I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 59 The matter is resolved

Finally, Lin Feng kicked him up again. Zeng Shaohua ducked sideways and at the same time turned around and punched him again.

Lin Feng retreated again, and at the same time, he concentrated his whole body and punched him again.

He hit Zeng Shaohua on the chest.

Zeng Shaohua received a fist on his chest, and Lin Feng's chest was also hit by a fist at the same time.

Kick, kick, kick!

Both of them took a few steps back.

Give some distance.

There was a trace of blood on the corner of Zeng Shaohua's mouth as he stared at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also grinned.

"Good strength!"

Lin Feng felt pain in his chest, as if his whole chest had been hit by a hammer.

But he believed that the other party would do the same with his fist.

"It's not too late for you to give in now. There are still many people here. If you give up now, I won't break your legs!"

Zeng Shaohua said again.

At this time, Lin Feng's expression was indifferent, "Then you can give it a try."

Hu Zhiyong on the opposite side was excited and continued to shout loudly: "Come on, beat him to death!"

"kill him!"

Zeng Shaohua ignored Hu Zhiyong, and now he regretted coming.

However, there was nothing he could do about it. The matter had come to this point, and of course he had to continue.

At this time, Zhang Yi had already dialed a number and also called the police.

There was no way, in this case, he had to protect Lin Feng's safety.

"Stop it, I've already called the police. Zeng Shaohua, you'd better understand your current situation!"

Zhang Yi said coldly.

Zeng Shaohua glanced at Zhang Yi a few times and said fiercely: "Really? Then this hotel will be ruined. Do you want to do this with me in the development zone? Do you think you can do it?"

Zeng Shaohua sneered a few times.

Standing there, he did not continue to take action, but stared at Hu Zhiyong opposite, and continued: "I will order this person's legs for you!"

"Solve it for me now!"

Hu Zhiyong shouted again.

Zeng Shaohua ignored Hu Zhiyong.

He really has no brains. Of course he won't take action now. Isn't this looking for death?

This would put him in quite a lot of trouble.

As long as this matter is left to some people who are working hard in the field, it will be done.

Is this still a big deal?

Even if he had to show it openly, he felt that Hu Zhiyong was really stupid enough to be bullied by such a person.

No wonder!

If it weren't for the fact that he wanted some of the projects in Hu Yuan's hands, he wouldn't bother to talk to Hu Zhiyong.

At this moment, some people rushed in from the corridor outside.

"Hold your head, don't move!"

Then these people all held their heads and did not make any move.

They are all repeat offenders, and they have long been accustomed to this kind of thing.

Everyone squatted there.

Every policeman stared at these people with serious expressions on their faces.

At this time, Zhang Yi was still surprised. He called the police, but it shouldn't have come so quickly, right?

Is this too fast?

But it was good to be here, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, Lin Feng is fine now.

If he makes any mistake, he will be really doomed. Needless to say, he will no longer be a manager, and he will not even think about hanging around here in the future.

Zhang Yi walked up and said to a police officer: "These people are causing mischief in our hotel."

"We know, who are the students?"

a police officer asked.

"these are!"

Zhang Yi pointed at Lin Feng and the others.

"Bring them out first, and then detain all these people, make notes, and investigate the specific situation!"

After finishing speaking, the police officer waved his hand, and then the students went to take notes. As for the other people, they were arrested and taken back to the police station.

After recording the transcript, Lin Feng and the others were released.

After Bai Xiaoxiao and her classmates came out, they walked towards the school.

"Don't be too impulsive!" Bai Xiaoxiao still said.

"Well, I understand." Lin Feng said.

"If you do this today, what will you do if someone attacks you again? Does your chest hurt now?" Bai Xiaoxiao comforted her.

Lin Feng held his chest, forced a smile on his lips, and said, "It's not a big problem."

"Stop being brave and go back and rest!"

Bai Xiaoxiao said hurriedly, with a look of distress on his face.

"Okay, I understand." Lin Feng nodded.

Then he looked at his phone and said, "Then I'll go back to my sister's place first."

Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Lin Feng and said worriedly: "Are you okay?"

"It's fine!"

"Then tell me if you have anything."


Lin Feng quickly took a taxi and left.

"Go to Beihai Community!"

"Beihai? That's a rich area!"


The driver looked suspicious, but in the end he sent Lin Feng over there.

When they arrived at the place, the driver looked at Lin Feng and walked in anyway, and then muttered suspiciously: "Do people here still take taxis?"

This is the most prosperous place in Yanjing. The price of houses here is almost astronomical, exceeding tens of millions. Therefore, as long as people can come and go in this area, they must be rich or expensive.

Lin Feng returned to his home.

Lao Wang saw the young master coming back and hurriedly walked up.

His brows were furrowed.

"Master, are you injured?"

Lao Wang's face turned ugly.

This was the first time he saw his young master injured.

"Who did it? To be so cruel?"

Lin Feng said slowly: "I'll give you a prescription. You go get it. Also, come out with me at night!"

"Yes!" Lao Wang nodded hurriedly.

Then he took the prescription written by Lin Feng and filled it.

Soon he came back with the medicine. After Lin Feng took it, he felt that his body's breath became much smoother.

The punch just now was really painful.

However, this also made Lin Feng feel a little bit scared.

His current strength is too poor. After meeting such a person, he is already like this. What if this happens later?

Wouldn't that be more trouble?

It seems that it is inevitable to cultivate your own strength now!

After resting for an afternoon, Lin Feng felt that his body felt much more comfortable.

In the evening, he pulled a car of people and took Lao Wang directly to a nightclub in the development zone.

In the nightclub, Zeng Shaohua had just finished taking the medicine.

The whole person's mood is not very good.

Now he had just come out of the police station, and his younger brother had taken the blame for him. The problem was not serious, but it still made him very annoyed.

As for that Hu Zhiyong, he hasn’t come out yet!

He didn't care about such things.

A younger brother in front said angrily: "Brother Zeng, what should we do about this matter? Do we want to deal with that guy? The brothers are all feeling very angry now!"

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