I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 308: There is someone up there

"I used a very big connection above to find out that there are people in the Long Group, and there is more than one big shot."

Lin Feng filled himself with wine and drank it all in one gulp: "No matter who is above him, if he dares to touch my family, I will have to kill her. Just support me when the time comes."

"What do you mean by this? If you want to destroy it, you must root it out."

Then he took out a small black notebook from his pocket and handed it to Lin Feng, saying: "The police are really not good enough. I have used all my connections to get you this auxiliary police certificate."

Lin Feng glanced at him excitedly and quickly took it: "This is enough, it can save me a lot of trouble."

"Dong dong"

There were two knocks on the door. Yang Xu quickly stood up and smiled at Lin Feng: "The person I introduced to you is here."

Then a middle-aged man with a straight upper body walked in. He was not very handsome, but he had a heroic look in his brows. Every step he took was almost the same distance. He looked like he was a soldier.

"This man's name is Li Bin. He was once a comrade who was born and died with me. He is now the police chief of City H."

After Yang Xu brought him in, he introduced Lin Feng, and then introduced Lin Feng to him.

Lin Feng stood up, the two shook hands and looked at each other with a smile.

After Li Bin sat down, he looked at Lin Feng with a smile and went straight to the point: "Are you sure?"

"They're just a bunch of shady rats!"

Li Bin nodded seriously: "You are courageous, but this Long Group has countless shady black industries. It is really a cancer in our H City. I wanted to investigate it when I took office, but there are always people above. A hindrance."

Lin Feng stood up and said: "The help I can provide you is really limited. Many things depend on your help. I will do my best to help you investigate these things."

He didn't know Lin Feng's identity at all, but he heard from Yang Xu that his skills were surprisingly good, so he privately concluded that Lin Feng might be a veteran of some special forces.

"Okay, if you want to know anything, feel free to check it out. As long as I can bear it, I will definitely give you the greatest help."

The three of them chatted happily, and there was a feeling that they had met so late. It wasn't until Lin Feng's cell phone rang and Shen Qingxue called him to go home that Lin Feng realized that it was getting late. He said goodbye to the two of them and took a taxi home. .

After Lin Feng left, Li Bin turned to his face and asked with some worry: "Xiao Xu, you are so vouching for him with me, are you really sure that he can help us eradicate the Long Group?"

Yang Xu smiled faintly: "Then what can we do? The superiors are not allowed to investigate at all. Even my parents were kidnapped, and this Long Aotian was able to suppress it. It is really too rampant. Our current breakthrough is with this Lin Feng on the body."

"Master, you can just find a random intersection in front and park your car."

Lin Fengtou leaned out of the window, smiled, got out of the car and walked on the road very coolly. Without even thinking about it, he must be one of Long Aotian's men.

"These people are really haunted. It seems we can't let them go this time!"

Lin Feng walked into a small alley and waited for them to come over. He didn't want to lure such a group of people to the door of his house. It would be better to deal with them on the spot.

"Brother Tiger, look, that kid has entered the alley, our chance has come."

The man who was called Brother Tiger had yellow hair like withered grass and was thin. His exposed skin was covered with tattoos, giving him a nondescript feeling.

Brother Hu is Long Aotian's gold medal master with ruthless methods. In order to protect Long Aotian, he chopped dozens of people with a machete, and was later entrusted with important tasks by Long Aotian.

This person has always been extremely arrogant and looked down upon no one. He was not involved in pornography, gambling or drugs. Later, because he offended a certain big shot, he defected to Long Aotian when he was desperate. Over the years, he relied on Long Aotian to do everything he could. He has done many bad things and is also a notorious person on the road.

Almost as soon as Lin Feng stepped into the alley, Brother Hu and dozens of his younger brothers were already rushing toward Lin Feng, huffing and puffing. Dozens of people blocked the alley tightly.

"It's so damn slow, hurry up, come together, I'm in a hurry."

Lin Feng put his hands in his pockets and glanced around with squinted eyes, showing naked contempt.

"I heard that a group of Liu San's younger brothers fell under your control. So it seems that you are also a trainee?"

Brother Tiger said, and his younger brother pulled out a half-meter-long knife, shining with a cold light.

"Last time he showed kindness and didn't kill you. Does Long Aotian really think I'm easy to bully? Does he provoke me again and again?"

He said and walked slowly towards Brother Hu.

"Brother, I think there is something wrong with this person's brain, so I won't bother you. I can take care of it with a few brothers."

A younger brother volunteered, raised his long knife, waved his hand, and four gangsters came out, holding long knives and pressing towards Lin Feng.

Brother Hu nodded. Zeng Liusan's men told him that he had a gun in his hand, and he didn't dare to go there rashly. He just let a few younger brothers explore the truth, and he felt at ease.

Lin Feng had already returned the gun to Yang Xu at the dinner table today, but even without the gun, these gangsters were no different from bugs in his eyes. He didn't care at all. After all, the martial arts given to him by the system were not Kidding.

"Bye now!"

The gangster at the head had already arrived in front of Lin Feng, swung his knife and slashed at Lin Feng's neck without holding back at all. He wanted to kill Lin Feng as soon as he struck.

As soon as he finished shouting, the other four gangsters also wielded knives and slashed at Lin Feng from all directions. The corners of Brother Hu's mouth raised as he looked at Lin Feng who was about to be torn into pieces.

Before he landed, the gangster felt as if his chest had hit a wall. There was a click in his chest, and he flew seven or eight meters away. He vomited blood and fell into a pool of blood. A large piece of his chest was dented. He was breathing heavily like a broken bellows, and he was about to die.

The other four gangsters were not much better. Each of them felt a shadow passing by, and a huge force came from a certain point on their body, like a huge boulder, accompanied by the crisp sound of bone cracking. They all flew out.

Before Brother Hu could even react to what was going on, a fist hit him hard on the door of his face. The night in front of him seemed to be upside down, and there was a buzzing sound in his ears. He got up from the ground with difficulty. , shook his head, "Wow" he opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood, which was also mixed with three or five white teeth. Brother Hu covered his cheeks and lay on the ground groaning.

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