the next day.

In the early morning, Lin Feng received a call.


Lin Feng was still in his sleep, feeling a little unhappy at being disturbed like this.

"It's me. Come to school quickly. Your student registration has been processed. Teacher Zhao asked me to inform you that you can go to school today."

"Where are you now? At your home? Should I go find you?"

" fast?"

"Of course, Teacher Zhao also likes you, that's why he is so quick. You can't let down Teacher Zhao's wishes. Lin Feng, you must cherish this opportunity!"


Lin Feng didn't know what to say.

He really didn't go to school. In the past, because he didn't like going to school, he often skipped classes. After being questioned by the school, Lin Feng was a little worried at first, but who knew, he actually said it directly : If you don’t want to go to school in the future, you don’t have to go to school. I earn enough for you to spend your whole life.

It’s really enough!

It was the first time for Lin Feng to meet such an old man, who was not worried about his son at all.

Now Lin Feng is of course different. Lin Feng had gone to college before, so he didn't have any objection to going to school.

but now……

Do you still go to school if you have money?

What's the point?

In the past few days, Lin Feng has felt very comfortable.

But... this guy in the system...

Lin Feng was a little speechless.

In the plot of the previous novel, it seems that this is not the case. There is no plot in school. Could it be said that the plot has already changed before this guy came?

In Lin Feng's previous memories, the plot of the novel did not include this aspect.

Bai Xiaoxiao, who was opposite, heard that Lin Feng had stopped speaking, and said in a deep voice: "I'm waiting for you at the door now. You should hurry up and get down here. You have to go today!"

"Ah, I'm not over there now, I'll go by myself later!"

Lin Feng came to his senses and said something.

"Okay, then you must come, there is a class this morning!"


After finishing speaking, Lin Feng hung up the phone first.

Then get up.

After getting up, Long Jia was already in the living room.

The injury is much better now, and Long Jia is able to get out of bed freely.

Long Jia was wearing pajamas on the sofa and reading some magazines.

After seeing Lin Feng come down, he said aloud: "When will my follow-up treatment start?"

It was supposed to be in the afternoon, but Lin Feng didn't come yesterday, so she now had to determine when it was.

She still has things to do now!

Can't stay here too long.

"I'm going out this morning. If I have time in the afternoon, I'll be back!"

As Lin Feng spoke, he took two pieces of bread on the table and ate them.

"Did you make this? Not bad, I didn't expect you to actually cook!"

Long Jia rolled his eyes at Lin Feng, "I'm usually bored, so I learned to cook."

"I didn't expect this!" Lin Feng smiled.

"I'm also a normal person. What can happen if I can't cook? Besides, don't women need to be able to cook?"


Lin Feng was amused by Long Jia's words.

"Women nowadays are not as self-conscious as you!"

Long Jia didn't say anything, he was still reading magazines and a few boring newspapers.

His brows furrowed slightly from time to time.

After a while, he said again: "I'm very curious about something. Why have you sold so many of your things recently?"

"Are you short of money?"

Long Jia asked curiously while looking at the newspaper above.

"No!" Lin Feng said lightly.

Suddenly he stared at an entertainment newspaper in Long Jia's hand, walked over, took it, and looked at it twice.

A large section of the page is filled with news about Lin Feng.

"The number one young man in Yanjing sold a large number of assets under his name!"

"Breaking news, the eldest son of the Lin family has sold off his property. Is there a problem with the Lin family's funds?"

"Shocking news, great changes in the Lin family!"

Every piece of news has been spread.

Lin Feng felt helpless.

This thing is true.

A few days ago, he had to complete a task of 500 million, so he directly sold most of his assets.

And in Lin Feng's view, funds are very useful to him now, as he can trade in stocks and realize cash.

Other assets are of little use.

Now that he knows the value of some stocks in the future, of course he has to take advantage of it. Besides, there is such a stock god Chen Qiang here, so he is definitely not afraid!

"No, sell some that you don't use, too many are boring!"

Lin Feng explained casually.

Long Jia ignored Lin Feng.

Of course she didn't believe this nonsense.

However, she now has another opinion about Lin Feng.

This person is not simple. Ever since he saved her, Long Jia has sensed that this person may be Ye Tian's opponent in the future.

And there is bound to be a conflict between Ye Tian and him.

So if these two people conflict, how should I choose?

Long Jia has been thinking about this issue in his mind.

Seeing that Long Jia stopped talking, Lin Feng didn't say anything. He finished breakfast, then simply packed up and went out directly.

He has to go to class today.

After leaving the door, Lao Wang was already waiting there.

"Master, where are you going today?"

Lao Wang squinted his eyes and stared at Lin Feng, with a smile on his face that seemed to have some other meaning.

Lin Feng saw Lao Wang's appearance and asked curiously, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Young Master is in a good mood today! Sure enough, having a woman makes everything different!"

Lao Wang said happily.


Lin Feng said nothing.

This guy Lao Wang never found him so vulgar before, but now his whole body is full of vulgarity.

"I have nothing to do with her."

"Well, I understand, I understand, after all, young master, you have a fiancée now!"

Lao Wang still nodded with a wicked smile.

Lin Feng didn't say anything. He couldn't explain this kind of thing.

"I'll go by myself today. By the way, find me an ordinary car!" Lin Feng said to Lao Wang.

"Are you going out by yourself today? I'll be fine too, Master."

"No, I'm going to the school. I can't be too ostentatious."

"Okay, then I'll go find it now!"

A few minutes later, Lao Wang drove over in a Ferrari sports car.

"Master, this is the car."

Lao Wang handed the key to Lin Feng's hand.

"No, I want an ordinary car!" Lin Feng looked at the stunning Ferrari and said speechlessly.

"Master, this is the most common car in our family. There is nothing worse than this."

"Where's the car the nanny drives?"

"The nanny also drives a car with a starting price of four million, so this car is the worst, and it is an old model from two years ago. You and the master basically drove it once or twice and never touched it."

Lao Wang said seriously.


Are everyone in your family so proud?

Lin Feng was very helpless.

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