I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 339: Lin Feng as a shield

After getting out of the car, Lin Feng adjusted the driver's seat to a comfortable position, leaned on it, and looked at the endless flow of people outside the snack street, as well as the numerous small shops, the various incessant hawking sounds, and this bustling scene. It's been a long time since I enjoyed it.

“I really hope I don’t have to work in the future and can go wherever I want to play.”

Lin Feng felt a little emotional. Because he was busy cleaning up Long Aotian, he had not been able to accompany Shen Qingxue for a long time. In the past few days, he had been fighting and killing all day long, but his life was still comfortable now.

"Why are you dazed? I asked you to sleep here?"

Shen Qingxue rolled her eyes at Lin Feng angrily, opened the car door, and walked out.

"Okay, okay, get down right away, get down right away."

Lin Fengpidianpidian followed Shen Qingxue slowly.

The air in the snack street is mixed with all kinds of messy food aromas and all kinds of oil fumes. The air quality is far less good than that outside the suburbs, but Lin Feng is quite enjoying this kind of life now.

When can I put down my work and spend all day shopping, eating snacks, and watching movies with Shen Qingxue? It's fascinating to think about it.

"Honey, I want to eat that."

Shen Qingxue pointed to the squid stall and said coquettishly to Lin Feng.

"No problem, no problem, I'll buy it for you right away"

Lin Feng went over to queue up. Looking at the queue that was more than ten meters long, Lin Feng was a little dumbfounded for a moment. He cast a look at Shen Qingxue asking for help, indicating whether he wanted to go next time. However, Shen Qingxue turned a blind eye and ran to another stall to queue up.

Lin Feng carried a handful of squid and walked out, looking for traces of Shen Qingxue in the endless flow of people. At the end of the snack street, he saw her sitting in front of a shop selling cold skin, holding a bowl of cold skin. She was eating enthusiastically, the bowl was red, obviously a lot of chili peppers were put in it, and Shen Qingxue was sticking out her tongue from the spicy food.

Seeing Lin Feng walking over with the squid, Shen Qingxue was not polite. She took the squid from Lin Feng's hand, handed the cold noodles to Lin Feng, stuck out her tongue and said, "Hurry up and buy me a drink."

Lin Feng took a bite of the cold skin, but before he could sit down, he said, "Honey, why don't you wait until I finish eating?"

"No, no, it's too spicy. Go quickly."

Lin Feng held the cold skin and hung his head, reluctantly looking for a stall selling drinks on the street.

After a while, Lin Feng came back with two glasses of juice. Shen Qingxue was holding a bunch of squid and happily eating it. There were some unknown people around here, so Shen Qingxue was very relaxed today and didn't want to be normal. Then lady, this eating appearance is also much more vigorous.

Passing the drink to Shen Qingxue, Lin Feng also felt a little hungry. He looked around and saw a Chaos stall not far away: "I'm going to have a bowl of Chaos, should I order one for you too? Wife."

"No, no, I still need to lose weight. I can't eat too much, otherwise I will get fat easily. You go ahead and eat."

Shen Qingxue was happily chewing the pig's trotters in her hand, her mouth was full of oil. Lin Feng glanced at the squid scattered on the table. He must be thirty if not fifty, and made a face at him. Sure enough, women are all duplicitous. biology.

"Boss, bring me a bowl of Chaos. I'm hungry. Please hurry up."

Lin Feng found a small table not far from Shen Qingxue and sat down, shouting to the boss.

"Okay, okay, get off now."

When the boss heard someone saying hello, he quickly responded with a smile, took out the wrapped Chaos from the refrigerator, and started drinking it.

Lin Feng ate several snacks, but in the end he was still not as full as a bowl of wontons. When he was a child, his favorite was the wontons made by his mother.

While eating wontons, I glanced at Shen Qingxue from the corner of my eye. I saw that she had finished chewing the pig's trotters in her hands and ran to the mushroom stall. She hesitated for a moment, maybe thinking about whether to buy it. After hesitating for a while, , still holding the fried mushroom skewers, sat down next to Lin Feng.

Haha, Lin Feng touched Shen Qingxue's bulging cheeks and couldn't help laughing.

"Laugh, laugh your ass off."

Shen Qingxue slapped Lin Feng's hand away and handed Lin Feng a few strings of fried mushrooms.

After drinking and eating, the two of them strolled around and bought a few small items at the night market, then planned to go home.

Lin Feng was still carrying a lot of things behind Shen Qingxue. Shen Qingxue wanted to drive on a whim. She took out the car keys from Lin Feng's pocket and walked in front. She was about to pick up the car, but without thinking, she frowned and her face He was a little embarrassed: "Who parked this car? Why are the driving skills worse than mine?"

Lin Feng didn't know what was going on, so he quickly ran over to check. His car was surrounded by several cars at the moment. However, those cars didn't look very high-end. They were all ordinary models. But from then on, It’s easy to tell from the exaggerated exhaust pipes at the back and the fancy paintwork that these are modified cars, and the best car is just an Audi TT.

Lin Feng drove Shen Qingxue's Audi S6 when he went out today. Compared with his own car, these cars were still a bit inferior.

Seeing the car owner coming back, a group of fashionably dressed young guys with colorful hair were walking swaying towards this side with a cool pace.

When those young men saw that Lin Feng and Shen Qingxue were so young, they thought he was a college student. The red-haired boy in the lead whistled. Lin Feng looked at the people coming and going around him and suppressed the anger in his heart, otherwise With their arrogant looks, they would have been slapped with a big mouth.

"Is this your car?"

Lin Feng glanced lightly at the group of young people coming over. He knew without thinking that they had surrounded his car and were waiting for him here. Otherwise, how could they have surrounded him as soon as he came back.

"Brother, does this car belong to you?"

A young man in leather clothes came up, looked at the s6 parked on the roadside, and asked Lin Feng.

"Move your car quickly!"

Lin Feng lowered his face and ordered, completely ignoring what the young man said.

Lin Feng really felt a bit bitter. He had just bought a sportswear and wore it, making them mistakenly think that he was of the same age. Otherwise, they would have driven away long ago. Lin Feng was not easy to get angry. After all, he was the same. No adult can get along with these little kids.

"Wow, you're so cute!"

One of the girls with purple hair, wearing a miniskirt and small leather boots pushed the young man in front of him away and said: "Isn't it just an S6? It's like who can't afford it, it's up to you. The car is the latest model and I want to talk to you..."

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