With the guarantee of Yin Ye night, Rong Yi finally put down his heart and stayed in the house for two days, but he still had to move. He didn’t want to be in the name of the old lady every day. A deaf is the real master of the house, and he is just a poor worm that will be driven away at any time.

Rongyi had breakfast in the early morning, let Rongsheng teach the little zombies to speak and basic courtesy common sense, and then go to the house with glory.

Rong speed puzzled: "Young master, the matter of finding a house let us go to work, you will be waiting for the news in the government."

Rong Yi took out the compass that he got in the Devil's Forest. "It's easy to find a house, but it's not easy to find a good house with special feng shui."

Rong quickly said: "Where did you come from the compass? You will see the compass? This compass looks pretty good."

"I grabbed it from the person who wanted to catch me."

Rong speed listened to Xinghe and said this thing: "Young master, you can rest assured that we have sent people to investigate this matter. I listened to the predecessors of the Xinghe, saying that those people wore the robes of the Watsons, but the spells used were not It’s too much like the Watson. It’s obvious that some people want to send a disaster to the ferry.”

"Checking their robes and sects is not as good as checking out who the lords of the Hehuan Pavilion have to do with them. This _ times thing must not be with her."

"I also sent people to investigate her, but she has too many people to contact.

"The other party will be divination. It is not easy to catch him." Rongyi saw that the carriage passed the dressing room on the streets of Dongmu. Suddenly, after thinking that he had returned, the enchanted characters that had been made in these days had not been given to Qi Yueshi. The driver stopped, and he heard the quarrel in the dressing room.

Rongyi opened the curtains and saw five men coming out of the dressing room. Holding the instruments in their hands, pointing at the plaques on the implements: "Let's take a look, this is the enchantment they made. In less than two days, Laozi posted it on the device, and the instrument was broken. They still did not admit that their enchantment was broken, so they did not talk about integrity, how to do business in the future?"

When the road people heard their words, they all rushed to the door of the dressing room.

The other four men also raised their own instruments, and they said with anger: "Don't believe them anymore. If you go to them, their characters will be useful first, but after a while, problems will arise. We are the best. Proof."

Passers-by were surprised: "No, who will dare to go to their store to do business in the future."

Qi Yueshi rushed out to argue: "If you don't believe them, the upper marks of their instruments are not attached with our enchanted characters..."

The man holding the instrument to make trouble said: "The pattern on our instrument is exactly the same as your character. Do you still mean sophistry?"

When Rongyi saw this, he knew that someone was looking for it. It must be that some of his peers were so jealous that they had good business and they were looking for someone to discredit them.

He turned his head and whispered a few words to Rong.

Rong speeded and nodded, and quickly jumped out of the car and left the sword.

Qi Yueshi explained to passers-by: "Yes, your pattern is the same as the pattern on our record, but the pattern can be imitated. It is not easy to make a pattern like our pattern."

The man who made trouble said: "With the palm of your hand, you can't help but lose our spirits."

Qi Yueshi sneered: "You have so many things, you don't want to destroy the reputation of our store or ask us to pay for your spirits so that you can make a fortune."

"Do you think that we are dressed in poor money? Again, we don't know each other, why do we want to destroy the business in your store?"

The other four men immediately agreed: "Yeah, if we really used your signature to break the instrument, do we need to come here to make trouble? Come here to let you give a statement, but also want to tell others Don't be deceived anymore."

They all have their own interests, and passers-by don’t know who to believe.

Qi Yueshi and Zhong Ziqiao are mad at them. They are thinking about how to deal with the situation in front of them. Someone behind the passers-by suddenly shouted: "Big brother, big brother..."

Everyone turned their heads and saw two young guys squeezing inside, and excitedly holding the _ Zhang Bai paper in his hand and said: "Big brother, got it, got it."

They came to the front of the troublemaker and said happily: "We got the queuing number, number one thousand and seventy-three, which is in front of it. I believe that it will not take long before it is our turn to buy the enchantment. Haha, big brother, this is really high. You are here to make troubles for everyone to think that the enchantment is fake. Those who line up to buy the number are afraid of being deceived, and they will resell the number to us, haha, other brothers. Still buying the number that others don't want, maybe we can buy more."

Qi Yueshi, they and the road people: "..."

The man who made trouble said: "You guys..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly angered behind him: "You two fools, aren't you waiting for you to buy the queue number and go home to wait? How come here."

The two young people are embarrassed to change their heads: "We are too happy to forget the shape, we will go back now."

Someone in the road crowd went on to say: "It turned out that it was too mean to get the means of arranging the numbers in front of them. It’s so despicable. Fortunately, we are not fooled, otherwise the numbers in front are taken by you. Now, everyone is scattered, scattered, and don’t meet such people in the future."

The passers-by despised the men who were facing the troubles and screamed.

A few men who made trouble: "All we said are true. Their enchanted characters really don't work." Before the two young men were fools, the monk shouted: "Big brother, this trick doesn't work, what should I do?" How do I get the queue number in the future?"

The man who made trouble said: "Who is your mother?"

