"Are you really not a member of the Huoyun Gang?"

The girl questioned again.

"Do you have a bad brain or bad ears? Am I not speaking clearly or are you unable to understand?"

Lin Feng was completely speechless by this girl. He had told her truth many times but she just didn't want to believe it. She asked herself over and over again why she was wandering around in the middle of the night despite her intelligence.


The girl didn't expect Lin Feng to speak so rudely. No one at home except his parents had dared to talk to her like this since she was a child. Her anger grew quickly, and she realized that she was out to perform the mission on her own. Advise yourself to stay calm.

"Are you going down by yourself, or should I kick you down?"

Lin Feng was still in a hurry to go home and sleep. He would go out early tomorrow morning to inquire about the hostages. He didn't have time to waste time here. He had also realized that this girl was not meant for him to take along with him. He also I no longer have the leisure to continue playing with her.

"Can you try saying something again?"

The girl said to Lin Feng in a cold voice, her eyes filled with chills. Even if she was performing a task outside, she couldn't stand being spoken to in this tone and was about to have an attack.

At the same time, I felt a little discouraged and sad, wondering if I was really just a pampered flower in the greenhouse? Don’t you have the ability to stand alone? When you go out to perform a mission, do you need someone from home to watch over you?

It didn't matter that the last mission ended in failure. He finally got the opportunity and had the assurances sworn by his family. Unexpectedly, not long after he came out, he found that his family had sent someone to protect him. This really made him angry. This wasn't Is it just to show that you don’t believe in your abilities?

The most annoying thing is that one person made a mistake in judgment. She couldn't even tell the difference between the members of the Fire Cloud Gang, and she was even scolded by a little person in her eyes whether she was mentally ill. This made her unbearable. This is already the case at the beginning of the mission. I'm afraid that the next mission will not go smoothly. If this is the case, doesn't this really prove to the family that I am a waste?

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He pulled out the dagger from the blood with his backhand and stabbed Lin Feng in the throat.

"I go!"

Lin Feng reacted so quickly. When he asked the girl to get out of the car just now, he was observing her reaction. When he saw her lowering her head, he thought she was about to tie her shoes and get out of the car. Unexpectedly, she took out a dagger and thought without saying anything. Who can bear to take his own life?

Lin Feng quickly tilted his head to dodge, narrowly avoiding the girl's knife. The girl was also startled. She just saw Lin Feng turning the car around and was about to take action. She didn't expect him to be there. Under such circumstances, he was able to avoid his own fatal blow.

At this moment, she felt a burning pain coming from her wrist that was grabbed by Lin Feng. The pain was so painful that he even shed cold sweat on his forehead. She secretly marveled at Lin Feng's terrifying strength, as if he was trying to squeeze her wrist. She made a decisive decision and punched Lin Feng decisively with her other hand, directly in front of Lin Feng's face.

When Lin Feng saw this, he was no longer polite. He stepped on the brake and hit him with a backhand punch. He was a little worried that his strength was too strong and he withdrew about 40% of his strength. Even so, the girl felt uncomfortable, like a The fist hit the wall, and there was a sharp pain in her hand. If she hadn't noticed that the momentum was wrong and pulled her hand back, she might have broken her right arm.

"If you don't believe me when I say you have a bad mind, you are really sick."

Lin Feng didn't mean to pity her at all, and said lightly sarcastically while turning around.

"You have the disease!"

The girl rubbed her sore little hands and cursed back.

At the same time, she was quite surprised by Lin Feng's skills. Even if her skills were ranked among the best in the family, otherwise the old man in the family would not have agreed to her going out to carry out the mission privately. Unexpectedly, her seemingly seamless assassination He was actually dodged by the young man in front of him.

She couldn't figure out whether the opponent was too strong or whether she was just a novice.

"Do you really want me to kick you down before you get out of the car?"

Lin Feng turned around and turned to look at the girl sitting in the back seat. She didn't even have any intention of leaving. He tilted his head and didn't know what to think about. He didn't want to leave a nuisance in the car who wanted to kill her. , if he hadn't dodged the blow from the girl just now, he would have slit his throat without any hesitation.

"Hmph, I don't mind seeing how many people beg me to let me ride in their cars. Who wants to ride in the car you picked up from the junkyard?"

Seeing that the assassination failed, the girl was no longer discouraged, jumped out of the car and closed the door heavily.

After all, assassination is all about killing with one hit. Since she has lost her best chance, she no longer hesitates to worry about anything. She just needs to pay attention next time because her skills are not as good as others.

But what she should be thankful for is not this, but that Lin Feng does not have the same knowledge as him. If Lin Feng really wants to kill her, I am afraid that even if she has ten lives, it will not be enough today.

"Trash assassin."

Before Lin Feng left, he calmly said these words through the car window and drove away leisurely.

"Don't let me touch you next time, or I will kill you."

The girl was gnashing her teeth in anger, but unfortunately Lin Feng probably couldn't hear her anymore, because when she finished saying this, she could only see the taillights behind Lin Feng's car.

In the black business car behind Lin Feng who had just been following Lin Feng, there was an old man with white hair and white beard in the back seat. He was leaning on a tiger-headed cane with one hand and pointing at the two young men in the driver's and passenger's seats with the other hand. , yelling:

"I really don't know what the purpose of raising you is. I asked you to follow the eldest lady, but you could be dumped by a taxi? If you carry out missions in the future, how will you track the target? You can't even follow a taxi driver. , and you still want to follow someone else’s professional bodyguard?”

"But, Mr. Yang..." The young man sitting in the passenger seat wanted to explain something, but was interrupted impatiently by Mr. Yang: "That's enough, don't make excuses for your failure, you You should reflect on why you failed, instead of looking for a bunch of excuses here, do you understand?"

"I know, Mr. Yang..."

The two young men replied.

"You are the most beautiful cloud in my sky, let me keep you with my heart..."

At this moment, Mr. Yang's cell phone rang. When he saw who was calling, he flipped over as fast as he could flip through the book. He said kindly: "Hey, Ran Ran... why do you want to follow me?" I called..."

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