If I give it to a soldier as a gift then, that Ye Tian will probably not cause trouble for me anymore, right?

Zhu Hao thought about it and regretted it. It was really a deal that stole the chicken but lost the rice. He had been planning for such a long time. Not only did he not sit on the position of chairman, but he also lost all his shares. It's really not as fun as embezzling in the company. With his ability to handle things, but he is not too excessive. Lin Feng always turns a blind eye. Now it's better. He lost his wife and lost his money. Bing, he really wanted to curse now.

In fact, Ye Tian also has some abilities. If he still supports himself now, he really still has the courage to fight to the death with Lin Feng. Anyway, Ye Tian has the support of the soldiers behind him, so no matter how bad he is, he can still be bad. Where to go, but don't let Ye Tian support him now. He has ruined such a big thing. I'm afraid he even wants to kill him now. How dare he continue to fight with Lin Feng now? Hurry up and take it. Money go away.

Shen Qingxue's operational ability was so fast that he was astonished. He had completed all the docking matters before noon. He reluctantly signed the equity transfer agreement handed over by Secretary Liu, and took one last look at his exclusive office. He was dejected. of leaving the company.

Other people in the company probably knew about his "glorious deeds" and looked at him with sarcastic surprise. He did not dare to stay at all and left the company like a bereaved dog.

Both Vice Director Zhu and Vice Director Huang have become a thing of the past. From now on, the Lin Group will never have these two people again.

This incident also served as a good warning to other people in the company. Those directors and shareholders who had planned to stand with Zhu Hao were also secretly lucky. Fortunately, they did not get involved in this matter. If he and Zhu Hao got mixed up at that time, they should be finished together now.

Zhu Hao was so prosperous at that time, making all the changes in the company. He was truly the leader of ten thousand people. He was so majestic. He was so awesome that he wanted to get together with the third largest shareholder Huang Shenmou. I want to push Lin Feng from the position of chairman, but what will be the result? Director Lin was not affected at all and took this opportunity to push his wife along.

Look at Zhu Hao again, he didn't catch the shit, he just made himself look miserable.

In the current Lin Group, Lin Feng really has the monopoly of power. Most of the shares in the company are in his hands. As for Shen Qingxue, everyone knows it well, even if they don't say it. He was just dragged over by Lin Feng. It's just a temporary chairman. Sooner or later, the position of chairman will return to his hands.

As for Jiang Li, who had just gotten up from the bed because it was too late to fight with Lin Feng yesterday, she felt as if she was about to fall apart. Thinking of Lin Feng, the culprit, she couldn't help but cursed: "This bastard! He doesn't know how to cherish a woman's beauty and attack her." lighter."

Lin Feng, the culprit, was also well aware of Jiang Li's nature and concluded that she might not have gotten up at this time, so he bought a lot of snacks and fruits and went to Shen Qingxue's house.

Jiang Li got up from the bed with difficulty, not even bothering to put on his clothes. He held his tired body and planned to take a shower. At this moment, the door opened with a bang.

Lin Feng was completely stunned, and so was Shen Qingxue. The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and Jiang Li hurriedly covered his chest with his hands and shouted: "You can't look! Cover your eyes!"

"Oh oh oh." Lin Feng promised, but found that taking his eyes away from Jiang Li was an almost impossible task...

"You... close your eyes!" Jiang Li was almost furious with Lin Feng. He told him not to look, but he didn't expect that he would become more and more enthusiastic as he looked.

"Oh" Lin Feng was turned around and put everything in his hands on the ground. He thought to himself, "Have I seen all the things I should see and shouldn't see? As for such a big reaction?"

Jiang Li hurried to the bed and hurriedly put on his pajamas. His face was red, and even the exposed skin had a faint blush. It seemed like crayfish had been cooked.

"Um, the sun is too dazzling today. I didn't see anything clearly just now." Lin Feng shrugged to express his innocence.

did not see it? I believe you, your eyes almost glowed just now, and you are still talking nonsense.

"Your eyes were almost shining just now, why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf!" Jiang Li was not stupid and said angrily.

"Well, I really didn't see anything. How about I go to the living room and watch TV for a while? What are you doing? I don't know anything." Lin Feng laughed awkwardly, his eyes always on On the wall, I want to go to the living room when I stick to the wall.

"Stop!" Seeing that Lin Feng was about to slip away, Jiang Li shouted: "I was completely screwed by you just now, how can you compensate me?"

"It's unfair, grandma, it's not what I want to see, so you just... stand in front of me..." Lin Feng said with an awkward smile.

Damn it, you're obviously the one standing in front of me without any clothes on, and you don't take advantage of me. You bastard, if you don't look at me, why are you trying to beat me up now? After all this time, it's all my fault.

"How about... I give you the key... before I come in... knock on the door... Do you think it's okay..." Lin Feng said carefully. There were two keys to Jiang Li's door. Jiang Li didn't know which one they were. For whatever reason, Lin Feng was given a hand, which led to this accident.

"You came in without knocking? What do you care about my key?" Jiang Li found Lin Feng's current behavior a bit funny and asked with a smile.

"I... I actually wanted to knock on the door before I came in... but you see... I was carrying so many things... it was not convenient to knock on the door, so I... opened the door myself." Lin Feng explained.

Jiang Li looked at the various fruit snacks on the ground and felt warm in her heart. It seemed that this guy still knew that it was related to her, but she was the victim after all. She pretended to be angry and said: "You should keep the key yourself, but Be sure to knock on the door before coming in next time."

In fact, she didn't mind at all if Lin Feng knocked or not, but then she thought about it, if Lin Feng came in like today to change clothes next time, wouldn't it be very embarrassing?

"Okay, okay, knock on the door, knock on the door." Lin Feng quickly agreed.

"Okay, you can turn around." Jiang Li said weakly. She still felt embarrassed now.

"Okay, okay." Lin Feng took a breath after hearing this, slowly turned around, and looked at Jiang Li with an innocent face.

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