"Big Brother, I am not going to make trouble with you. I have to go back and grab the number in front of the queue." Before the two young men were fools, the monks smiled and ran away.

"Mother's, this is all about it."

Qi Yueshi sneered: "It turned out that in order to get the means of queuing the number in front of it, it is really hateful. I will not sell it to you in the future."

"Hey, who wants your family's character, brothers, let's go." The troubled man saw that everyone did not believe what they said and had to leave with someone.

Qi Yueshi, they also sighed, turned and returned to the store.

Rongyi came out of the car when he was scattered.

Qi Yueshi, they saw him and quickly took people upstairs: "Xiaoyiyi, you are right, you are painting at 11:30 2/486.6%

The person who is looking for someone to make trouble is to make trouble in order to queue up, right? ”

Rong Yi laughed and said that you are not stupid. ”

Zhongzi knows coldness _ "We can't see people stupidly helping us in the dark. Even if people want to queue up, they can't be stupid enough to run on the way to buy them. Then you can't use them next time. This trick."

I wish you a letter and smiled and shot Rongyi’s shoulder: "Your boy is really smart. It is estimated that there are not a few people who believe in the troubles now. I will not dare to use this trick to deal with us in the future."

Rong Yi put up a smile: "Do you know who did it?"

Tang Shangru said that I guess that we used to visit the Lipstick Pavilion. Recently, we have attracted many guests because of your enchantment. They also took away many of their business. No worse than them, the price is cheaper. Of course, we choose the things in our store. We also plan to expand the business in the store in a while. However, the Lingshi selling the enchanted characters cannot be given to you first. We want to use it to expand the business. ”

How much they used to like the fat 胭 ,, now they hate them more, even with such despicable means to squeeze out competitors.

"The Lingshi who sold the character first gave it to me. I have an urgent need. I can take it to the store after the sale." Rongyi also hopes that the business in the store is getting better and better, and he will give him the refinement. They: "The above hundred are the enchanted characters used by Ghost Repair, one can sell eight hundred pieces of Chinese stone, the following is the enchantment I gave you before, or sold at the original price."

Tang Shangru took over with amazement: "Eight hundred pieces of Chinese goods Lingshi? So expensive, is anyone buying?"

"Things are rare, some people will buy them."

"Well, just do what you said, yes, how do you run out alone, why don't you come to see us with Komori?"

Rong Yidao said: "I came out today to buy a house with good feng shui, and I plan to move out."

Tang Shangru, who knew the things they had dyed, naturally supported Rongyi to take the children and move them out: "The feng shui next door to our house is particularly good. Unfortunately, the original homeowner has not been able to live in and has been chased by the enemy. The family has lost their lives. Anyone who doesn't understand feng shui feels that it is a disaster caused by the house, so the house has been vacant. If you don't give up, you can look at it."

Rong Yi asked: "How do you know that Feng Shui is good?"

"My family is a mage. Sometimes I need to look at Feng Shui to increase the intensity of the formation. We will buy the current mansion because I saw the feng shui of the next house. Unfortunately, the land of the next house is too large. We can't live in so many places, we don't buy it, we just borrow a little feng shui from the next line, but it is suitable for so many people to live in. If you live there, I will remove the formation."

"Well, I will go over it now."

Rongyi went downstairs with them, and the second child in the store immediately ran over: "Qi, the dispenser, this is the invitation of the Grease Court treasurer."

Everyone took a glance, Qi Yueshi took the invitation to look at it, frowning: "The treasurer of Zhizhige said that they will hold a test of refining rouge gouache and embroidered robes in Haishan City. All rouge shops are coming, so our dressing room is also included in the invitation."

Tang Shangru sneered: "According to the past, where we have just opened a small shop is eligible to participate.

I wish you a letter to the fishery: "They want to take this opportunity to ruin our reputation, and then let us do business in Haishan City."

Zhong Zi Qiao angered: "Participate to participate, afraid that they will not succeed."

Rong Yi blinked: "Although it may damage the reputation of the dressing up, but the dressing up can not be famous to see this opportunity."

Qi Yueshi nodded: "Yes, such a good opportunity, we can't waste it. From today, we have to prepare for it."

Rong Yi asked: "When is the test?"

"In the middle of the next month, it is October 15."

"There is not much time. You should be prepared first. I will get the things of the mansion and find them again."

"it is good."

Rongyi left the clothing and makeup room, and Rong speed came to the next door of the house where Zhong Ziqiao lived. As Tang Shangru said, the feng shui is very good. The layout of the house is to face the south, to conform to the heavens, to get the aura of the mountains and rivers, and to receive the glory of the sun and the moon. To raise the body, cultivate the sentiment, and to create a sense of fraternity, the sunrise can be seen from the window into the lobby. For Feng Shui, the window in the east can be said to conform to the "purple air east", the east is the most yang, the freshness, the east There is a window to absorb the auspicious gas, the family life is endless, and it can also protect the family's good fortune and peace. This house is particularly prosperous.

Rong Yi _ eyes on this house, immediately let Rong speed to do this thing, he is first Yin Yue, just got off the carriage, the guard immediately reported to him: "Young master, your grandfather came."

□ authors gossip:

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