25 – Hidden World (1)

People become stronger when pushed to their limits.

Indeed, that belief was not wrong.


The sound of a gunshot, accompanied by a mark etched onto the demon’s forehead.

Simultaneously, Im Dahi’s spear surged toward the mark.


Electricity precisely enveloped only the edge of the spear.


Crackle, Kwang!

As the demon was electrocuted, a sacred explosion occurred.

Naturally, the demon perished instantly, dissolving into ashes with a fiery rage.

Im Dahi stared at the sharp remnants of the demon with a keen gaze.

“That’s it.”

Witnessing that scene, I derived immense satisfaction.

Numerous confrontations, numerous battles.

After enduring repeated conflicts, Im Dahi had become stronger and more skilled.

No longer needing to emit electricity from his body or concentrate his mind, he could directly infuse electricity into the spear’s edge.

Furthermore, he had advanced to the point where he could manifest electricity in any part of his body as desired.

– Kyaahhh!

A demon appeared from the lightless ceiling.

And below, there was Park Garam, still unaware.

As he raised his gun to pull the trigger.


With the sound of electricity manifesting, Im Dahi disappeared.


When he reappeared, the demon that had been attempting to ambush Park Garam was impaled on his spear.


Lim Dahee, who had thrown the demon pierced through the window onto the floor, looked at Park Garam and spoke.

“Are you okay?”

“Uh, yeah… Th-thank you.”

A cool demeanor that even a man would find impressive.

However, Park Garam’s expression, expressing gratitude, was only awkward.

Just a little while ago, he was so timid that he couldn’t even meet the eyes of others, but now he suddenly changed. It was strange.

But considering that Lim Dahee had fought fiercely several times, even pleading desperately to take a break, it wasn’t entirely unexpected.

Even so, I continued the extermination until I found all the survivors, and Lim Dahee, shouting for a break, relentlessly swung the spear.

And now, with all survivors found and the final extermination complete.

She was no longer the timid Lim Dahee but a confident female warrior.

Finally, she took her first steps toward the javelin.

…However, whether it was due to the intense battles causing side effects.

Fizz… Pop.

As the magic was depleted, the electric skill was cut off.


She transformed back into timidity.

Even worse than before.

“Ah, uh….”

Beyond not being able to meet eyes, now it was difficult even to face her, as Lim Dahee’s head bowed deeply.


Seeing Lim Dahee like that, Park Garam sighed.

As if saying, “I have my own sense of melancholy, but it’s not to that extent.”

With a wry smile at these comical scenes, I took out the survivors I had stored in the inventory.

Thud, thud, thud.

A heavy sound that could make the floor tremble.

If it weren’t for the inventory, I would have had to carry these heavy things around and fight demons.

I let out a short sigh of relief and pointed the smartwatch at the three dolls.

Then, with a ‘ding’ sound from the smartwatch, the training objectives were updated.


【Objective of Mission 1】

[Scenario Explanation]

A survivor has been rescued.

However, to escape the alternate world, another rift must be found somewhere.

Objective: Locate the rift.

– Time Limit: 1 hour.

※ The rift’s location is [here].


The next objective is to “locate the rift.”

However, since this simulated alternate world is for training, the location of the rift has been revealed.

Upon pressing the [here] written at the bottom of the training objective, a hologram depicting the geography of this place appeared on the smartwatch.

“What’s this? It seems close.”

A whirlpool shape marked on the map and three human figures not far away from it.

After seeing the unmistakable markings, I immediately led Park Garam and Im Dahee toward the location of the rift.

Of course, during the journey to the destination, many creatures attacked, and numerous crossroads appeared.

The creatures were swiftly dealt with, and with the map guiding us, we navigated the intersections without any issues.

Before long, we arrived at the location marked on the map.

However… a massive iron door blocked our path.

And I know what lies beyond this place.

“…The boss room, huh?”

That’s right.

Behind the imposing iron door in front of me lies the boss monster.

I have no idea which boss is inside.

Just like when entering the rift in the simulated alternate world, if one person enters and the others don’t within a minute, they are randomly placed in different locations.

The boss monster in the boss room is also randomly placed, so you can’t know until you enter.

But it’s okay.

No matter which boss monster it is, I know the strategy for dealing with it.

“Let’s go in.”

As I spoke, I placed my hand on the large iron door.


It began to open automatically like a sliding door.

So, I tried to figure out who the leader was.

Because it was too dark inside the door, I couldn’t even make out a silhouette.

Therefore, I had no choice but to wait for the door to open wide.


Eventually, the door opened wide.

As I stepped inside.


Light entered from the gems attached to the cave wall as if entering the boss room of a game.

