I became an old man in my leisure time

Chapter 105: Rare warriors, brewing wine into vinegar

Mei Lan, Zhu Ju, who had been worried, breathed a sigh of relief.

Mei Shu stepped forward: "Miss, you should be practicing flying in the air at the foot of the peak. How can you take such risks?"

As a personal maid, you have to listen to the eldest lady on daily matters, except for matters involving safety.

Miss Qin had known that this would happen, so she was not in a hurry: "It doesn't matter, the weapon Brother Gu made for me has its own magical effect. It is easy to step into the air, and there is no worry of falling."

Everyone looked at someone.

Gu Ke:? ? ? Why did I make a frying pan? When did I become a military soldier?

If you knock someone with it, do you still want to say that I created it and asked you to knock people?

Seeing that he remained silent, Miss Qin continued to explain: "It has the affinity of the blazing sun, which is particularly suitable for me. Controlling it with the blood of the blazing sun can reduce consumption by 99%."

Including Gu Ke, everyone was confused when they heard this: What the hell is reducing consumption by 99%?

This world is full of monsters and gangsters, and everyone wants to practice martial arts.

Although the overall proportion of beginner martial artists is not large, the absolute number is quite large.

However, weapons were not used as frequently among warriors, especially among second- and third-wheel warriors, as Gu Ke had imagined.

Because weapons are difficult to use when fighting.

Regardless of the warrior's blood energy, the strange mist of the monster, and the demonic energy of the monster, they are all extremely immune to simple brute force attacks.

If he wants to break through this layer of protection, the martial artist must release his blood energy.

The vast majority of weapons do not have any increase in the amount of blood released, but are greatly weakened, starting at level five.

Although weapons can increase the attack distance, the attack power of the party who can use the weapon is only 35% of the opponent's.

The opponent who was originally evenly matched could not even break through the defense with weapons, but the opponent could punch with extremely powerful punches. Who could stand this?

Moreover, in order to prevent the weapon from being destroyed, extra health must be spent to protect it. No matter how much health you have, you cannot waste it like this.

Therefore, the basic first-round martial artist who uses weapons.

As long as there is hope of advancing to the second round, more emphasis will be placed on fists, kicks, body skills, and footwork.

Otherwise, if you develop good swordsmanship and swordsmanship, you will only have two choices after the second round.

The most common one is to switch to boxing and kick training. Most of the time spent on weapon training was wasted.

The other is to find a weapon, which is a weapon specially used by martial artists.

This is a path that most people would not choose.

Because there are so few materials suitable for making weapons, no one is sure what can be used as weapons.

It is generally accepted that certain monster body parts "may" be suitable, and that's just a possibility.

To make it into a weapon is another problem.

No craftsman in the world dares to say that he can definitely make a weapon. Even if the materials are suitable, the probability of making it a scrap is much higher than that of success.

It can be said that a suitable military weapon is even rarer than the Wuzong.

Miss Qin was once the eldest daughter of the Lieyang Sect. Her father cared for her and doted on her in every possible way, but he never got one thing for her.

If you don’t want to, you really can’t.

Gu Ke also heard them talk about the military soldiers, but he didn't take it seriously.

It's not like the bamboo wood produced in Xiantian has not been shaped into weapons by him, but they have tried them all, and none of them are weapons.

The characteristic of affinity with the sun appears for the first time. Only the devil knows that this means the emergence of military weapons.

Including the eldest lady herself, it took two days of testing before she was sure that this pan was really a weapon.

Of course, weapons are rare, but they are also extremely useful.

After obtaining the weapon, as long as it is nourished with blood and air every day, it will gradually become in harmony with the blood and air.

The current appearance of this pan is very different from its pancake-making "brother" in the kitchen.

Brush the pan with oil on the pancake pan and bake it over low heat until the whole pancake becomes dark.

But Miss Qin's pot was silver, with large patterns on the surface, and it suddenly turned into patterned steel.

It was also for this reason that Gu Ke didn't recognize it as the Fiery Sun Pan from a few days ago.

The girls have been watching collectively and haven't noticed this yet, even though they are exactly the same size and shape.

You know, the mold that Gu Ke made was the kind of flat frying pan that was sold at a roadside stall in his previous life - it was actually a round iron plate that was slightly thicker in the middle and became thinner toward the outside. The edges of the pot didn't warp at all.

It can only be said that appearance is indeed important - Wu Bing is no exception.

Military soldiers have another advantage.

It means injecting blood into it when using it. It consumes little and is highly lethal. When the blood is sufficient, the weapon will not be easily damaged.

This blazing stainless steel pan will definitely deflate if it is swung over the head of a warrior without any blood.

But after injecting blood, it can smash the brains of the second-wheel warrior, and the pot will not be damaged at all.

