I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 383: Hands-off shopkeeper

Lin Feng took a taxi back home early in the morning. When he came in, he and Shen Qingxue were already sitting on the sofa waiting for him, looking a little haggard. It looked like he didn't sleep very well last night.

"Husband! You're back!" Shen Qingxue saw Lin Feng pushing the door in. She stood up from the sofa excitedly and walked quickly to Lin Feng: "I was a little worried before, but it's so sad to see you back. alright."

Lin Feng hugged Shen Qingxue and touched her face: "Didn't I already agree that I would just go out on a business trip? What are you worried about?"

Shen Qingxue raised her pink fist and punched Lin Feng twice hard: "Do you think I am a fool? How can I not know at all what you are doing outside?"

Because she couldn't contact Lin Feng, she once called Huang Shen and asked. Huang Shen's reply was: "Lin Feng? Didn't he say he wanted to save my son and return to China? Didn't he tell you?" What was Shen Qingxue thinking? Being smart, she naturally knew that Lin Feng must have deceived her when he went out this time. She couldn't be reached on the phone for several days. Shen Qingxue had not had a good night's sleep in the past few nights.

"Hehe... I didn't expect you to know everything." Lin Feng smiled and scratched his head. The reason why he kept it secret from Shen Qingxue was because he was afraid that she would worry. Even though Shen Qingxue knew it, there was no need for him to keep hiding it. He continued to say with a smile: "This time it is a trivial matter and there is no risk."

"It's a trivial matter? How can I say that you have rescued Huang Shen's son?" Shen Qingxue looked at Lin Feng with some surprise. Although she did not know what Lin Feng was doing specifically, but if it was simply The task of rescuing people can be solved by just hiring a few people, right? Furthermore, kidnappers mostly kidnap for money. He also understands Huang Shen's financial resources and is not a money-hungry owner.

"Isn't kidnapping all about money? Huang Shen is not a person who is short of money." Shen Qingxue still raised the questions in her heart.

"If it's a small amount, of course Huang Shen is not short of money, but this time his son provoked foreign gangs and borrowed 100 million US dollars from others. The interest compounded. Huang Shen couldn't redeem it even if he emptied all his family assets. His son came out." Lin Feng shrugged.

"So much? Or is it a gang? Such a large amount of meat tickets, the gang will definitely keep a close watch on it, right? How did you rescue him?" Shen Qingxue was also shocked when she heard this, and looked at Lin Feng's whole body carefully, for fear of He was missing arms and legs.

"It's not as troublesome as you think. It doesn't take much effort to save someone." Lin Feng said nonchalantly, as if he was talking about a trivial matter like eating and drinking water.

Shen Qingxue is not stupid. With a meat ticket of 100 million US dollars, how could someone just lock him up casually? He must be guarded 24 hours a day like in the movie. Lin Feng said it was very easy, but Lin Feng knew the difficulties involved.

In fact, it is not as troublesome as Shen Qingxue said. If that were the case, Lin Feng would not be able to come back in such a short period of time. The main reason is that the Huoyun Gang is too conceited and thinks that he has already been in Twilight Xiaoxiao. The town has one hand covering the sky, and it is impossible for anyone to run wild on its own territory, so the guards are extremely lazy, which makes Lin Feng's rescue process go very smoothly.

"You can't do such a dangerous thing without telling me next time. If anything happens to you, I will...I won't be alive!" Shen Qingxue pushed Lin Feng aside, snorted coldly, and turned her head. go.

"Okay, okay, I won't do such a thing next time. Isn't it a last resort this time? I'm hiding this from you because I'm afraid you'll worry. Don't be angry..." Lin Feng hurried over when he saw this. coaxed.

"It won't happen again!" Shen Qingxue snorted: "So Huang Shen's son has also returned home?"

"Well, I brought it back, and now I have sent it home." Lin Feng said: "You don't know, his son was imprisoned and was so skinny that he was almost as thin as a stick. Give him back earlier." Dad, don’t die on the road again..."

"Oh?" Shen Qingxue's anger had mostly subsided, and her curiosity came up again: "Tell me how you rescued his son. Isn't it quite thrilling..."

Lin Feng briefly told Shen Qingxue what happened on the road, but omitted many things, such as being chased with a gun and saving Xu Ranran on the road. He was afraid that these things would have a psychological shadow on Shen Qingxue.

After hearing this, Shen Qingxue shook her head and was disappointed: "I thought it would be as exciting as in the movie."

Lin Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Honey, you should watch less movies in the future, don't make your brain stupid."

"Tch, you've just lost your mind." Shen Qingxue was quite unconvinced.

"By the way, my wife, I have figured out some things over the past few days." Lin Feng put away his smile, straightened his expression and said in a deep voice: "You said that I am just a shareholder, why does he dare to talk to me? Challenger?"

"You mean?" Shen Qingxue also heard what Lin Feng meant. It's not that she hadn't thought about this matter in the past few days, she was also quite puzzled. No matter what, this Zhu Hao was still one of Lin Feng's subordinates. He is just a shareholder. Logically speaking, he would not dare to challenge his boss, and he has great intentions of replacing him.

"I think this Zhu Hao is just a clown. There must be a bigger force behind him to support him in doing this. Huang Shen is just a person who was pushed out." Lin Feng frowned and reminded. road.

"I also thought of this, but not as thoroughly as you thought." Shen Qingxue said thoughtfully: "Then what are you going to do with that Zhu Hao?"

"This incident proves that it has been more than a day or two for someone to plot against our Lin Group. If it weren't for Zhu Hao, the inner ghost, who cooperated with us this time, we might not have woken up. This Zhu Hao, I must be I need to take care of him and let him know the consequences of offending me..." Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and flashed a fierce light.

"Indeed, if these shareholders hadn't been together this time, how could they have taken advantage of it? Zhu Hao, a white-eyed wolf, would definitely not be able to stay in the company." Shen Qingxue nodded and agreed.

"The big tree attracts the wind. It seems that someone has been coveting our company for a long time." Lin Feng smiled: "Honey, you can rectify the company according to your own ideas first. I will help you find the mastermind behind the scenes. As the saying goes. Well, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid that thieves will miss you."

"Ah? Me? Aren't you afraid that I will take over your position?" Shen Qingxue was stunned.

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