I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 364: Wrong information

Lin Feng thought to himself, could it be that Huang Shen deceived me with false information? Thinking about it, it would not do him any good, so there is another possibility that the information he gave was wrong. After all, H City is too far away from this place, but fortunately, the fact that the Huoyun Gang is not at the headquarters is not something that happens locally. What a secret, otherwise it would really ruin Lin Feng's affairs.

"Haha, one of my brothers works for others in the Huoyun Gang, so I know a little more than the average person."

The driver smiled and continued to add: "Very few people know about this matter. I think you are from out of town and have a good heart, so I want to tell you a few words."

"Okay, I get it." Lin Feng secretly said that he was lucky that he didn't care about the money, otherwise if he missed it, it would cause him unpredictable losses.

Lin Feng didn't say anything else. He waited until the taxi stopped in the small town. He changed to a taxi and moved from the east to the west of the small town, where he found a small hotel to stay.

It is actually not uncommon for foreigners like Lin Feng to come to the town from other places. After all, there are many casinos, brothels, etc. in the town, with many types. Basically, you will see this type of storefront every time you walk a certain distance. And all the underground industry stores in the town do not shy away from anything, and they hang them at the door openly, as if they are afraid that others will not know.

Lin Feng found a hotel that seemed to be regular. Not long after he unloaded his luggage, he put on his big black sunglasses and started wandering on the street.

He originally wanted to find someone to inquire directly, but if he asked directly, he would easily be suspected by others, which would bring unnecessary trouble to him. Who knows if any of them have secret connections with the Huoyun Gang? , if someone were to target him, he would be in trouble. Lin Feng's purpose was to bring Huang Maocai back, not to cause trouble with the Huoyun Gang.

Lin Feng was now wandering around the Twilight Town quite leisurely. He had been walking aimlessly, so he took this opportunity to get familiar with the topography of the town and silently remember the path he had taken.

In the end, Lin Feng stopped in front of a bank's ATM. He didn't bring much cash with him when he went out. In addition to housing, taxis and taxis, he had already spent about seventy-seven or eighty-eight dollars. Overall, this place paid for The method is still a bit backward and can only accept cash, so Lin Feng wanted to come over first to withdraw some money for use.

"The westernmost building..." Lin Feng felt that he had no clue yet. He thought that this twilight town was just a small city. As soon as he walked out, he found that it was far from what he thought. Xicheng District was really big. The biggest difference from other cities is that it is large and a mixed bag of fish and dragons.

In other cities, there are either restaurants or shops on the streets, but this twilight town is different. Discotheques, KTVs, and nightclubs of all sizes can be seen everywhere on the streets. The casinos are open all night, and the closer you get to the central area. , these shops are becoming more and more popular.

The most outrageous thing was to open a casino so blatantly. As he walked on the road, he saw many girls of all kinds wearing scantily clad clothes and thick make-up, and they kept showing off to him, which made him a little bit. Quite uncomfortable.

Of course, Lin Feng didn't know whether these industries were illegal or not, and he had no time to care about them. However, it was these industries that reflected the government's corruption and incompetence. After hesitating for a moment, Lin Feng decided to stop a man with a tattoo on the back of his hand. A member of the Fire Cloud Gang.

This guy didn't look like a good guy. He was walking casually on the street, his eyes never leaving the lady standing outside the store soliciting customers. But for some unknown reason, he couldn't stop passing by so many stores. Since he has never been in, Lin Feng doesn't think it's because he has a noble ideological consciousness. Most of these people are either because they have no money or because they lost everything in gambling.

Lin Feng stopped this young man smoothly. Although his face was a bit fierce, one glance showed that he was definitely a low-level gangster.

"Are you blind? If you dare to stop me, do you not know who I am?"

The young man didn't expect that someone would dare to stop a member of the Huoyun Gang on the street. He was stunned for a moment and immediately began to insult Lin Feng fluently in the local language.

"Don't worry, brother, I have something to discuss with you..." Lin Feng leaned down pretending to be mysterious, looked around, and said to him mysteriously: "I'm from out of town, listen. He said that your Huoyun Gang has a lot of good cars. I want to buy one and go back to play with it. It seems that you are also from the Huoyun Gang. Can you introduce me to it..."

"Do you want to buy a car?" After hearing Lin Feng explain his intention, the young man looked at Lin Feng from head to toe. Judging from his clothes, conversation and temperament, he didn't look like an undercover agent sent by the enemy. His expression Suddenly he felt a little happy.

The Huoyun Gang has a very wide range of businesses, but none of them are serious businesses. Most of them are collecting debts for others, stealing cars, loan sharking, etc. Among them, vehicles are stolen, or the company is collecting debts. They will bring back the vehicles that they have no money to mortgage and sell them. They will find someone to tamper with the license plate number, engine number and a series of other operations to buy them in some small places...

Because it is a stolen car after all, it is not easy to sell. After all, cheap is cheap. Most people would not dare to ask for such a vehicle of unknown origin. It will be quite troublesome if it is found out if it is brought back. Therefore, it is hereby stipulated that all Huoyun Gang members No matter how much they paid for the cars they sold, they only had to hand over two-thirds to the Huoyun Gang, and the rest was their personal income. Most of these low-level Huoyun Gang members relied on this to make a living.

So when the young man heard that Lin Feng wanted to buy a car, he immediately became interested. He walked up to him and dragged Lin Feng into a small alley. After confirming that no one was around, he immediately asked: "What kind of car do you want to buy? How much does it cost?" Are there any requirements for car logos?"

The guy from the Huoyun Gang didn't ask too many questions, he just asked some more important questions. He wouldn't ask too much about other things that involved personal privacy. After all, there are rules in the industry.

"The cheaper the price, the better, but the horsepower must be sufficient." Lin Feng didn't care much about the price, but he didn't want to take advantage of someone who took advantage of him. This kind of car would be a disposable thing if he got it back and put it in his hands. , throw it away after use, and basically don’t think about it if you want to transport it back to your country. Besides, who knows if the guy in front of you is the kind of person who is greedy for money. If he sees that he is spending lavishly, he will have bad thoughts again.

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