Well, now it seems that the eldest lady is reluctant to use it to hit people. Gu Ke retracted his confused thoughts.

Because he had already felt that the eyes of the women around him were full of expectation, as if they wanted him to find a weapon for each of them.

Among them, Sister Bai’s eyes were very incomprehensible.

He coughed lightly: "Creating weapons is not that simple. Luck is a big factor."

After a pause, he continued: "I just got a batch of iron tools back. Anyone who can release blood and gas will try their luck."

The girls were overjoyed and hugged him into the workshop, trying according to Miss Qin's procedure yesterday.

Of course, no one can lift molten iron with blood and energy.

Bai Suqing tried it once with Bihaijin. As a result, the molten iron immediately cooled down and there was no time to pour it into the mold for shaping.

This step can only be omitted, and only the subsequent steps of shaping and injecting blood are done.

The result was that after repeatedly melting the molten iron and pouring the mold, and testing more than 20 times, it was just as Gu Ke said, no one could make a Wubing.

Since it was Miss Qin's luck, the other women could not force it.

In the short term, Gu Ke did not have to bother with Wubing anymore, and had time to pay attention to the progress of the production of water fermented black beans.

In fact, fermented black beans are also a fermentation process, and fermentation is also required to make dough, wine, soy sauce, and vinegar.

It can be said that fermentation is a common and important part of food processing. People use fermentation to change the original taste and function of ingredients and create new dishes.

But fermentation is actually a large category, and various fungal microorganisms are at work.

Like yeast that works on dough, it is a single-cell fungus, and the koji for brewing wine, soy sauce, and vinegar requires various Aspergillus.

How to make the ingredients ferment normally, or to make the strains you need grow instead of others, this is the difficulty.

In ancient times, there was no modern instrument to help observe and analyze fermentation. Everything could only rely on experience, and generations discovered and improved strains.

For example, some well-known wines would advertise how many years of old cellars they have, which contain rich bacterial flora brewed for hundreds of years.

This is largely a form of propaganda, but the koji for brewing wine is indeed produced in this way.

After the koji of the old wine shop was successfully cultivated, it was passed down from generation to generation and continuously improved. The taste of the wine produced was incomparable to that of the new wine made from the brand-new koji.

In a sense, the work of making koji and developing new koji is like opening a blind box.

If you open a good one, you will keep the strain and continue to open it based on it. It is very good for ordinary people to master and master a certain item in their lifetime.

Fortunately, whether it is yeast or koji, once you get it, you can keep the strain and cultivate it in large quantities.

As long as the strain is there, the harvest will not be lost.

In the Xiuxian warehouse, the various strains made by the two girls Chunxia and Dongyan’s winemaking koji have special shelves. Dozens of strains are stored separately and marked with their types. They are taken out for experiments when nothing happens.

From this point of view, Chunxia made black bean curd, so it is not difficult to make water bean curd.

If you don’t mind, the beans that have just been fermented will be stringy.

This is the first step in making bean curd and brewing soy sauce.

But some people think that it is edible like this, and then, there is the so-called "natto".

Gu Ke had eaten many kinds of fermented black beans in his previous life, but there was only a kind of air-dried fermented black beans wrapped in straw, which had the biggest smell among all the fermented black beans he had eaten - or the stinkiest, but not as stinky as natto.

At this moment, he held a small dish of freshly made water fermented black beans, picked up a chopstick and put it in his mouth.

Chewed carefully, with a satisfied expression on his face.

With the seasoning of green onion, ginger, garlic and pepper, and a little juice, the stinky smell of the previous dried fermented black beans was basically gone.

There were only slightly sandy beans with a little sour taste. With it and multi-grain porridge, you can eat several pancakes, which is quite greasy.

Seeing his expression, Chunxia was quite happy: "Sir, is this water bean curd okay?"

Gu Ke hummed, and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, wait until the kohlrabi is pickled, cut it into small pieces, and put some in the water bean curd when eating, it will taste good."

Chunxia nodded in response, but the kohlrabi (a close relative of mustard) is still being pickled, so there is no rush for the time being.

While talking, Dongyan came with a smile on her face, holding a small jar: "Sir, take a look at this."

"What, is the fruit wine brewed?" Gu Ke smiled.

Dongyan shook her head and opened the linen cloth on the jar, and a clear sour smell floated out.

Gu Ke exclaimed.

Dongyan had already poured out a little orange-yellow liquid from the bamboo cup she brought with her and handed it over.

He took a sip, and the sour taste with apple aroma spread in his mouth.

This sour taste is very positive, unlike the sour taste after the failed fermentation of beer.

Gu Ke smacked his lips and looked at Dong Yan: "You, did you turn wine into vinegar?"

