I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 314: Jiang Li is entangled

Finally, after struggling with his thoughts for dozens of minutes, Lin Feng sighed and drove away, leaving behind a bright taillight.

"Damn it, I'm really just a pig!"

Lin Feng was about to cry because he was so stupid. He was busy taking revenge on Long Aotian today. He didn't even notice that his car was out of gas. After the car's gasoline light flashed twice, it was out of gas!

Lin Feng was speechless. Fortunately, his car was parked near a villa area. Lin Yun wanted to take a taxi there, but after walking for several minutes, he didn't see a taxi.

After using his mobile phone to call a taxi and explaining the location to the driver, he arrived at the bus stop in ten minutes. Lin Feng looked at his mobile phone and saw that it should be here.

Just when Lin Feng was about to find the location, his phone dinged and turned off.

"It's wonderful, it's wonderful."

Lin Feng usually doesn't play with his mobile phone very much, so he doesn't pay much attention to the power of his mobile phone. He is used to charging it before going to bed and using it in the morning. As a result, his mobile phone lasted for a whole day and he retired honorably.

Lin Feng wandered around here and finally saw Jiang Li in a convenience store.

She was wearing a light blue skirt today, carrying a black canvas bag slung across her body, and was sitting there, looking graceful.

Under the light, her black and shiny hair rested naturally on her shoulders. Her bright eyes and white teeth were quite beautiful.

"Uh, Miss Jiang." Lin Feng went up to say hello.

When Jiang Li saw Lin Feng, a look flashed in his eyes, he stood up and said, "You're here!"

The two people walked out of the store, and Lin Feng asked: "Where is the person following you?"

"I don't know. I was too scared just now. I hid in the convenience store in a hurry and didn't pay attention to where he went."

Jiang Li looked around and didn't find the stalker.

"In that case, I'll take you home."

Lin Feng paused and said with some embarrassment: "My car is out of gas and parked on the side of the road. My mobile phone was also turned off just now."

Jiang Li was obviously stunned when he heard this. He picked up the phone and pressed the power button several times, but there was no response.

The two people stared at each other.

"Wait a minute, I should have money in my bag!"

Jiang Li, who suddenly realized that he was still carrying a bag, quickly unzipped the backpack and rummaged through it, but couldn't find a cent...

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh"

After Jiang Li poured out everything in the bag, there was still nothing...

Lin Feng's mind is filled with dark thoughts, what kind of magical luck is this!

"found it!"

Jiang Li exclaimed and finally found two one-yuan coins in the outermost bag of his backpack.

Because this place is near an industrial park, the buses leave relatively late. It’s past midnight and the station is still overcrowded.

After the bus came, all the people waiting for the bus rushed in.

"How about waiting for the next trip?"

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Jiang Li pointed to the departure time on the bus stop sign. This turned out to be the last bus...

With no choice, Jiang Li frowned and squeezed into the car, but her figure was too thin and she was embarrassed to be too rude.

After squeezing for a few times, I finally got on the bus. I was stunned as I swayed with the crowd, not knowing what to do.

"I finally found you. Why am I thinking that I won't be able to see you tonight?"

After saying that, he got into the car with all his strength, and soon he squeezed in behind Jiang Li, with a lewd smile on his face, and Jiang Li looked at him for help.

Lin Feng didn't know where the anger came from, and it kept rising. Lin Feng's strength was amazing. He strode inside. Before the others could figure out what was going on, they were forced to move aside by a huge force. The crowd Lin Feng quickly opened a passage and squeezed in quickly.

As soon as the driver saw that the car was full of people, he was about to close the door. Lin Feng held him in place. The huge force made the car door creak. Lin Feng didn't say a word and held the car with his other hand. Like a dead dog, he grabbed the gangster behind Jiang Li and kicked him out. He let go and the car door was closing.

"How did I get caught up with you?"

Lin Feng walked to Jiang Li and asked.

"How do I know? You just followed me as I walked."

Jiang Li muttered softly.

In the car, the two of them continued chatting without any topic, each had their own concerns.

Lin Feng was more direct, looking out the window with dull eyes. She seemed to have seen Shen Qingxue's furious face through the moonlight.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng even shuddered. Now she probably wouldn't let herself go home after staying out all night. She might as well consider the park benches with shorter gaps between the planks, making it more comfortable to sleep on. Bar.

At the traffic light intersection, the car suddenly stopped. Jiang Li fell directly on Lin Feng. The sudden embrace made Lin Feng feel secretly happy, but at the same time he felt unnatural. Shen Qingxue's figure suddenly appeared in front of him. in mind.

The faint fragrance made Lin Feng feel ripples in his heart. He was a little fanciful and inexplicably thought of what happened that night.

Jiang Li is outstanding both in terms of figure and appearance. He has a slim and well-proportioned figure and a quiet and gentle temperament.

Lin Feng, who is 1.82 meters tall, is half a head taller than Jiang Li. Looking from his angle, you can clearly see her smooth and beautiful hair. Under the white jade neck, you can vaguely see a thin line. Sew...

Jiang Li didn't know why, but she felt an inexplicable sense of security when she was squeezed into Lin Feng's arms. She gradually became sleepy and fell asleep in a daze.

The sudden heavy pressure from the weapon made Lin Feng stunned. He looked down and saw Jiang Li dozing off in his arms. He was about to lose support and fall down. Lin Feng suddenly stretched out an arm and hugged him from behind. After seeing her, Jiang Li could clearly feel his delicate body trembling, but there was no further reaction.

As more and more passengers got off the train, the car gradually became empty. The driver also became a little sleepy and chatted with Lin Feng.

"Young man, you are so lucky to have found such a beautiful girlfriend."

"No, no, she's not..."

Lin Feng just wanted to quibble. He was lying in his arms now, so what nonsense was there?

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't speak, the driver started talking to himself.

"You two have to be very tired from get off work after getting off work so late. As men, you have to support your family after all. It doesn't matter if you are tired, but you can't let your daughter suffer along with you."

Lin Feng remained silent. He seemed to have never asked Jiang Li what she did for work. She must be a strong woman after getting off work so late.

"Young man, at which stop do you get off?"

Lin Feng then remembered that he didn't even know where to get off the car. He was about to ask Jiang Li, but seeing that she was sleeping so soundly in his arms, he felt that he couldn't bear to disturb her.

"Get off at the terminal."

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