I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 62 Not allowed to enter Yanjing

the next day.

Very early on, something like this came out in some gossip.

"The Lin family's recent big move has caused trouble for the Tang Yuan Group!"

"The general manager of Tang Yuan Group seems to have had a conflict with the Lin family!"

"Master Lin said he wanted to take action against Tang Yuan!"

"Breaking news, the latest remarks of the number one young man in Yanjing!"

News like this has begun to circulate on some small websites.

For people in the upper-class families in Yanjing, such news is undoubtedly like a big bomb.

They were all surprised.

At this time, Han Yuan was sitting on the sofa, looking at such a piece of news with a sneer on his face.

"This Lin Feng is really ridiculous. He really thinks that Yanjing is their property? He actually took action against Tang Yuan Group!"

"This is a tens-billion company, who is he?"

Won cursed.

Several people from other families in front also followed suit.

"That's right, Brother Han, this guy is really capable of trouble. It is said that he even forgave Zhang Haiyi, haha, he is really a weirdo!"

"Haha, maybe people just like this!"

"Isn't this guy a pervert?"

Everyone started analyzing them one after another.

Everyone feels ridiculous about Lin Feng's recent big moves.

"He has also taken action against the three major families, and now he is going to take action against the Tang Yuan Group. What's next? I see, he is causing trouble for the Lin family!" someone said.

Han Yuan also smiled and said: "Don't worry, let him continue doing this. When the Lin family makes more enemies, the Lin family will naturally be doomed!"

"That's right, I think the Lin family is destined to be destroyed in the hands of this guy!"

Everyone laughed at Lin Feng.

Of course Lin Feng didn't know all this.

And regarding his discussion, not only in one place, but also in many families.

Lin Jianfei took the initiative to call Lin Feng early in the morning.

"What are your thoughts?" Lin Jianfei asked.

He knew that his son was not that stupid. Ever since the engagement, Lin Jianfei had determined that his son was not the so-called prodigal son.

Therefore, he knew very well that it made sense for his son to do this.

"Tang Yuan Group will be in trouble in the future. It's better to get rid of it now. Although his group's development is mediocre, it was recently acquired and other forces came in, so we'd better get rid of it!"

Lin Feng said very directly.

He believed that his father already knew these things.

"Is that the reason?" Lin Jianfei was a little surprised.

"Of course it's not just for this reason, but we have to tell others that they can come in, but don't steal our voice. Yanjing is our territory!" Lin Feng said again.

He could only explain it this way.

He can't tell his father that someone is coming to mess with their Lin family!

It’s not just his father who doesn’t believe it, it’s probably something many people don’t want to believe.

Isn't it crazy to mess with the Lin family?

The Lin family's properties can be seen everywhere now, and they are almost unrivaled in the entire Yanjing.

And it is also because of this reason that the entire Lin family is actually quite famous throughout the country.

Of course, this is the reason why Ye Tianhui chose the Lin family.

In such a big economic market, if you can win the first position, then the profits will naturally be very terrifying.

Just like the current Lin family, it can be said that they are extremely wealthy.

The benefits are completely irrelevant.

This is also the reason why other families are afraid.

"But now that Tang Yuan Group is involved, a lot of things will be involved. Their coverage is also very wide, but their market share is not large!"

Lin Jianfei still said.

He still felt bad about this.

"It must be dealt with. If we can directly acquire this group, it must have a big background. If we don't deal with it first, then they will come in and slowly test our bottom line. At that time, we will not be able to get rid of it. !”

Lin Feng continued.

He wanted to deprive Ye Tian of all kinds of support, and at the same time, he really wanted to continue to expand the power of the Lin family.

The reason is very simple. In such a matter, only by continuing to expand the strength of your family can you have a greater say. Otherwise, you will actually be at a disadvantage in the business war.

Benefits are eternal.

After hearing this, Lin Jianfei was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Okay, I will support you in whatever you do!"

"Okay, dad, trust me!" Lin Feng also said.

"Well, it's okay. Our family has money, so you can use it as you like. Isn't it just a Tang Yuan Group anyway? It's nothing like that!"


Lin Feng was speechless again.

This is too Versailles!

Lin Feng feels like he is now the young man named Wang in future generations. He doesn't have to worry about money at all!

Is this the life of the so-called rich second generation?

It’s really a bit cool!

After Lin Feng hung up the phone, he hurriedly got up.

He has to go to class today.

There's nothing you can do about it, he's a student now.

When he went downstairs, Bai Xiaoxiao was already waiting for him.

When he saw Lin Feng coming out, Bai Xiaoxiao also said, "I went up to look for you yesterday. Why aren't you at home?"

"Oh, I'm going to my sister's house!"

"oh oh!"

Bai Xiaoxiao also nodded.

"What happened yesterday didn't scare you, did it?" Bai Xiaoxiao asked.

"No, aren't they just those guys? There's nothing to be afraid of!"

Lin Feng also said with a smile.

Bai Xiaoxiao still said: "But we must pay attention to it in the future, we can't continue like this!"

Lin Feng nodded.

The two of them quickly arrived at the school together.

Lin Feng didn't even bring his textbooks and just slept in class. Bai Xiaoxiao would still call Lin Feng at first, but in the end there was nothing he could do. Seeing Lin Feng sleeping soundly, he couldn't help but fall asleep in the end.

After one class.

Lin Feng had just finished class and walked out, ready to leave.

Suddenly, he saw a woman walking towards him.

It's Shen Qingxue.

"What are you doing?" Lin Feng asked after watching this woman come over.

"I want to ask you something!" Shen Qingxue's expression was still as cold as ever.

"No time!" Lin Feng said.

He didn't like this woman very much and rejected her directly.

The people in front of me exclaimed!

Did you directly reject the goddess’ invitation? Isn't it?

People all admired Lin Feng for a while.

A look of surprise appeared on Shen Qingxue's face.

"It's only a few minutes!"

"That's not free!"

What happened to a few minutes? A few minutes is also my time. I will go if you let me go?

Don't I want to lose face?

At this time, Lin Feng raised his head very proudly.

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