I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 316: Just take a good rest

"Sorry, I'll leave right away!"

Lin Feng thought that being here had affected Jiang Li's rest. He took a look at the battery on his phone and saw that it should be enough for him to take a taxi home. He hurriedly picked up his phone and went out.

"No, no, not because of you."

Jiang Li hurriedly stood up and explained: "I accidentally sprained my foot because the company has too many things in the past two days. It really delayed things too much."

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment and said nonchalantly: "Then just ask the company for sick leave."

It's easy to say, considering how much effort I put in to win this project, and I was even dragged over by the chairman to have a drink before I reluctantly accepted it.

"It's not that easy. In a big company like ours, the most important thing is talent. Once I let go, it will be snatched away by others. Wouldn't my long-term efforts be in vain?"

Jiang Li sighed. The company environment is so competitive. If he asks for leave at this time, his superiors will definitely hand over the project to others, and it will be difficult for him to come back by then.

"Who is your chairman? Let me see if I recognize him. I can call him and tell him."

After saying that, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, raised his head and stared at Jiang Li with a smile.

"Ha..." Jiang Li couldn't help but laugh, and the good impression he had just established on Lin Feng disappeared in an instant. Although the Liu Group is not one of the top big companies in H City, it is definitely not comparable to some ordinary companies. Maybe Lin Feng has some small achievements, but she never thinks that Lin Feng can compete with the Liu Group. The chairman of the group has contacts.

She also holds a high-level position in the company. She has only met the company's chairman Liu Tianlong a few times, not to mention Lin Feng, an outsider. I seem to have already predicted what Lin Feng wants to do next. I'm sure He would pretend to pick up his phone and search through his address book, and then make a helpless expression.

Jiang Li shook his head. He had always thought that Lin Feng was a gentle and honest person. Unexpectedly, he had mistaken the person.

"Liu Tianlong, do you know him?" She began to feel disgusted with Lin Feng from the bottom of her heart, and said calmly with an expressionless face.

As she expected, Lin Feng looked through the address book on his phone very seriously, and then pretended to make a call.

"You look pretty good, but I'd like to see how long you can keep pretending."

Jiang Li was just about to get up to see off the guests, but unexpectedly she saw Lin Feng actually making a call. She was watching Lin Feng from the side to see how long he could keep pretending.

"Hey, who is it?"

What Jiang Li didn't expect was that the call actually got through, and the person on the other side of the phone spoke in a tone that was definitely that of his boss.

"I, Lin Feng."

Lin Feng said calmly, without any fluctuation in his tone.

"Lin Feng? Boss Lin! It turns out to be you. Your tone sounds so familiar to me. Why are you asking me so late?"

Liu Tianlong's tone was extremely excited, and the tone of his speech increased a bit unconsciously.

You must know that the Lin Group is also one of the top big companies in H City. My group has long wanted to cooperate with him, but they don't like me at all. After several discussions with no results, I had to give up. I didn't expect it to be so late. Lin The chairman of the group actually called me, saying that the negotiation he had some time ago had results.

"That's right, I want to ask you to do me a favor?"

Lin Feng said to Liu Tianlong with a smile.

"Ah...I can definitely help Boss Lin with whatever you need, just tell me."

Liu Tianlong was a little excited. The famous chairman of the Lin Group actually asked him for help. This favor must be sold. Doesn't this mean that he has a chance to be listed on this big group's list.

Lin Feng hummed, and then said calmly: "Does your company have someone who works with Jiang Li? She accidentally injured her foot. I want to take her to ask for a leave from you. Is it suitable?"

At this time, Jiang Li was a little confused. She didn't expect that Lin Feng actually knew Liu Tianlong, and judging from his tone, he seemed to respect Lin Feng quite a bit. She couldn't believe it. You must know that the chairman's temper in the company is notoriously bad. Last time she called Liu Tianlong in the middle of the night because she had something urgent, and she was almost scolded to death.

But now... Liu Tianlong seems to be a fine person, and he still has a lot of flattery towards Lin Feng's tone.


Liu Tianlong didn't react for a while. He didn't expect that Lin Feng would call him in the middle of the night because of such a trivial matter.

"Why...is it inconvenient?"

Lin Feng asked.

"It's convenient and convenient, of course it's convenient. You let her have a good rest at home, and she can rest for as many days as she wants."

The other party promised again and again that he would have as much fun as he wanted.

"Okay, Jiang Li happens to be by my side. I'll give her the phone and you tell her. I'm afraid she won't believe it."

As Lin Feng spoke, he handed the phone to Jiang Li. Before Jiang Li could react from the shock, he subconsciously took the phone and put it to his ear.

"Jiang Li, did you hurt your sprain? You have a good rest at home. You can stay for as many days as you want. I'll count it as your paid leave. If you still want to do that project, I'll keep it for you. If you don't want to, I'll keep it for you. If you do, I will replace it with a better one for you. No, if you want to do that project, just come back and tell me."

Liu Tianlong said to Jiang Li in an amiable tone.

Jiang Li was a little stunned, but subconsciously agreed, looking at Lin Feng in disbelief, and handed the phone to Lin Feng blankly.

"Boss Lin, is there anything else? Should I promote her again?"

Liu Tianlong asked diligently.

"It's okay, it's okay. There's no need for that. Just take care of me in the company from now on. I'm sorry to bother you."

After a few polite words, he hung up the phone.

Liu Tianlong on the other side was thinking about the meaning of taking care of me more in the last sentence. He glanced at the time and felt a thump in his heart.

At such a time period, and Jiang Li is right next to her, doesn't that mean...

Liu Tianlong panicked and had no sleep at all. If Jiang Li was really Lin Feng's girlfriend, then if she told Lin Feng that he had drugged her wine some time ago, not only himself, but also the entire Liu Group would be affected. I couldn’t eat and walked around.

Of course, Lin Feng didn't think that much and just said it casually. Unexpectedly, both of them had already taken it into their hearts.

Jiang Li also came back to his senses, his face was red, he was a little angry, a little curious, and there was a hint of joy in his heart... Lin Feng called Liu Tianlong so late, and in the last sentence he said "take care of me," Is this showing his identity to Liu Tianlong?

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