People in the entire hall looked at this scene and were ready to move.

Everyone has no intention of going to work now.

In the eyes of many people, this matter is really difficult.

After seeing this man leave, other people followed him one after another.

They all started to move around.

At this next moment, people's expressions changed.

Finally, many people left again.

Hu Yuan was extremely angry.

Just as I returned to my office, I suddenly received a few more calls.

"Mr. Hu, our cooperation has stopped here!"

"Mr. Hu, there is really nothing we can do about this matter. We can no longer supply goods here!"

"Our contract with your company ends here!"

Everyone started talking one after another.

For Hu Yuan, this was something that annoyed him.

He didn't even expect that this would actually happen!

Could it be said that Tang Yuan Group is really finished?

And was it still destroyed in his hands?

At this time, Hu Yuan's face became extremely ugly.

He slumped in the chair, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, a figure appeared at the door.

A man stood there, looking at Hu Yuan inside, and suddenly a smile appeared on his mouth.

"Things always fail. Now that that's the case, start over!"

An extremely handsome face appeared in front of his eyes. The straight man walked in, wearing a suit, with an elegant temperament. Just this gentle face made people feel like a spring breeze and extremely comfortable.

After seeing the person coming, Hu Yuan's expression changed drastically, he stood up hurriedly, and stammered: "Master Ye!"

"You've done a good job, but there's nothing you can do about this." Ye Tian said.

"Master Ye, I failed you!"

"Haha, it doesn't matter, this is just the fault of the Lin family!"

Ye Tian said again.

Sitting on the boss's chair, he looked at Hu Yuan and said, "Go and recruit people. As for the company, of course we can still run it here. Just go and recruit people."

Ye Tian said with a smile.

Hu Yuan nodded hurriedly and walked out.

At this time, a person behind Ye Tian looked at Ye Tian with a puzzled expression.

"Master, why did you spare him this matter?"

"There is no need to be too harsh, and his fault in this matter is very small. I also underestimated the Lin family. I didn't expect that the Lin family would actually take action this time."

"Then what should we do? Should we go find the head of the Lin family?" the man said coldly.

"Don't be ridiculous, I told you, we are here to do business, not to fight or kill. If you still do this, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

At this time, Ye Tian, ​​who had a gentle face, suddenly turned gloomy.

"This is not a place for you to mess around. If any of you dare to mess around with me, I will personally punish you!"

"Yes, Master!" The man nodded respectfully.

Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting there, looked at the scenery outside the window, suddenly smiled again, and said, "This is interesting, the scenery in Yanjing is quite good!"

Lin Feng had already walked towards the school at this time.

He has nothing to do now.

He also listened to Lao Wang's report about what happened last night, so he probably understood it clearly.

And the most important thing is that he also knows that Ye Tian has arrived.

Faced with the current mess in Tang Yuan, what Lao Wang just said was that he saw this person enter Tang Yuan.

It’s about to begin!

Lin Feng felt a little nervous.

This person's strength and force value are above him. For now, he is much better than him. Therefore, this is something that Lin Feng is very afraid of.

As for other things, Lin Feng doesn't care.

After all, he is a member of the Lin family, and such a thing is nothing to him.

Bai Xiaoxiao saw that Lin Feng seemed to have something on his mind, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, think of something!"

"Lack of money?"

Facing Bai Xiaoxiao's questions, Lin Feng couldn't laugh or cry.

He is a man with billions of dollars, but he is actually thought to be short of money.

"That's not true. I'm just thinking wildly!"

Lin Feng explained again.

I didn't see Zhao Shichu in class today, and Lin Feng probably guessed that it was because of the affairs of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association. Moreover, around noon, Lin Feng also received a call from someone, saying that Zhao Shichu asked him to go to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association.

Lin Feng also hurriedly walked towards the Chinese Medicine Association.

After getting out of a taxi, Lin Fengcai had just walked a few steps when he saw a person complaining: "Why are we here? I really don't understand what is so good about this Traditional Chinese Medicine Association. And our boss actually sponsored 10 million!"

"Haha, I didn't expect this, but since we are here, let's go in and take a look!"

The two of them walked and then looked at Lin Feng who got out of the car.

Lin Feng walked very fast.

Lin Feng had no feelings for these two people. In his opinion, this matter was nothing at all.

Isn't it just such a thing?

It doesn't matter to him.

After walking a few more steps, he said, "Are you from the Chinese Medicine Association?"

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, then stopped.

Originally, Lin Feng wanted to go in directly and was not prepared to talk to these two people.

"Yes!" Lin Feng said.

"Come here, let your president come down to greet you? We are here to inspect you, and we are here with a lot of money this time. How can you not even do such a small job?"

One person said in a deep voice, and an official accent came out directly.

Another person also showed a dissatisfied look.

"Our company donated 10 million, but you don't even have a ceremony here?"

"Sorry, we were in a hurry here!" Lin Feng said again.

"Ask your president to come down and not understand any rules?" the man asked again.

"I'm sorry, President Zhao is busy now, and your affairs have nothing to do with us!"

Lin Feng said again.

"Then you are not going to ask for this sponsorship?" The man looked at Lin Feng unhappily.

"Who are you from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association? How dare you speak like this? I think you should call your president!"

This man snorted again. He didn't take Lin Feng into consideration at all.

In his opinion, Lin Feng was nothing.

At most, he is a clerk.

It was because of Lin Feng's attitude that he was very unhappy.

After all, they came on behalf of the company, but they didn't pay them any attention?

In normal times, this is a ritual for them to donate one million, but now it’s nothing. It’s really too much!

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