Dong Yan smiled and nodded and shook her head: "I do want to make wine, but I'm just trying to ventilate it and let it ferment. The wine taste is getting lighter and lighter, and the sour taste is getting more and more obvious."

"In the past two days, the wine taste is basically gone, only the sour taste is left. I thought of the fruit vinegar you mentioned, so I brought it to you to see."

Gu Ke, of course... has never drunk any fruit vinegar.

The only thing he was familiar with in his previous life was the old vinegar for home use.

What other rice vinegar, white vinegar? When I ate it, it was all in the dishes. I can only say that I have seen it, but I haven't seen it completely.

But the taste is indeed vinegar, and it is made from apples: "Let's call it apple cider vinegar. There are still many apples, you can make more and use it for Chunxia and the others to cook."

Immediately, he remembered Dongyan's main job: "The vinegar is out, how about the fruit wine you tried?"

Dongyan has vinegar as a base, so she is much bolder: "It's a little bit promising, but it will take some time."

Gu Ke nodded: "That's fine, take your time, don't rush."

With sufficient materials and plenty of time, he really doesn't worry that Chunxiaqiudong will not have any results.

Besides, the fermentation time is not short, and each experiment takes several days or more than ten days.

During the period, they only need to observe, which will not take up much of their time and will not delay their martial arts training.

The appearance of apple cider vinegar has brought a lot of variety to everyone's table.

Adding a little to the cold wild vegetables, it has a sour and fragrant fruity flavor, which is much more delicious than simply salty.

Even Gu Ke must drip a little apple cider vinegar every time he eats tofu brain, making it a little closer to the taste of his previous life.

Time flies, and March 15th is soon here.

As everyone expected, the Ancestral Hall did not "refresh" any strange creatures, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

If they don't come out now, Qin Bai and the others will start the third round and be promoted to Wuzong on April 15.

At that time, as long as the legendary Xugui doesn't appear, other weird things will also give away weird crystals.

Gu Ke has a roadside stall to earn soul source, even if it is not stable, but in the long run it is not much worse than the spawning of monsters in the Zuling Palace.

In addition to Gu Ke's Wuxiang Zhenjing being upgraded to level 60, the perception range is expanded to 270 feet.

In the small hut on the mountainside, the entire Yulong Peak is basically covered by it.

The penetration of solid and liquid substances is also increasing, and the clarity is improved by six feet underground.

He used his perception again to survey the Zuling Palace.

In the main hall of the Zuling Palace, there is a gap under the statue of Zhao Guangtian, the founding emperor of Dawu, winding down, passing through the entire Yulong Peak, and then deep into the ground.

This gap is not only deep, but there are also some small branches in the middle leading to various places on Yulong Peak.

Every time the range of perception increases, he will come to "scan" once, wanting to see what is at the end of the gap.

Unfortunately, Yulong Peak is full of thick mountains, and the perception cannot penetrate. It can only explore from the mountainside of 150 to 160 feet high, and the gap in the ancestral mausoleum.

This time, the perception only reached a little over 100 feet underground. The gap became thicker, but it still did not reach the end.

Gu Ke was not disappointed. It only took two months to upgrade the Wuxiang Zhenjing to level 70.

If it doesn't work, he will reach level 100. It will take less than a year, and he can wait.

Moreover, the enhanced perception is not only used to check the gap in the ancestral mausoleum.

It can also be used to look inside oneself and observe the blood and mental fluctuations of others.

Its subtlety is beyond imagination, and it can achieve a certain degree of "prediction".

Even if Gu Ke has no practical experience, the first round of three turns is just a matter of a few slaps from him, and Xiao Ping'er, who has just been promoted to the second round, will be easily suppressed.

Only the two girls of Meizhu, who have practiced martial arts for a long time and have a solid foundation and practical experience, can fight him for some time.

But a warrior's battle consumes blood and energy. The more intense the battle, the faster it consumes.

With Gu Ke's super blood and recovery ability, it is easy to drag down the two girls of Meizhu, whose blood and energy are slightly weaker, and defeat them in one fell swoop.

Bai Suqing's evaluation of him is that he is beyond the second round and fourth turn, and cannot directly fight against the second round and fifth turn.

When she said this conclusion, Sister Bai did not roll her eyes at him.

Gu Ke naturally understood that she was envious of him for not having the talent for martial arts, but he could easily reach the strength they had practiced for more than ten years.

Before, the girls felt sorry for him and even deliberately avoided talking about it, but... that's it?

Just like someone's Chinese grades are a mess, everyone sympathizes and regrets him, and he can't get the 985 score line in the college entrance examination.

But then, he won the first prize in the Mathematical Olympiad and was directly admitted without taking the college entrance examination.

Only Sister Bai is his employee now, otherwise she would really pinch his soft flesh to vent her anger.

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