I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land

Vol 2 Chapter 130: Ziwei Temple

"Senior brother... absolutely not, what you do is tantamount to deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors."

"My Dragon and Tiger Temple has established a sect on the Dragon and Tiger Mountain for thousands of years, now let us sit directly next to this big demon..."

"Brother...you have to be careful..."

A group of Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain were horrified when they heard Taoist Yuzhen's plan.

Brother Yuzhen not only intends to establish a sect in this peach forest, but also plans to call all the remaining disciples from Longhu Mountain. Doesn't this just give up on Longhu Mountain?

Their Dragon and Tiger Temple is named after Dragon and Tiger Mountain. Doing so is no less than betraying Dragon and Tiger Temple.

If the ancestors of the past dynasties knew about it, they would probably jump out of the coffin and accept this unworthy person directly.

"Deceive the master and destroy the ancestor?"


Daoist Yuzhen looked at the group of senior brothers, who had cultivated for too long on the mountain, and all of them had become elm-headed.

If we don't move the Dragon and Tiger Temple here and occupy this place first, will the two masters and apprentices of the Shenwei Temple be the first to be preempted?

Ever since he came out of the peach grove that day, Taoist Yuzhen secretly thought it was not good.

He didn't expect that the demon lord would directly lead them into the depths of the peach forest, not only leading them into the depths of the peach forest, but also allowing them to witness the magic of the peach tree with their own eyes.

If only they, the Dragon and Tiger viewers, knew about it, they could take it easy.

But it's a pity, Cheng Yifan and his apprentice entered that time.

What did Daoist Cheng Yifan say?

He said that the Shenwei Temple was just the two of them, master and apprentice, and they would build a Taoist temple everywhere, so it would be better to build another one directly in the willow forest.

What kind of idea he had, was Sima Zhaozhi's heart, and everyone knew it.

Don't you just want to get closer to Taolin?

If he can give up on the view of divine power, why not give up on their view of dragon and tiger?

"Okay, okay, Pindao also knows that it is still unrealistic to let all the juniors from Longhu Mountain go down the mountain."


Daoist Yuzhen stared at the fellow apprentices with a ferocious expression on his face.

"However, we are bound to get this peach tree!"

"That Taoist Master Cheng Yifan has already built a Taoist temple in Taolin, and took the lead first."

"Brothers, do you have a better way?"

"That's a real peach tree spirit, no, that's a flat peach spirit, the peach spirit that fell into the mortal world from the flat peach garden in the Heavenly Palace."

"If we don't want to try our best to stay here, why don't we give all this great opportunity to that Shenweiguan?"

"You say, is this the truth?"

"But...but...if the teacher knows..."

"Master is no longer the head teacher, understand? Master destroyed the mahogany sword representing the head teacher's token. Even if we disciples are not easy to get along with, the elders in Guannei and the priests will all find trouble with the master."

"Why did Pindao endure the humiliation and take the initiative to show his favor to the demon lord? Don't you guys understand the good intentions of the senior brother?"

"As long as our brothers and sisters come together, even if Daoist Cheng is far stronger than us, we can still occupy a place in this peach forest."

"As long as we are here, the flat peach spirit will give us a big chance!"

"At that time, whether it is the peach wood sword or the flat peach fruit that has grown, we will all want it!"

"We must not let the Shenwei Temple be preempted."

"But... but... if the elders in the temple know us... we built a temple in this peach forest... completely enter this world of mortals..."

"No, but, juniors, from now on, I will be the new headmaster of Longhu Guan!"

"If you don't enter the world of mortals, how can you get the fruit of Taoism?"

"Director Luo... Pindao plans to build a new Taoist temple in the wasteland, what do you think?"

Cheng Daochang met Director Luo after entering Taolin.

However, Director Luo said at this time that Jiang Xiaocheng had agreed to let them go back, and Daochang Cheng was unwilling to go back.

Are you kidding me, the two of them are leaving, do you still want the flat peach spirit?

If before, he didn't know that Tao Yaoyao's condition was fine, but now, he knew that this peach tree had become a spirit, how could he leave so easily at this time?

"There is a definite number between the heaven and the earth!"

"If the poor Taoist doesn't go deep into this peach forest, he won't know the situation of this peach forest. If he doesn't know the situation of this peach forest, he won't stay in this blessed land."

"Director Luo... You have cheated the poor so hard!"

That piece of peach wood was taken from this peach grove, taken from the body of the peach essence, and there is such a big golden mountain, how could Cheng Daochang abandon it now?

After learning about the situation of the land, he instantly became dissatisfied with Director Luo's behavior.

Back then, if Director Luo hadn't taken...

Let it go, that is already a thing of the past, now the opportunity is in front of him, no matter what, he must firmly hold the opportunity in his hands.

"Cheng Daochang...you...you agreed to that..."

Seeing this, Director Luo also had to smile wryly. When the city hall made this decision, he felt it was inappropriate.

The problem is that Xiaocheng, with her temperament, who knows what she will do?

The secrets deep in the peach forest have been known by these people. With this treasure land, will these cultivators still deal with these mundane worlds for the Ability Bureau?

Cheng Daozhang, whom they relied on the most, has already been affected.

"Don't worry! Director Luo, the general of Shenwei, the poor will continue."

"Before, Pindao felt that the Heavenly Court's plan was a bit too child's play, but now, with the real flat peach spirit appearing, we can take this opportunity to promote the divine power of the Heavenly Court to the world."

"Pindao... will create a real heaven in this peach forest."

Moving the Shenwei Temple to this peach forest will not affect the next plan.

On the contrary, with the help of this peach forest, they can better carry out this plan.

Pantao fairy fruit, immortals, magic weapons, all of these, they can all realize on this land.

Cheng Yifan already knew that there are many monsters in this land, and it is much easier to explain to those monsters to subdue the monsters in this land and make them into the immortal book.

As for those monsters, in ancient mythology, those without fairy books are all monsters, and those with fairy books are all gods.

Wouldn't it be more appropriate to subdue monsters?

Only in this land can the real heaven be realized, and only in this land can we have the opportunity to tell the world that this place is a fairyland.

Aura is abundant, there are many immortals, even in the willow forest on the west side, great virtuous and eminent monks gather together.

This is where the real Heavenly Court was born!

"Pindao, I have already thought about the name of the new Taoist temple."

"Since this is the land of Immortal Court, Pindao decided this place as..."

"Ziwei Tiangong!"

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