The thief stood aside submissively. He was afraid that Lin Feng would change his mind and want to kill someone. He was stuck there, not knowing what to do, whether he ran or not.

"If you just leave like this, what will I do if the authorities investigate? I will bear the risks and responsibilities myself. I can't take the blame." Lin Feng didn't want to embarrass him too much, but The threat you should make before letting him go must be faked, otherwise if he leaves too smoothly, the thief will become suspicious.

"Brother... I know you are also in trouble..." The thief understood what Lin Feng meant, took out a wad of money from his pocket, and handed it all to Lin Feng: "Brother, this is all I have today. If you have enough income, you can use it to manage it, so don’t be embarrassed."

"Okay, the young man still has some eyesight..." Lin Feng took the wad of bills handed over by the thief without hesitation, patted the thief on the shoulder, and took out three or five more bills: "Save some money to pay." Get a car and go home quickly. Be careful next time and don’t sneak into the Huoyun Gang again. Fortunately, you met me. If you had met someone else, you probably wouldn’t have to go home."

"I know, I know..." The thief kept nodding. What Lin Feng said was true. If he had met someone else today, he probably wouldn't have had to think about going out. He gratefully accepted it from Lin Feng. The few times he brought the banknotes, he kept saying thank you. They were obviously his own things, as if Lin Feng had given him a lot of benefits.

After seeing that the thief was completely gone, Lin Feng dragged the two Huoyun Gang guards lying underground to the bottom of the stairs, opened the iron door, and walked down.

The basement is spacious and completely built according to the style of a cell. Each cell is separated separately. Through the large iron bars, every move of the inmates inside is clearly visible. Some cells have people in them, and some have no people. When Lin Feng walked over, everyone would subconsciously look up at Lin Feng, and then lower their heads, with regret and decadence on their faces.

The lights were on in the corridor inside the prison, but no one from the Huoyun Gang was seen. It seemed that the Huoyun Gang was quite relieved about their prison, but they never expected that someone would dare to make an idea to their Huoyun Gang. head up.

However, this Huoyun Gang is too arrogant and dares to do this kind of extortion business blatantly. You can imagine how chaotic the public security here is, otherwise they would not dare to do such a thing. .

Lin Feng followed what the little boss said before, the more valuable people were locked up inside, but this prison was really too big. He searched for a while according to the photos, but couldn't find the prison where Huang Maocai was locked up. Finally, He even lost his patience. There were no guards in the prison anyway, so he simply shouted at the top of his lungs: "Huang Maocai?"

There was a commotion in the cell at the end, and soon I saw an arm stretching out of the cell: "I'm here, I'm here!"

Lin Feng heard this and walked towards the direction where Huang Maocai waved. The other imprisoned hostages seemed to be used to this kind of thing. They looked up at Lin Feng and then went on to do what they were supposed to do.

Everyone understands what this means. As long as anyone sends in enough money, the imprisoned hostages can be redeemed. As for those who don't raise enough money, they may have to spend the rest of their lives in a prison cell. Sure enough, Lin Feng walked to the edge of the cell and glanced at the man waving to him: "Are you Huang Maocai?"

"It's me, and it's true that my dad sent someone to rescue me so late." Huang Maocai looked at Lin Feng and muttered dissatisfied.

When Lin Feng heard this, he frowned. He really wanted to go up and slap him twice. How could there be such a scumbag who took his parents' devotion to him completely for granted? Huang Shen was anxiously running around at home, using his... He used all the resources he could to get him out, and even tried to take advantage of legal loopholes. Huang Maocai was not only ungrateful, but instead complained about his father.

If he hadn't committed such a crime himself, the wealth his father had accumulated would have been enough for him to live a comfortable life. He didn't know how much Huang Shen had to pay to save him.

"Okay, come out quickly." Lin Feng didn't want to have too much interaction with this kind of person, so he smashed the iron lock with one fist and pulled the stunned Huang Maocai out of the prison.

Huang Maocai followed Lin Feng cautiously. The joy of regaining his freedom was even greater. He was already desperate. In fact, he still knew how much money his family had, so he always knew it. Whenever he asked Huang Shen for money, he wouldn't ask for too much, but this time it was different. This time he was addicted to drugs and couldn't control himself at all, so he was tricked out of nowhere.

He almost couldn't think about it and died in prison. One hundred million dollars. He knew that even if his father borrowed it, he wouldn't be able to collect such a large sum of money. So he had long been despairing, but there was no such thing in prison. Fortunately, those gangsters from the Huoyun Gang would appear in front of him from time to time and beat him up once or twice. He had already had enough of this humiliating life. If Huang Shen never rescued him again, he would be ready to do it. Committed suicide.

After walking out of the building, Lin Feng put the hat he had prepared in advance on his head: "Put the hat on, lower your head, and don't look at anyone."

At this time, Huang Maocai also felt something was wrong: "Where's my dad? Why didn't I see my dad coming to borrow me?"

"Don't you know what your family's financial situation is? Can your father still have the money to buy back a prodigal like you? If you want to take it easy, go back. I don't want to save a scum like you." Lin Feng simply didn't want to save a scum like you. He didn't bother to explain, so he turned around and yelled at Huang Maocai, making him tremble.

Huang Maocai was not a ungrateful person. When he thought about the life in prison, which was worse than death, his heart beat faster. He quickly nodded and bowed to please Lin Feng: "Brother, don't be angry. As long as I can get out, I will I’ll listen to you in everything.”

He had just seen with his own eyes the scene where Lin Feng shattered the iron lock with one punch. He had already had a considerable improvement in Lin Feng's skills. No matter how he got out, as long as he could get out and escape from this sea of ​​suffering, Nothing mattered to him now.

"Brother, are you my dad's subordinate?" Huang Maocai has long known that his father has a bodyguard. Last time he went home, he heard the nanny said he was a martial arts master, and he unconsciously associated him with Lin Feng.

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