I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 83 An endless stream of investors

After receiving the call, a person in charge nodded repeatedly.

Especially after seeing this phone number, even his hands began to tremble.

He is the secretary of the Lin Group, so he naturally knows who the person who called is.

And he didn't hesitate at all.

He knew very well that since Mr. Lin called him directly, he hoped that this matter would be settled as soon as possible.

At that moment, he directly started to fight against several companies below.

"Now let me inform you. Contact the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association and offer them some sponsorship. But remember, don't be blunt. Otherwise, the amount shouldn't be too big."

After receiving the call immediately, the CEOs of several companies began to take action.

They are all thinking about the reason for this. Could it be that there is any important person in the Chinese Medicine Association?

People have begun to inquire about some news about the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association.

At this time, Zhao Shichu had just returned to school.

I received a lot of phone calls.

"President Zhao, I am Liu Maocai from Rongsheng Real Estate Company. I would like to sponsor your association. Do you think it is okay?"


Zhao Shichu looked confused after hearing what the other party said.

"This...can be done, of course!"

"We at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association welcome sponsorship, but you are a real estate company, so I'm afraid..."

"It doesn't matter, we are also preparing for a physical examination. If you are free, you can come over and give our company a physical examination!"

“It’s easy, it’s totally okay!”

Zhao Shichu agreed directly and was overjoyed.

Great, someone finally sponsored them.

"Then are you planning to sponsor tens of thousands?"

Zhao Shichu asked.

There was suddenly no sound from the other side.


Zhao Shichu looked embarrassed. After thinking about it, he whispered: "A few thousand is fine, here we..."

"Oh, no, President Zhao, how can we sponsor tens of thousands? We are preparing 10 million, have you seen enough?"


Zhao Shichu was completely stunned.

Ten million?

How is this possible?

Doesn’t he still know about their Traditional Chinese Medicine Association? How can any company be willing to sponsor it and spend 10 million?

Isn't this too exaggerated?

Zhao Shichu asked hurriedly: "This...Mr. Liu, are you...sure it's 10 million?"

"Of course, if you think it's less and have any needs, we can also add some more!" Liu Maocai said respectfully.

Before making this call, he had already found a list, but he didn't find any differences on it. However, he knew that since it was done by the higher-ups, there should be no way around Chairman Zhao Shichu.

So immediately, he called Zhao Shichu directly.

"That's enough, that's enough. Are you serious?" Zhao Shichu couldn't help but ask a few more questions.

"Don't worry, you can send someone to contact us to confirm. If it's convenient, we can get the money tomorrow."

"Then do you need our cooperation?" Zhao Shichu asked again.

This really confused him.

Now that he had calmed down slightly, he felt suspicious.

Such a big good thing?

After all, this was 10 million, so Zhao Shichu still felt that he should ask clearly.

"Not yet. We here simply support the development of traditional Chinese medicine. Of course, if we get sick in the future, we will seek out some famous doctors from your Traditional Chinese Medicine Association. I hope you will not hesitate to recommend them!" Liu Maocai said with a smile.

"Mr. Liu is joking!"

Zhao Shichu nodded.

After the two chatted for a few words, the other party hung up the phone.

Before Zhao Shichu had time to think about it, another phone call came right after.

"Hello, are you President Zhao?"

Same words.

"Yes!" Zhao Shichu responded hurriedly.

"I am the person in charge of a chemical company. Can we cooperate with your Chinese Medicine Association?"

"How to cooperate?"

"We are planning to build a hospital for our employees, so if you are willing, you can join us to build a hospital. You can rest assured that our expenses will not be less!"

"This is okay!"

Zhao Shichu nodded again.

After saying a few simple words, Zhao Shichu hung up the phone.

After that, several more calls came, making Zhao Shichu confused again.

Today's call came too suddenly. Could it be that someone was behind to help?

Zhao Shichu was puzzled.

According to the strength of their Traditional Chinese Medicine Association, they have not been able to attract sponsorship for so many years. Today, there are suddenly so many, and they are all worth tens of millions or more. As a result, their Traditional Chinese Medicine Association has become very important. It can even develop.

This is also a very important thing.

In many cases, an association is not only responsible for the coordination of certain industries in a place, but can even do more.

For Zhao Shichu now, he thinks this is really great.

With such a large sum of money, he can use it to train many people, and even specially recruit some experts to slowly develop the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association and expand the scale of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In this way, more doctors can come and join them. in this ranks.

After repeated phone calls, Zhao Shichu gradually began to calm down.

When thinking about this matter this time, who is possible?

Could it be said that Lin Feng got it here?

Suddenly, he thought of Lin Feng's figure.

But that's unlikely, right?

In the end, Zhao Shichu still didn't think about Lin Feng's matter.

After receiving so many intentions, Zhao Shichu hurriedly called some other people from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association, contacted several people one after another, and then prepared to discuss what to do about this matter.

Lin Feng returned directly to his company.

Sitting in a large office on the top floor.

Lin Feng looked at Chen Qiang, who was reporting to him, and nodded occasionally.

After Chen Qiang finished reporting all the work, he said: "How are the recent investments?"

"It's good, the income is increasing frequently, but I think we are too desperate?"

Chen Qiang is still very worried about some of the stocks.

"Don't worry, wait until it reaches above 200 before considering selling."

Lin Feng said lightly.

"Is it so high?" Chen Qiang exclaimed with a look of surprise.


"But this company doesn't have such a high value now?"

"There will be, and it will be there soon, believe me!"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

He knew very well that the stocks of this company would be merged into a large company in the future, so the stocks would rise accordingly.

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