I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 335: Meeting an acquaintance

It was Erica, a former client of the company. At this moment, she was standing helplessly next to a pink sports car.

There were two middle-aged men and women beside her, gesticulating and muttering something, while Erica looked anxious and looked like she was in trouble...

Lin Feng glanced at it. Fortunately, Shen Qingxue had gone far away. Otherwise, if she had to see clearly that she was a beautiful woman, she might have muttered something to herself again.

Although the scene of the car accident was tightly wrapped by three layers inside and outside, it was not difficult for Lin Feng to squeeze in. "Everyone, please step aside a little, and everyone who is not involved should disperse!"

Lin Feng shouted while squeezing forward. The others were a little unhappy at first, but when they heard that the unrelated people stepped back, they all thought that Lin Feng was here to deal with the incident and didn't say anything more. They subconsciously He closed his mouth and took the initiative to move out of the way.

Lin Feng squeezed in relatively smoothly, but there were always old ladies who loved to watch the fun and refused to give way. It took a lot of effort for Lin Feng to get them aside.

In fact, he didn't want to meddle in this kind of business, but who made Erica a big customer of the company? If he helped her this time, he might leave a good impression in her mind.

"I'll make it clear to you today. Don't think that just because you drive a sports car, you can be lawless. If something happens to my dad today, just wait and take him to the police station."

As soon as Lin Feng squeezed into the circle, he saw a middle-aged woman pointing at Erica's nose and scolding her. Erica seemed a little at a loss and explained to the middle-aged woman: "Auntie, what happened today?" , it really wasn’t me who hit it. I just drove here and this old man passed out on his own. Please listen to my explanation..."

Erica explained aggrievedly: "This is a commercial street. How fast can I drive? He really fell down on his own. Before I walked in front of him, he fell down on his own. I don't believe it." See for yourself, my car is still half a meter away from him..."

"What do you mean, do you mean that our old man can still blackmail you? Don't think that just because you drive a broken sports car, you can be lawless. Do you really think that no one can control you?"

The middle-aged woman pinched her waist, refused to give in, and kept chattering.

"Look, it's been three minutes. Why haven't you heard the sound of the ambulance yet? Husband, please make a phone call to urge me. If it doesn't work, call the mayor of City H. Is he still there?" Do you want to do it or not? The ambulance is so slow in the business district. I really don’t know how this hospital is operated..."

The middle-aged woman looked around and urged the middle-aged man next to her.

"Okay, okay, just wait patiently. You can't just say a few words when so many people are watching..."

Seeing that more and more people were busy, his wife was still cursing like a country man. The man seemed to be losing his dignity, so he tried to persuade her.

The middle-aged woman glared at the middle-aged man fiercely and said: "Hey, seeing how pretty this vixen is, you can't bear to part with him? Are you starting to say nice things to outsiders? Are you even ignoring your own father?

"That's enough! Shut up!"

The middle-aged man was obviously a little impatient, and his face was a little sullen, but he still tried his best to restrain himself and did not get angry on the spot.

"What? Now that you are so prosperous, you have forgotten how my family supported you back then? Now that you have some ability, you start to be cruel to your wife. What kind of ability is that?"

As soon as the middle-aged woman heard that the man was hurting her, she immediately turned her gun around. She didn't even bother to scold Erica, she pointed at the middle-aged man and started scolding her.

"You're really going further and further. Look, where are you getting this? In the final analysis, it's not because you and our dad got the wrong medicine. Otherwise, our dad would be lying here now. It's obviously You did something wrong yourself, so why are you constantly criticizing others? What's going on with you?"

The middle-aged man snorted coldly and raised his voice a bit, seeming to be very dissatisfied with his wife.

"What? I've been working for your Wang family for so many years, and now you're talking about me like that in front of so many people!"

Ji Hui's expression changed drastically and she looked quite angry. She raised her hand and grabbed Erica on the side. While grabbing her, she shouted: "Okay, okay, it's all because of this little cousin. Look at me tearing her apart today." It’s over if he doesn’t tear his face apart.”

Erica stretched out her hands in front of her face in fear, curled up like a wounded kitten, and dodged in fear. Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, the slap did not fall, and she opened her eyes in fear. Blinded.

Lin Feng stretched out a hand and grabbed Ji Hui's hand, making him stop in mid-air and unable to fall. He had seen unreasonable women, but he had never seen such unreasonable people. A fierce light flashed in his eyes, although Saying that he wouldn't do something as outrageous as hitting a woman doesn't mean that he doesn't have anger.

"Let go! Let go! Someone is coming! Someone is playing hooligan on the street."

Ji Hui glanced at Lin Feng and shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Okay, stop screaming. Don't you think what happened today is embarrassing enough?"

Wang Chao walked forward, pulled Ji Hui to his side, and looked up at Lin Feng.

"If she really hit someone, she would naturally take responsibility. There is no need for you to yell and embarrass yourself."

Lin Feng glanced at her coldly, and Ji Hui instantly felt a cold air and retreated behind Wang Chao with some fear.

This woman named Ji Hui obviously has an unusual background. Even when Erica drives a sports car, she still makes a lot of noise without restraint. From the big gold chain she wears around her neck, it can be judged that this person's family conditions are quite good. good.

Moreover, she kept talking about calling the director of City H, which can also prove this. Of course, it cannot be completely ruled out that she wanted to take this opportunity to extort more money.

"Who are you? You dare to meddle in my business? Wang Chao, look, he has already beaten me, do you care?"

Ji Hui didn't stop for a while, then she continued to shout.

"Okay little brother, if this woman has nothing to do with you, just rush to the market and leave. You will be held legally responsible for disrupting public order like this."

Wang Chao rolled his eyes at Ji Hui and said.

He also deduced from Lin Feng's famous brand that Lin Feng's background might be unusual. He didn't want to cause any more trouble, so he just signaled for Lin Feng to leave.

"Did I hit her? She made the first move, and I just stopped her. What? Are you just confusing right and wrong like this?"

Lin Feng sneered and retreated to Erica.

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