I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 419 Precursor Slayer (1)

It barely took any time for Phantom to strike again. This time he wasn't playing around. As he had no interest in anyone except Ashton, he had no intention of playing with them.

Within moments, Phantom had wiped out a third of the guards simply because they couldn't keep their mouths shut. Thanks to that, Phantom had become unstoppable.

"No matter the species, all living creatures are predictable." Phantom chuckled while licking the blood off his fingers, "In the face of death, all they can do is ask stupid questions, which I gladly answer."

Phantom was pissed because his play time with Ashton had been interrupted, and he needed an outlet to let his rage flow. The crowd saw his creepy expression, and the newbies were immediately scared shitless. Still, none of them backed down.

"Oh, maybe all of you are somewhat interesting." Phantom licked his lips, "It's weird, you see. I'm not used to fighting all-out battles, but I guess there's a first time for everything, don't you think?"

"Cut the crap and get here so I can crush your head with my hands!" Vimur yelled back.

Unfortunately, Phantom perceived Vimur's words as an answer to his question. Just like that, Phantom got even more robust. Copying a move from Vimur's skillset, the bastard charged straight into the guards.

Bodies were thrown everywhere like a bunch of sacks. Phantom's charge ended abruptly when Vimur stopped him with his bare hands. At least it looked like he did, but in reality, Phantom had stopped himself because he noticed something more interesting.

"What is a Gryphon doing here of all the places?"

It was Aegis in the form of a gryphon, but Phantom didn't know that. Sighing a Gryphon was a rare opportunity, let alone fighting one. Phantom's eyes shone as he forgot everything about the mercenaries and the guards and headed straight towards the flying beast.

Although Vimur's warrior ego was a bit hurt, he knew it was a crucial opportunity to gather their troops. At the same time, Laihud got the critical chance to heal Ashton.

However, as soon as Laihud got close to Ashton, the latter grabbed in hand and pulled closer till his ears were close to Ashton's mouth.

"Do not... reply to or ask that bastard... anything." Ashton weakly mumbled, "The more you talk, the stronger... he gets."
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"What? How is that even-"

"Don't ask questions." Ashton cut Laihud off as he forced himself back on his feet, "Take the guards, and get Eula off the planet now! I'll stall the bastard."

"You'd be better off committing suicide," Vimur intervened, "We have already lost a lot, and I sure as hell ain't letting you die a meaningless death here."

However, Laihud knew running away with Eula was their best option, considering how strong Phantom had become. After quickly patching Ashton's wounds as much as possible, Laihud grabbed Vimur's arm and made a break for Eula's room.


"We'll be right back with more reinforcements," He said, "Try not to die on us till then."

Ashton nodded, and all of them went their separate ways. Aegis was still stalling Phantom as the bastard hurled fireballs one after another toward the creature.

[Phantom's power up can't be endless. The fucker is bound to lose the enhancements if you stall him long enough.]

'There's no point in it. The guards had already asked a lot of questions.' Ashton gritted his teeth, 'Not to mention, he's quite a sly bastard. The moment I start stalling, he would know exactly what I'm up to.'

[That's true. So what do you plan on doing?]

'Plans? When have any of those actually worked for us?'

[You have no chance of winning against him head-on.]

'Won't know if I don't try.'

[You're one crazy bastard.]

'It takes one to know one.' Ashton smiled.
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Without wasting more time, Ashton charged at Phantom.

[Wolf's mark has been activated.]

'Here goes nothing!'

"You should have escaped while you had the chance," Phantom mumbled without even looking in Ashton's direction.

The next moment, his punch blew a hole through Ashton's torso. Blood drizzled out of Ashton's mouth, but his fighting spirit was as strong as ever. He swung his claws one last time and managed to gauge Phantom's right eye out.

"YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!!!" Phantom yelled out, clasping his bloodied face.

Ashton fell to the ground. Although he could still sense everything around him through Perception, his physical senses had gone numb. Phantom had gotten a lot stronger; Ashton knew that. However, he had never imagined he would get one-shotted like this.

"Damn it... You were right." Ashton smiled weakly, "I should not have jumped in."

[Eh, what's the point of crying over spilt milk.]

The disappointment in Astaroth's voice was unmistakable. Even to Ashton's fading mind. Somehow, the lack of Astaroth's taunts made Ashton unhappy, and at the same time, it made him feel like Astaroth had a plan.

[Well, you are right about that. You have two options, bleed out and say hasta la vista, or switch places with me, and I'll use Admin privileges to heal you back, as I did back on earth when you lost your eye.]

'What's the... Catch?'

[Since Lucifer won't be able to cover our tracks anymore, using Admin Privilege as vital as saving a life wouldn't go unnoticed by the Xyrans. In other words, it'll be like announcing, "Hey, dumbasses! We're here!"]

Astaroth meant that he'd buy some time, but in the end, the Xyrans would hunt him down. Ashton wasn't delusional enough to think he was strong enough to take on the Xyrans. Regardless of his decision, he would end up in the same place he was.

Suddenly something fell out of the sky. Aegis was rushing to save his master, but he wasn't alone. From the corner of his eyes, Ashton saw someone small rushing toward him. Someone with a hammer twice as big as the one carrying it. Ashton did not know how to feel at that moment.

"You brat, I let you be by yourself for a second, and you get your stomach drilled by a pesky little ant?" Even though Ashton was just a step away from death, Vulcan barked at him, "Hold on. I'll fix you up for good."

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