proud and has never had such a high opinion of others. .

Murong Fu's eyes stared straight at Mr. Murong, a bit of confusion flashed in his eyes, and then he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

"No, grandpa, I always feel that although this guy's eloquence is somewhat reasonable and he can speak reasonably, he is still a little bit behind after all. His personality is too extreme, especially when it comes to treating women. I'm afraid he is a little too uncool. Son!"

Murong Fu's eyes were blazing, and his eyes were fixed on Lin Feng. At this time, old man Murong heard what he said. After Murong Fu said this, the corner of his mouth curled up with a bit of joking. smile.

"What do you know, you little kid? Great skills are as clumsy as clumsy, great ambitions are invisible, great feelings are supreme, great skills are just coming into existence. Some things are neither clear nor clear. You, there are so many things you need to know. Very good!"

At this moment, after Murong Fu heard what Murong Kong said, he nodded softly and smiled: "Grandpa taught you very well, the boy knows it!"

At this time, Murong Kong nodded slightly, with a few complex colors flashing in his eyes, and then he said no more.

"Now it's time for the two of us to go on stage. All the guests are here, and the host is not here yet. Let's spread the word and make people laugh!"

Murong Kong nodded slightly, with a strange color in his eyes.

After the shell was broken, Murong Fu supported Murong Kong and walked over. After Long Aotian saw the two of them, his face was obviously a little unhappy. At this time, he was headless. In this way, it became wrinkled.

"How ridiculous!"

At this moment, Murong Kong, who had long been unhappy with Long Aotian, just snorted like this. At this time, Murong Fu who was on the side after hearing Long Aotian's cold snort, his face became bright, and he also suddenly It became ugly, and he just glanced coldly at Long Aotian, with a bit of coldness flashing in his eyes.

"Boy, what do you mean? Are you deliberately looking for trouble?"

At this time, Murong Kong turned around and glared at Murong Fu coldly: "Don't mess around here. If you don't look at this place, it's not your turn to act wild here. Get out of here quickly!"

At this time, after Murong Kong heard what Murong Kong said, Murong Fu also opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but when the words reached his lips, he swallowed them back. In the end, Murong Fu Fu's eyes were filled with a kind of fire.

At this time, Long Aotian's eyes were staring at Murong Kong, with a hint of contempt in his eyes. There was even a hint of disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth, and there seemed to be a twinkle in his eyes. It got a little cold.

Murong Fu could only feel himself burning with anger, but his old man had just said so, and he couldn't get angry at all, so he could only endure it.

Long Xuantian took a step forward. He stood in front of Murong Kong. The two old men stood opposite each other. After all, they were the ones who had been in high positions for a long time. Although both of them had a vague smile on their faces, everything Everyone can see that this smile seems a bit far-fetched.

At this moment, Murong Kong seemed to have remembered something, and he casually made a gesture of invitation: "Just now, people remembered the wrong time, so they served the food and wine in advance. I guess you shouldn't." Will you mind?"

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