Only then could I see the form of the boss monster.


As soon as I confirmed the identity of the boss monster, I let out a cheer.

The leader monster crouched in front of a large whirlwind of the same blue color as the crack outside.

Its identity was none other than…

“Rock Golem!”

It was a rock golem.

A golem boasting a size and bulk comparable to a small meadow.

The rock golem is one of the most difficult monsters to see among the boss monsters randomly placed in the boss room.

It is the most powerful and difficult to catch among the boss monsters in the simulation world, and, unless you handle a sword like Iseo-yeon or Arthur, attacking with magic-infused weapons will only break the surface, and you cannot deliver a significant blow.

Moreover, the golem has the ability to self-heal, so unless you completely pulverize the rock or break the core somewhere in its body, you can never kill it.

So, although it was one of the top five boss monsters you didn’t want to encounter early on in the game, that’s a story from the game.

To me now, it’s a very welcome and easy boss monster.

Because the rock golem is…

“Lucky for me.”

An inanimate object.

“Now, let’s relax and go in comfortably.”

Also, a non-magic user.


Suddenly releasing my combat stance and casually entering the boss room left Park Garam and Im Dahee momentarily bewildered, but they still faithfully followed my lead.


As we all entered the boss room like that, the door that had been open slammed shut.


Simultaneously, the training objective was newly updated.


【Mission for ‘Team 1’】

[Virtual Scenario Explanation]

A rift has been located.

However, the rift is currently inactive.

To activate the rift, the leading demon at the front must be defeated.

Objective: Eliminate the leading demon.

– Time Limit: 1 hour.

※ Upon defeating the leading demon, the rift will activate automatically.


I chuckled at the time limit specified in the training objective.

For others, exceeding the time limit might be a possibility.

But for me, that’s absolutely not going to happen.

No, I can defeat the rock golem within 15 minutes.


Because I have this skill.


『Transmission (F)』

Transmits possessed items to the desired location.

– Transmits possessed items to a location within a 1m radius.

– Cannot transmit into the interior of a living organism.


Finally, the time has come to demonstrate the true value of this skill.

Of course, it’s a great skill, and I’ve enjoyed its benefits many times before, but.

“That was just a side note; I never became the main focus.”

But now, standing in front of the Rock Golem.

It’s unlikely to see an effect as good as the teleportation skill.

“Don’t attack, just watch.”

“Yeah, got it.”

“…I don’t know what they’re planning, but I’ll wait.”

Upon hearing their responses, I immediately took action.

Since they hadn’t attacked yet, the Rock Golem remained still like a rock, crouching down.

I got as close to the Rock Golem as possible and opened my inventory, sending the non-lethal (shockwave) grenades and mines I had brought from the training ground into the Golem.

While doing so, I stepped back slightly and observed the Rock Golem’s reaction.



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Although there was a faint use of mana and items went inside, perhaps because it wasn’t a direct attack, the Rock Golem showed little reaction.

I chuckled slightly and began my work comfortably.

Even though I could only teleport within 1 meter, it didn’t matter.

I had plenty of consumables left, with several more boxes to spare.

The mana and mental energy used by the teleportation skill were very minimal.

With a cheerful smile, I continued to teleport grenades and mines all over the Golem.

According to the skill’s limits, at 1-meter intervals.

Over the course of 10 minutes, I transmitted explosives throughout the Golem’s entire body. Finally, from my inventory, I took out the sawed-off shotgun and grenade launcher I had used during my spar with Arthur yesterday.

Then, I took Park Garam and Im Dahee as far away from the Rock Golem as possible.

“Park Garam, do you happen to know how to use shield magic?”

“Yeah, I can use it.”

“Could you please use it then? It might get a bit rough.”

“Okay, I understand.”

At my command, Park Garam gathered mana in her hand and mumbled an incomprehensible incantation.

She spent five seconds memorizing the spell.

The violet mana gathering in Park Garam’s hand transformed into the gray mana unique to the Gray Witch when she slammed her hand onto the ground.


A translucent gray magical barrier surrounded us.

I reached out and tapped the magical barrier with my hand.

Thump, thump.

The sound resembled the beating of a drum, but the sensation under my hand was solid.

Still, just to be sure, I asked Pak Garam, “Is this barrier sturdy enough to withstand flying rocks?”

“It’s, it’s fine. Even if, if a boulder comes flying, this, this shield I learned from Master won’t, won’t break.”

“That’s reassuring then.”

A shield that won’t break even if Shubamkong explodes in front of it. It’s almost on par with the ‘Heavenly Fortress’ that Arthur uses, isn’t it?

Oh, and Shubamkong is the actual name of a demon.

