The black wolf screamed strangely, spitting out several large mouthfuls of blood, and his body twitched. However, this black wolf's physique was so strong that he could even get up from the ground. He pointed at Lin Feng with gritted teeth, and was so angry that he could not stop himself. He was shaking violently: "You are cheating."

Lin Feng glanced at him in surprise: "I didn't expect you to be quite strong. I threw you to the ground with all my strength, but I didn't expect you to be able to get up."


With another kick, Hei Lang, who had just barely stood up from the ground, was kicked to the ground by Lin Feng. He vented all the resentment he had accumulated today on Hei Lang.

"How dare you threaten me with the people around me?"

Lin Feng knelt down and gave Hei Lang a hard slap and slapped him across the face: "You don't have any skills and you still want to imitate other people's killers. Are you worthy?"

Black Wolf was lying on the ground, his eyes full of unwillingness and despair. He was ruthless. He clearly planned everything perfectly, but because of his carelessness, he was killed by Lin Feng before even using all his methods. Being plotted against him was a great shame for him as a killer.

Lin Feng kicked a few more times, and Black Wolf rolled his eyes and fainted. Before he passed out, he painfully said to Lin Feng: "You are despicable..."

Lin Feng curled his lips, noncommittal.

He could tell from the beginning that this black wolf's strength was not average. If Lin Feng didn't pretend to be so arrogant at the beginning, even if he faced him, he wouldn't get much benefit, and even if he defeated him, he would still have to work hard.

Jiang Li was in the abandoned building. How could Lin Feng have so much time to spend with him? He had been paying attention to the situation inside the building just now and made sure there was no movement above before he dared to play with Hei Lang for a while.

Unexpectedly, Hei Lang was deceived by his pretended arrogance, otherwise he would not have ended up like this.

Because Lin Feng had too many things to worry about, he didn't dare to kill Hei Lang. However, even so, Hei Lang might not have any chance of being a killer for the rest of his life. Under Lin Feng's all-round and indiscriminate massage, he was completely He became a useless person.

After dealing with the black wolf, Lin Feng quickly searched for traces of Jiang Li in the abandoned floors.

Liu Tianlong here is sitting on the stairs quietly waiting for the effect of the medicine to take effect. Liu Tianlong has been on the street since he was young. He has this unknown problem because he overindulged in sex when he was young. The root cause of the current problem is not doing anything.

Lin Feng was quietly searching from floor to floor and room to room, and finally saw Jiang Li lying there intact in an empty room, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He took a closer look, and under the dim moonlight, he saw that Jiang Li's clothes were still intact. Jiang Li was the only one in the room. He was afraid of a trap, so he squatted outside and observed for a while.

There was no movement, and he didn't have time to mind so many other things. He walked in quietly, picked up Jiang Li, and walked downstairs. When he picked up Jiang Li from the ground, he found that her breathing was a little short. Lin Feng again I had a bad premonition.

Lin Feng had just picked up Jiang Li and walked a few steps when he heard a cursing voice in the darkness: "Damn it, I've been waiting for a long time and there's no reaction at all. Is it because I'm too excited?"

After Lin Feng heard this, without saying a word, he put Jiang Li aside and slapped Liu Tianlong down with a big mouth. Before Liu Tianlong could react, a big foot had already covered his head. Lin Feng He was dragged into a room where he could not see his fingers, and kicked wildly with his feet. Liu Tianlong kept screaming, and Lin Feng quickly felt refreshed. The more he stepped on, the more comfortable he was, until he was finally tired, and then turned around and left.

"Hey, Yang Xu, do you know Black Wolf?"

Lin Feng held Jiang Li while holding his cell phone around his neck to call Yang Xu.

"You know, isn't that man a killer? We have been wanted for many years. What's wrong?"

Yang Xu answered vaguely, and the sound sounded like he was eating.

"It's okay. I caught that black wolf and tied me to a van under the abandoned construction site at the end of Chunfeng Road. You will lead the two of you to get him back later. The credit is all yours. Don't get involved with me."

Lin Feng said lightly.

"What! Did you catch the black wolf?"

Yang Xu jumped up from the stool and exclaimed. The people eating around him were startled by him, and he apologized quickly.

"When did you become such a mother-in-law? Come over quickly, I have something else to do."

After saying that, Lin Feng hung up the phone impatiently. After putting Jiang Li in the car, he tied up the dying black wolf and threw it into the trunk of the van.

"Huh? What is this?"

Lin Feng found a huge boxy black box in the Heilang van. Driven by curiosity, Lin Feng opened the suitcase. The suitcase had a password lock, but it was not completely closed. It seemed that it was black. The wolf is also not completely closed for the convenience of opening.

The moment Lin Feng opened the box, he was absolutely shocked, because lying inside the box was an M110 sniper gun, two sets of scopes and dozens of bullets.

It was obvious that Hei Lang was using this to deal with him. Thinking of this, Lin Feng became frightened.

Hei Lang did originally intend to kill Lin Feng with a gun, but after Lin Feng got out of the car, he felt too arrogant and arrogant, making him mistakenly believe that Lin Feng was not a threat to him. Unexpectedly, he got exactly what he wanted and was killed by Lin Feng. The wind has calmed down.

Lin Feng hesitated for a while, but decided to put the box in the car and wait for Yang Xu to come over and deal with it by himself. After all, if this thing was put in his hands, it would be a big trouble.

The top priority now was to find a quiet place to check on Jiang Li's condition. He was a little worried about whether what Jiang Li had taken would cause any harm to her body.

Not long after the car drove out, Jiang Li started to twist in Lin Feng's passenger seat.

Can't? Lin Feng glanced at Jiang Li in the passenger seat with his peripheral vision. She looked quite uncomfortable now, somewhere between half-conscious and half-conscious.

"Jiang Li...are you okay..."

Lin Feng whispered a few words, and then realized that what he said was pure nonsense.

"Just wait, you'll be home soon."

Lin Feng hurriedly picked up his cell phone and looked for the address of the rented house that Jiang Li sent him.

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