I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 327: What kind of trick is this?

"Ha... OK, if you have anything to do, tell me immediately."

Lin Feng became interested, took off his gloves and threw them into the trash can. He sat on a chair and wanted to see what he wanted to do.

Ye Tian breathed a sigh of relief, his tense heart relaxed, and he continued.

"Actually, there have been many misunderstandings between us. The threats to your family were indeed not done by me, but Long Aotian forced me to do so. I was really helpless."

"Stop fucking talking to me. You think I don't even know about the nasty and dirty things you do. You are not a good person. If you fart, hurry up and get out."

Ye Tian was always talking about cheating, and Lin Feng didn't know what kind of style he was smoking today.

"Lin Feng, I think we had a lot of misunderstandings before. I really came here to apologize to you sincerely. I just want to resolve the misunderstandings we had before."

Ye Tian's words immediately confused Lin Feng.

Misunderstand? Lin Feng looked at Ye Tian with great interest. He didn't know whether this guy took the wrong medicine or was hit by a car when he went out. Why was he babbling so much? He had done so many things before and the two of them had already been fighting to the death. Why did he suddenly have a misunderstanding with himself? No, this Ye Tian must have wanted to express something else.

"Misunderstanding, is it a bad idea to let Long Aotian tie up my wife? I have long wanted you to kill Long Aotian. Do you still want to reconcile with me about this kind of thing?" Lin Fengsi said He looked at Ye Tian with a smile, "Okay, if you have anything, tell me quickly, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

"Actually, I have something very important to tell you, otherwise I wouldn't have come all the way here."

Ye Tian said mysteriously.

"You are talking nonsense to me. Believe it or not, I will throw you downstairs."

Lin Feng frowned, not wanting to talk nonsense to him, so he went up to pick up his collar.

"You know, I work with Mr. Long. I came to you this time without telling him."

Ye Tian lowered his voice and said: "You know that Long Aotian wants to kill you, but all the people sent to kill you have been dealt with by you, right." He continued: "He wants to take away the people around you. Take action to achieve your goal."

"According to what you mean, you ran away from Long Aotian again, right?"

Lin Feng said calmly, and at the same time secretly wondered who he meant by starting with his important people. Shen Qingxue was unlikely. He was currently being protected by the police. Except for Shen Qingxue, he didn't seem to have a deep relationship with anyone else. Intersection.

"I took a big risk to tell you this time. If Long Aotian finds out, he will definitely not let me go."

Ye Tian said worriedly Zhongzhong.

"You mean Jiang Li?"

Lin Feng suddenly thought of Jiang Li.

No, Jiang Li had changed places. How could they know his new residence? He also called Yang Xu this morning and asked Yang Xu to send a few people to look at it.

"I can only tell you this much. I have to go back first, otherwise it will be troublesome to arouse Long Aotian's suspicion."

After saying that, he turned around and prepared to leave.


He stopped Long Aotian, trying to get some clues from his face. After studying him for a long time, he still looked frightened, and couldn't see anything different.

"get out."

Lin Feng was really confused. Since this Ye Tian came to look for him and was either raping or stealing, there was no way he could do anything good, but how could he be so kind-hearted all of a sudden?

"By the way, look at my brain, I forgot to give you this."

Ye Tian opened the door and exposed half of his head, and carefully handed a piece of paper to Lin Feng. Although the handwriting was scrawled, the content on it was still vaguely legible.

"Abandoned construction site at the end of Chunfeng Avenue."

Lin Feng frowned, feeling that there was something fishy here. Seeing the night cover, he took out his mobile phone and called Jiang Li. After a few beeps, the call was finally connected.

"Jiang Li, are you at home now? Don't run around tonight. I'll come find you in a minute."

There was no response from the other side of the phone, and a faint whine could be heard. Lin Feng understood immediately that it was broken.

"Lin Feng, right..."

The person who answered the phone was not Jiang Li, but a gloomy male voice.

"Fuck you, you're one of Long Aotian's again, right? If you have anything to do, can you come at me? Why are you always picking on the people around me?"

As soon as Lin Feng heard this voice, he became angry on the spot and cursed loudly.

"Shut up! Come here quickly and I'll let you watch a good show, hahahaha..."

After the person opposite said these words, he hung up the phone directly. Lin Feng was left furious on the spot. He had never felt such a strong urge to kill someone.

Lin Feng made a quick decision, picked up the car keys on the table, started the car, stepped on the accelerator crazily, and drove towards the Chunfeng Road.

The first person to arrive after receiving the news was Liu Tianlong. He received the message from Ye Tian and asked him to hurry over. As soon as he saw the message, he knew that Ye Tian had succeeded and rushed there without stopping.

The first person Liu Tianlong saw when he rushed to the abandoned construction site was a middle-aged man with a feminine appearance.

"Heilang, right? Ye Tian asked me to come here."

Liu Tianlong could also clearly feel intuitively that this Black Wolf was definitely a murderer without blinking an eye. Just a glance at him made him shiver.


Hei Lang just glanced at Liu Tianlong, then turned around and ignored him.

"Brother Black Wolf, where is Jiang Li..."

Seeing that he had no intention of continuing, Liu Tianlong quickly asked. His thoughts were all on Jiang Li now, and he was not interested in other things.

"I was scared to death a long time ago, and I'm in the van now." Hei Lang tilted his head and gestured to an unlicensed van parked not far away. He didn't know where the van was from, and it was covered in rust. , looks like it was plucked from the trash heap.

Liu Tianlong was so excited that he kept rubbing his hands. He couldn't wait to run over. He looked around and wanted to move into the building of the abandoned factory. As soon as he moved up and walked a few steps, he was immediately out of breath from exhaustion.

"I'll help you move it up."

Hei Lang glanced at him, stepped forward, lifted Jiang Li up, and walked upstairs.

It wasn't that he was so kind, but he was afraid that Liu Tianlong would delay his affairs. If Long Aotian hadn't specifically told him to expose this woman in front of Lin Feng, he wouldn't have wanted to waste his efforts.

Although this black wolf looked frail, he walked with a strong sense of rhythm. He carried a person weighing more than 100 kilograms upstairs without blushing or even breathing heavily.

On the other hand, Liu Tianlongkong has a lot of fat all over his body. He has to stop after taking a few steps, which is obviously excessive indulgence.

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