It’s a self-destructing demon with a terrifying face attached to a bomb. Every time it explodes, it shouts ‘Shu─Bam!’ and thus got the name Shubamkong.

However, despite its comical name, the explosive power is unbelievably huge, not something to laugh about. Add the demon’s characteristic magic energy, and Shubamkong is an extremely dangerous demon, to the point where even a high-level hero would suffer fatal injuries if it exploded in front of them.

Anyway, it’s a very sturdy barrier.

I guess I can relax and detonate it comfortably.

“Oh, and can projectiles be fired from inside?”

“Uh, yeah. If you, if you hold something in your hand and want to, to shoot it, it’s, it’s possible.”

“That’s impressive.”

Blocking outside attacks while being able to launch attacks from inside. Truly the disciple of the Gray Witch.

You’re the best, Pak Garam!


Pak Garam responded to my praise with a subdued laugh, clearly pleased.

“hehehe… haa, haa… hehehe, hehehehe.”

…However, gradually blushing and exhaling hot breath, she seemed to emit a gaze that was somehow dangerous. Pretending not to notice, I turned my head toward the rock golem.

Where I was looking was the head of the golem.

More precisely, I raised the grenade launcher to see the mine I had sent protruding from the golem’s head, and then pulled the trigger.


With a refreshing sound as if piercing through, a projectile was launched.

The flying projectile eventually collided with the spot I was watching.

And then, a massive explosion ensued.


For a moment, the space rippled with tremendous shockwaves.


A thunderous noise, as if heralding the dawn of a new world, echoed.

The golem…vanished without a trace.




Meanwhile, beyond the simulation world.

“Team 6, move forward.”

Upon Kang Cheol-su’s command, Lee Seo-yeon, the leader of Team 6, and two members stood before the rift.

“If anything happens, without hesitation, press the emergency rescue button on your smartwatches. I will come to your aid immediately. Understood?”

“”Yes, understood.””

“Good, now proceed.”

As the entry command was given, Lee Seo-yeon entered the rift with a sword in her right hand and a gun in her left.

Just as Lee Seo-yeon’s team members were about to follow her.


Suddenly, like a crashing wave, the rift squelched.

“Stop, stop! Don’t go in!”

Startled by the abrupt anomaly, Kang Cheol-su blocked the two team members who were following Lee Seo-yeon.

And grabbing the two members, he forcefully pushed them back and stepped away.

At the same time.


The once blue rift, now dyed in red, rapidly expanded.

In response, Kang Cheol-su pressed the emergency device next to the door.


The speed at which the door closed was too slow.

“Ah, damn it! Isn’t this why accidents happen?”

Not only was the opening slow, but the closing of the door was also slow, causing Gang Cheol-su to become frustrated as he ran towards the left door and kicked it with all his strength.

Crreeaak, bang!

And just like that, the door closed.

But just like the forced closure, the right door caused trouble.

It didn’t just close slowly, it completely stopped.

However, with one kick from Gang Cheol-su, the right door.


Closed in an instant, just like the left door.

For now, the urgent fire was put out.

By closing the door, they were able to prevent the spreading of the fissure, but there were 16 students inside.

So, Gang Cheol-su immediately called someone on his smartwatch.

– What’s going on?

It was the voice of the woman who had opened the door to the fissure earlier.

As soon as he heard her voice, Gang Cheol-su didn’t hesitate and explained the situation.

“Principal, it’s a Code Red.”

– …Send a supervisor right away.

As soon as the woman said those words.


With a ripple in space, a woman appeared.

“Senior, are you going in immediately?”

She was none other than Lee Yeon-ji, the female supervisor who had monitored Lee Yoo-jin along with Gang Cheol-su during the entrance exam.

And her title was “Battle Mage.”

She was a mage specializing in space magic.

“Yeah, I’m going in right away.”

Gang Cheol-su loosened his neck and wrists, preparing to go inside.

“I don’t know who this bastard is, but endangering my students?”

Gang Cheol-su clenched his fist, causing the surrounding space to warp.

“If caught, tear them in half and kill them.”

As Yeonji muttered, “Ah, of all people, Kang Cheolsu…” with a sigh, her head drooped, contorting like a sinister omen on Kang Cheolsu’s face.

But that was only for a moment.

“Come on, senior. Release your power and hold my hand, would you?” Yeonji said, extending her hand towards Kang Cheolsu.

As if familiar with the gesture, Kang Cheolsu took her hand.

“All right, let’s go. Feeling a bit dizzy~.”

With those words, the space around them shimmered.


Just like they had just appeared, Yeonji and Kang Cheolsu vanished.

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