"What the hell? Didn't you listen?" Lin Feng asked back: "If I tell you to go, just go as quickly as possible. I have my own arrangements. You will understand after a while."

"Oh oh oh, I'll give the order right away." Secretary Liu was not a fool for climbing to this step. Although he was still confused, he didn't ask any more questions. He was just a secretary for Lin Feng's subordinates, so what should Lin Feng give him? Just do it, why bother with so many other things.

After Zhu Hao received the news, he was even puzzled, even a little panicked, and had some bad premonitions, because Shen Qingxue had been managing all the company's affairs in the past few days. He also took this opportunity to discuss with Shen Qingxue, constantly Putting pressure on her, she wanted to hold a shareholders' meeting, but Shen Qingxue was not stupid. She also knew Zhu Hao's little thoughts and kept pushing back. But why did Lin Feng have to hold a shareholders' meeting as soon as he came back? There must be something in this There's something fishy.

Secretary Liu only gave the news that Mr. Lin was going to convene a shareholders' meeting, and didn't say anything else. Zhu Hao didn't know that Huang Shen's shares had changed hands. What he was wondering now was whether Lin Feng had conspired with Huang. Shen’s ideological work? Could it be that the two people are going to join forces to deal with him, or else the third largest shareholder is not present and a stupid shareholder meeting is held.

But after all, Zhu Hao is also the second largest shareholder of the company. No matter how inexplicable, the superficial work must be done well. Zhu Hao arrived at the conference room five minutes early and waited quietly for the meeting.

The number of shareholders is far greater than the number of directors, because no matter how many shares they hold, they have the right to participate in the shareholders' meeting, so generally the number of people attending the shareholders' meeting will not be too small. After greeting all comfortable shareholders, I wish Hao Geng , sitting on the second chair to his left near Lin Feng.

This is Zhu Hao's exclusive seat, and it is also the symbol of the second largest shareholder. The middle seat belongs to Lin Feng, and the chair on the far right is undoubtedly the seat where Huang Shen usually sits.

But what was different from before was that Huang Shen was not seen on the chair dedicated to Huang Shen, and Lin Feng was nowhere to be found. Zhu Hao frowned when he saw this. How could a shareholders' meeting be held if the third shareholder was not present? Is it possible to bypass Huang Shen and directly hold a shareholders' meeting, but wouldn't this break the rules?

The clock on the wall kept ticking, and fifteen minutes had passed in the blink of an eye, and there was still no sign of Lin Feng. Zhu Hao sat in his chair without saying a word, the bad premonition in his heart getting worse, Huang He could still figure it out without Shen coming over, but as the chairman of the company, Lin Feng's attitude was a little unreasonable.

When everyone was puzzled, Secretary Liu walked in, holding a blue folder and two cups of brewed tea. One cup was placed on Lin Feng's table and the other on Huang Shen's. On the table, everyone sat upright, stopped whispering, and the conference room fell silent.

This is the prelude to every time Lin Feng comes over. Every time before Lin Feng enters the meeting, Secretary Liu will step into the conference room first, holding the documents and tea prepared in advance...

Sure enough, not long after Secretary Liu left, Lin Feng walked in, followed by a beautiful and dignified girl. Some small shareholders didn't pay much attention, thinking that this was Lin Feng's new secretary, but the major shareholders of the company Everyone, including Bao Zhuhao, had their eyes fixed.

They all work in the company, and have met the acting chairman several times. Shen Qingxue not only has excellent office skills, but she is also very decisive and agile in doing things, never procrastinating, and is a strong woman. Even so, many people in the company still remain silent because they know that Shen Qingxue is the wife of the chairman.

Just when everyone was doubtful, Lin Feng cleared his throat: "First of all, I would like to thank you all for your contributions to the company during my absence. The shareholders' meeting I held this time was a bit abrupt, I hope you don't mind."

"Mr. Lin, I think what you are doing is a bit unruly. Isn't it inappropriate for you to convene this shareholders' meeting before the company's third largest shareholder has arrived?" Lin Feng had not yet sat down on his chair, wishing Hao couldn't wait to retort to Lin Feng.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, don't several major shareholders have to be present at every shareholders' meeting? This is a rule set by you."

"Yes, Mr. Lin..."

Some of Zhu Hao's supporters also echoed.

However, Zhu Haoying had already decided to break up with Lin Feng, so naturally he had nothing to worry about. If they broke up, they would just break up. Anyway, no matter whether he succeeded this time or not, he and Lin Feng could only Leave one behind.

"Haha, I wish you, Vice Director, please don't be impatient. Stay calm and don't be impatient. The purpose of convening the extraordinary shareholders' meeting this time is to talk about Huang Shen. Please listen to me first. "Lin Feng showed no concern for Zhu Hao's behavior, with a smile on his face and nodded to him calmly.

Yes, can Lin Feng not be excited? He is particularly curious now about Zhu Hao's reaction when he found out that the third shareholder was his wife.

Zhu Hao had a feeling of powerlessness when he punched cotton, like a pebble falling into a lake, causing only a small ripple. He originally naively meant that Lin Feng would try his best to avoid the shareholders' meeting like Shen Qingxue, and then he could use this matter as a breakthrough, cling to it and disrupt the shareholders' meeting. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng actually Unmoved at all, he cleverly solved the problem from the front.

Seeing that Lin Feng was so confident and calm, Zhu Hao didn't know what to do for a while, so he had to hold back the anger in his stomach, picked up the water glass in a very depressed manner, and drank it all in one gulp: "Okay , I would like to hear the details and hear what Mr. Lin has to say."

Zhu Hao shut his mouth, feeling anxious. He wanted to see what tricks Lin Feng would play. Could it be that he would say that Huang Shen had already greeted him in advance? No way, this kind of little trick can't fool all the old fritters present.

"Old... oh no, Ms. Shen Qingxue, please sit down." Lin Feng blurted out and was about to call his wife. After thinking about it, he still felt it was inappropriate and immediately changed his mind. In a formal occasion, it would be better to call Shen Qingxue by her full name. After all, if she calls her directly If Shen Qingxue's wife talks about it, many people who are doing it will think that there is something inside.

Lin Feng pulled the chair open with his own hands and asked Shen Qingxue to take a seat. The seat he sat in was where Huang Shen had been. Shen Qingxue nodded and was about to sit down, but Zhu Hao was unwilling to do so.

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