After Lin Feng walked over, he saw several people sitting in the box.

In the middle position, Li Dong was sitting there with an angry look on his face, still arguing with a person standing about something.

"What's going on?" Lin Feng walked up.

Li Dong saw Lin Feng coming and said hurriedly: "Lin Feng!"

"Are you okay?" Lin Feng came over and said.


"what happened?"

"They opened these drinks, but I didn't order them." Li Dong said angrily.

He brought some friends here today just for fun, but who knew that something like this would happen.

"This is what you drove!"

A woman next to him said emphatically.

There were several strong men behind him, and the man in the middle also said coldly: "Master Li, you can be considered a person of status after all. There is no need for a million to act recklessly here, right?"

"I said, I didn't get out of the way!" Li Dong said solemnly.

He couldn't take this breath.

"I never said I would open these drinks!" Li Dong still insisted.

"Obviously it was you who told me to open these drinks!"

The woman said again.

Lin Feng looked at the scene in front of him, looked at the women in front of him, and sneered.

However, suddenly he remembered something.


Li Dong?

Could it be that it was after Li Dong was beaten that this Ye Tiancai appeared.

What's the connection between the two?

In the original plot of the novel, it was introduced that Li Dong was beaten and Lin Feng hired someone to smash up the bar here.


Lin Feng's mind suddenly became clear.

Yes, this is a guide, fire, and lock.

It was after this time that various troubles arose in the Li family, but Lin Feng ignored Li Dong because he was bewitched by Zhang Haiyi at that time.

Could it be that the people behind this bar are not simple?

Lin Feng thought of some possibilities.

If this is the case, then it is very likely that this is someone's game.

And the person who made the move was most likely Ye Tian.

After carefully connecting with the plot of the novel, Lin Feng finally remembered that this bar should belong to the Yun family.

The Yun family in Beijing.


Lin Feng took a breath of air.

It turns out that the background of this family is that of the Yun family. Yes, in the later novels, the Yun family will often appear. Even when the Lin family was hit, it was this Yun family that helped a lot. strength.

No wonder, it turns out that the Yun family played a big role in this.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng began to feel a little scared.

Fortunately, he remembered the plot at this time, otherwise, if he didn't handle it well today, he would offend others later.

In today's situation, Lin Feng felt that this might be intentional.

He stood up, looked at Li Dong a few times, then looked at the manager, and said, "Call your boss to come out!"

In the past, Lin Feng didn't care about this. He just came to find someone to smash up the bar.

He is the eldest young man, would he be afraid of a person in a bar?

But it's different now. Lin Feng knows about it and naturally wants to see the boss behind Yunlan Bar.

"Well...our boss is not here!" the manager hesitated.

"Let him come out. What's wrong? I, the eldest son of the Lin family, can't let him come out?" Lin Feng snorted coldly.

The manager's expression changed drastically and he hurriedly walked towards the back.

Less than two minutes later, the manager walked in with someone.

It's a woman.

Wearing high heels, a white half-sleeve shirt, bright red lips, and a curvy figure, people are full of yearning when they look at her.

Lin Feng also swallowed and spit.

Be good!

This woman is too...

"Are you Lin Feng?"

The woman asked as soon as she came in.

"Yeah." Lin Feng said.

Lin Feng nodded, looked at the woman again and said slowly: "What's going on today?"

Lin Feng didn't say anything else. He just wanted to see what the other party meant.

If they were also involved in Ye Tian's matter, Lin Feng would naturally not mind taking action against the Yun family.

Anyway, the previous Yun family also attacked their family.

But if there was no involvement and it was just a game set up by Ye Tian, ​​then there would be no big problem.

Yun Xiangmei glanced at this scene, then frowned and looked at the manager.

"What's going on?"

As soon as she came in, she knew what was going on.

There is so much wine, and it is expensive wine. Generally speaking, one would not order wine like this.

But many people came directly.

Lin Feng is still there, which means that he is suspicious of this matter. It was intentional by the bar.

The manager became nervous and stammered: "Boss, this is really what they want!"

"Then have you ever reminded me?"

"No, I was negligent!"

The manager said hurriedly.

After Yun Xiangmei glanced at it twice, she said coldly: "Get out of my way first!"

After finishing speaking, she walked towards the waiter in front of her.

"Tell me, who asked you to do this?"

Yun Xiangmei saw the clues to this matter immediately.

This was obviously intentional.

Regardless of whether he deliberately caused trouble for her, she always needed to give Lin Feng an explanation.

“Boss, it’s really not me, they said that!”

The waitress still said.


As soon as the woman finished speaking, she slapped the waiter on the face.

"You only have one chance!" Yun Xiangmei's face was cold.

"I don't!"

"Take it down!" Yun Xiangmei shouted coldly.

Several people came over and took the woman out directly.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Feng was speechless for a while.

This woman is really crazy.

Why should a woman embarrass a woman?

After the person left, Yun Xiangmei looked towards Lin Feng again.

Sitting on the sofa nearby.

He stared at Lin Feng for a long time.

Lin Feng couldn't sit still.

"Why do you look at me like that?"

"It is said that there is a prodigal son in the Lin family who was cheated on by others. Now it seems that this is not the case!"

Yun Xiangmei cast a scrutinizing gaze.

Lin Feng's heart trembled. He felt as if he had been seen through by this woman.

The next moment, Lin Feng chuckled.

His eyes moved, staring at Yun Xiangmei's body and floating up.

The obscene aura suddenly came out, and then he said: "Of course it's different, how about it? Can the beauty have a glass of wine?"

Yun Xiangmei then looked at Lin Feng with disgust.


After finishing speaking, she stood up directly, looked at Li Dong, and said: "This matter is a problem of our bar. I will handle it. This time, your consumption will be free of charge."

After saying that, he left directly.

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