Everyone present was shocked!

Isn't it?

He actually beat Hu Zhiyong?

No one expected it!

In people's eyes, Hu Zhiyong is obviously a kid from a rich family, and his strength seems to be pretty good. Especially those who know Hu Zhiyong's family well know that Hu Zhiyong is a frequent visitor to their hotel, but no one expected that Zhang Yi would actually take action!


Even some of the waiters in the hotel looked surprised.

Who would have thought that Zhang Yi would actually attack Hu Zhiyong! After all, they are also customers.

Of course Hu Zhiyong couldn't accept it.

He didn't even expect that he would be beaten by Zhang Yi!

"Zhang Yi, you are seeking death!"

While shouting, he had already rushed forward.

However, he was pushed away by Zhang Yi again and pushed directly to the ground.

Zhang Yi said coldly: "Young Master Hu, I have made it very clear to you for being shameless. Just apologize and forget about it!"

Since Zhang Yi already knew that he was the son of his boss, of course he was on Lin Feng's side.

Needless to say?

What kind of level is the Lin family in Yanjing? It can be said that they can cover the sky with one hand. Do they still have to choose?

If you offend the Lin family, what other way do you have to survive?

Now of course Zhang Yi will not miss this opportunity, and he can redeem himself.

Lin Feng said nothing and stood there, watching Zhang Yi take action with an indifferent look.

Some security guards here were also stunned.

"Come up here and control them first. If anyone dares to take action, call someone directly."

Zhang Yi is still very prestigious in his own territory.

At his order, the security guards here rushed forward and arrested Hu Zhiyong directly. At the same time, several other people here were pinned down on their chairs, unable to move.

"Zhang Yi...you are looking for death!"

Hu Zhiyong roared.

This time he was humiliated.

He had never been so insulted.

The look in Zhang Yi's eyes could kill someone.

Zhang Yi sneered, "You are acting recklessly in our hotel. What kind of place do you think our hotel is? Where can you tolerate your arrogance?"

Now that Lin Feng is backing him, Zhang Yi is naturally strong-willed.

Besides, even if he was punished for this matter, Zhang Yi would admit it.

He suddenly remembered that he had recently received news from above, saying that the medical school here was asking for some temporary workers. He was very curious at the time, but now it seems...

It turns out that the young master is going to medical school!

Zhang Yi suddenly felt as if he knew a huge secret.

It was also obvious that Mr. Lin was unwilling to reveal his identity at this time.

"They are all under strict supervision. If you don't apologize, don't let them leave!"

Zhang Yi ordered again.

The others nodded.

Hu Zhi was so courageous that he struggled to get up. Just as he was about to continue speaking, someone slapped him directly on the back of his head.

"Give me a break!"

A security guard patted Hu Zhiyong on the head like a winter melon.

"you wanna die!"


After Hu Zhiyong finished speaking, he slapped him again.

Hu Zhiyong was about to cry but had no tears. He gritted his teeth and stared at Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi had already turned around, looked at the students in front of him, then looked at Lin Feng, smiled slightly and said: "This student, your courage is commendable, it was our fault just now, you are employees of our hotel, so , our hotel will be responsible for this matter."

Lin Feng looked at Zhang Yi and said, "Then what are you going to do?"

"If you don't apologize, you don't have to leave. No matter who comes, it won't work. If it doesn't work, just send it to the police station, prosecute directly, and treat it like a gangster!"

"Well, thank you then!"

"You're welcome!"

Zhang Yi still said.

Hearing Zhang Yi say this, the other students breathed a sigh of relief.

They were afraid that this matter would involve them.

Bai Xiaoxiao also said at this time: "We don't want to apologize anymore. This matter has nothing to do with us. Can we leave now?"

Bai Xiaoxiao still hopes to become powerful as soon as possible.

"Of course!" Zhang Yi said.

"Okay, let's go!"

After saying that, people were ready to leave.

At this moment, a rough voice came out.

"No one can leave!"

Then a group of people walked in, and at the same time, many people came in the corridor outside.

Zhang Yi frowned when he saw the person coming.

The person who came was Zeng Shaohua.

Originally, Zeng Shaohua was not prepared to come, but after thinking about it, he decided to come in person. This would show that he paid more attention to it, and he could also get close to Hu Yuan. In this case, he could also get it from Tang Yuan Group. Some nice little projects.

After all, people like them still support many people, but they have no choice but to live.

This kind of thing is not bad.

Zeng Shaohua walked in, shirtless, with a bunch of big gold chains around his neck, which was very conspicuous. There was also a scar on his right cheek, which made him look even more fierce.

Zeng Shaohua has been around Yanjing for many years, especially in the development zone, and he is somewhat famous. Therefore, Zhang Yi was a little worried when he saw Zeng Shaohua coming.

Mainly because he was worried that Mr. Lin was in trouble.

After all, many people came from the other party.

"Brother Zeng is here!" Zhang Yi asked proactively.

This Zeng Shaohua is still not easy to mess with.

After all, they are in business. If they provoke such a person, they will be in a lot of trouble. After all, they cannot prevent it. This kind of person has a lot of tricks. If they often cause trouble for you, this will be a problem for them. The gain outweighs the loss.

Especially today... With Lin Shao here, Zhang Yi must stabilize Zeng Shaohua.

Zeng Shaohua glanced around the room and saw Hu Zhiwei being pinned down on a chair. His face suddenly turned cold. He stared at Zhang Yi and said, "Mr. Zhang, is this how you treat guests? Are you bullying my friend like this? ?”

When Hu Zhiyong saw Zeng Shaohua coming, he hurriedly shouted: "Brother Zeng, I'm here."

Zeng Shaohua nodded.

"Are you OK?"

"I'm fine, but don't let them go, Brother Zeng."

Hu Zhiyong's face was overjoyed, he was finally waiting for his man.

The students in front of me also looked nervous. They didn't expect that someone would come now.

Bai Xiaoxiao also had the same solemn expression, and a phone number on the mobile phone in his hand was ready to be dialed at any time.

"Of course I won't let them go, Zhang Yi, let them go!"

Zeng Shaohua said in a deep voice, staring directly at Zhang Yi with a stern gaze.

There was a fierce look in his eyes, but it made Zhang Yi shiver in his heart.

But after looking panicked, he stood up again.

"Brother Zeng, this is our hotel."

Zhang Yi still said coldly.

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