I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 50 It’s all Shen Qingxue’s fault

"Then let's go to class!"

Bai Xiaoxiao said.

"Ah? Forget it, I don't want to go!" Lin Feng said.

Going to class was torture for him, so it was good that he agreed.

For Lin Feng, his current medical skills are not a big problem whether he takes classes or not.

This matter has no impact on him.

"Then let's go, walk around as you like!"

Bai Xiaoxiao also said with a smile.

Then the two people walked towards the campus.

For Lin Feng, his campus life at school still makes him very happy.

After all, in his previous life, he was a loser, but now he has a goddess to accompany him, and he is also rich.

Of course it’s much more natural.

I have to say that for Lin Feng now, having money is really good!

The self-confidence is back.

Walking on the playground of the campus, Lin Feng looked a little dazzled looking at all kinds of pure beauties.

"What are you doing? Are you dazzled?"

Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile.

"There are indeed many beauties in our school!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

It's almost six or seven o'clock now, and there are still a lot of people there.

There are many people on the playground, many are exercising and some are enjoying the cool air.

After Bai Xiaoxiao went down, it naturally attracted the attention of many people.

After all, she is a beautiful woman.

Today, Bai Xiaoxiao is wearing a pair of denim shorts, looking particularly young and beautiful.

It's quite a nice sight.

Lin Feng's clothes are also very casual, but now with the blessing of the system, Lin Feng can be regarded as a handsome guy, and many beauties come to look at him from time to time.

It’s so enjoyable!

This is life!

Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh.

Seeing Lin Feng smiling, Bai Xiaoxiao also said, "Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing, I just feel quite comfortable!" Lin Feng said.

Bai Xiaoxiao didn't say anything, and then ran in the playground, looking very happy.

The two of them chatted about recent events from time to time.

At this moment, suddenly, a voice sounded.

"Lin Feng?"

A slightly skeptical voice.


Lin Feng turned around and saw a man with short hair. He was wearing sports clothes and had a strong body. It could be seen that he paid attention to his recuperation.

Also a handsome guy.

When this person appeared, many female students gathered around him, and from time to time, someone in the crowd could be heard shouting.

"Senior Wang Ming!"

"So handsome!"

"Senior Wang Ming is really in good shape!"

"Is this Senior Wang Ming? He is indeed a handsome guy!"

"Not only is he handsome, but he is also highly knowledgeable and a top student. He is really enviable!"


Every voice is already surrounding here.

With the appearance of this person, there are already many people on their side.

After seeing such a scene, Lin Feng frowned slightly.


Lin Feng said coldly.

Seeing that there are several people behind this guy here, I know that this guy is not good for me.

"What does Shen Qingxue have to do with you?" Wang Ming said coldly.


Another love rival?

Lin Feng was about to vomit blood.

Isn't it?

Shen Qingxue, a frosty woman, actually has so many suitors?

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Lin Feng neither denied nor refused.

He doesn't like this kind of questioning. Besides, as he is now the eldest young master in Yanjing, of course he is not afraid of such people!

It's rare that he can show off now, so Lin Feng will certainly not miss every opportunity.

Wang Ming suddenly turned pale.

"Of course there is a relationship. If there is no relationship between you, I hope you can clarify!"

Wang Ming said viciously, looking at Lin Feng with a look that could kill someone.

After hearing such a sentence, Lin Feng also said: "Really? What if I have something to do with it?"

"Is there a relationship? Then please tell me, and I don't believe there is a relationship between you!"

"Since you don't believe it, don't ask!"

Lin Feng said lazily.

"You..." Wang Ming was speechless.

"Isn't it? Does this matter have anything to do with you? This is our business. Is it possible that she is your girlfriend?"

"So what if she's not my girlfriend? I won't allow anyone to slander her!"

"Why did you slander her? I don't think I said anything, right?" Lin Feng asked again.

"But if you have a relationship with her, you are slandering her!" Wang Ming's eyes were scarlet, and he seemed to be rushing forward. He seemed emotionally unstable.

"Really? What's wrong? This doesn't seem to have anything to do with you!"

Lin Feng said again.

He shrugged, looking indifferent.

"you wanna die!"

Wang Ming was furious and punched him directly.

He really couldn't stand it anymore.

After learning about Shen Qingxue and Lin Feng's affairs for the first time, he became extremely angry. Wang Ming originally thought that he would not care, but after that, he felt even more uncomfortable.

In Wang Ming's view, Shen Qingxue is his woman, and he will never allow others to touch her. What's more, this person is still his boyfriend in name only?

This really made him so angry.

And he knew that this was absolutely impossible, because they never had any relationship after that.

After Wang Ming's fist hit him, Lin Feng took two steps back and avoided Wang Ming's fist.

Lin Feng was still confident in dealing with Wang Ming.

His current force value has reached 500 with the blessing of the system.

It is several times that of ordinary people, so he is not afraid of Wang Ming at all.

In his eyes, Wang Ming is now extremely weak.

One of Wang Ming's fists missed, and another one came.

But it still failed.

Lin Feng sneered, and at the same time, he grabbed Wang Ming with one hand, lifted Wang Ming's body forward, and then kicked Wang Ming directly in the stomach. It flew out and made a classic dog-eating-shit move.


When people saw Wang Ming's appearance, they burst into laughter.

Many people became even more envious of Lin Feng's handsome movements.

There were also many women shouting.

Bai Xiaoxiao on the side quickly went up to stop Lin Feng.

"Okay, don't do it!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng rolled his eyes again.

"Why are you doing this? Why don't you just keep talking?"

Bai Xiaoxiao felt annoyed after knowing that this matter was related to Shen Qingxue.

She had no intention of paying attention to him at first, but now that Lin Feng started to hit someone, of course she had to stand up. If something went wrong in the beating, she would be in big trouble.

She knew that Lin Feng's family situation was not very good.

When Lin Feng heard Bai Xiaoxiao's accusation, he also said: "Who asked him to take action first? I was defending myself!"

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