I became an old man in my leisure time

Chapter 089: Oil pressing, bean curd

Other rules, such as drinking water, washing clothes, and even bathing and going to the toilet, require greetings and waiting in line. All those repetitive and troublesome rules have been cancelled. Reading

Who made Gu Ke keep nagging about how precious the time for martial arts training is, and how little time is needed for work.

Therefore, people must use as little time as possible to complete more work, so that they can devote the remaining time to martial arts training.

In fact, he couldn't stand these "etiquettes" the most in his previous life.

Typical representatives include Haidilao waiters, clothing store clerks, and bank fund sales staff.

Strangers are too enthusiastic and too close, which brings not pleasure but discomfort.

If possible, he just wants them to stay as far away as possible, and not to disturb him if it is not necessary.

With him setting an example, Bai Suqing only said it twice, and then Chunxiaqiudong to other people, Meilanzhuju to the eldest lady and Gu Ke, all kinds of unnecessary courtesy and etiquette were greatly reduced.

Before no one mentioned it, no one cared if there were more rules in these wealthy families.

But if someone specifically points it out, it would be awkward to follow this rule.

After all, there are only a dozen people in the valley, and there are no wealthy families.

The only "rich family" is Gu Ke, the "landlord" who works and farms every day.

This also saves everyone's time, and the efficiency of work and martial arts training is significantly improved.

For example, during the "canteen dinner", the work of the day can be assigned by the way.

When everyone is together, any questions can be raised and solved on the spot, avoiding wasting time and manpower.

Everyone quickly got used to the "canteen dinner" mode, after all, everyone did this on New Year's Eve.

Knowing what others are doing and what you are doing, there is a natural comparison in your mind.

Those who have no results work harder, and those who have results dare not slack off.

For example, Saranzhu, who never does anything, just won't suffer from cold and hunger, and all the benefits will not be considered for her. At most, Xiao Ping'er will occasionally bring some for her to try.

Saranzhu is crazy, so she can do this, but others can't.

After having breakfast in the canteen, today's "big event" officially began.

After the first three low-quality soybeans were planted, low-quality black beans were harvested.

In the No. 2 fairy field on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month last year, the low-quality black beans harvested were planted on a large scale and matured in 12 days.

They are still low-quality black beans, but the size and weight have increased to a certain extent.

Everyone is busy dealing with the various harvests of Xiongjia Village, as well as the attack of the strange creatures on the 15th. The shelling is still done by everyone every day.

Today, the valley processed black beans for the first time.

Gu Ke drooled at the thought of having oil in the future.

Frying, roasting, stewing, and boiling, without oil, the variety is reduced by half.

In the previous life, people always said that low oil is healthy, but it doesn't smell good without oil!

For more than three months, no oil has been touched, and everyone's mouth is bland.

With oil, fried dough sticks, pancakes, stir-fried vegetables, and even bread and noodles can all be "upgraded".

Let's talk about oil extraction. In modern society, there are two methods: pressing and extraction. The latter has lower production costs for large-scale production. Most soybean vegetable oils in supermarkets are produced by extraction.

Pressing can be divided into cold pressing and hot pressing. The difference lies in whether the raw materials are heated first.

Cold pressing has a lower oil yield. In ancient times, people generally chose hot pressing, which first crushed the raw materials, heated them, and extracted them.

This is the same whether the raw materials are tea seeds, rapeseed, peanuts, or beans.

Gu Ke had never learned this in his previous life, but the two girls Chun Xia knew the general process.

So when everyone arrived at the processing workshop, the first thing they did was to use a stone mill to crush the black beans into petals.

For Gu Ke today, as long as there are materials, making a stone mill is just a matter of minutes, and it has been prepared in advance.

Then the two children acted as big animals, pushing the millstones in circles.

It's not to abuse them, but they are all second-level now and are about to enter the third-level stage.

Chun Xia Qiu Dong is just an introduction, and it will take some time to upgrade to the second level.

After the two little girls had eaten and drunk their fill, they were full of energy and had nowhere to vent it. It would be a waste if they didn't use it.

Miss Qin was watching eagerly from the side. She had no chance of snatching the job. Mei, Lan, Zhu and Ju would definitely do it for her.

The initial crushing of black beans cannot be too fine, so a mill was used instead of a stone mill.

This time was an experiment, and only 500 kilograms of black beans were used as raw materials.

Chun, Xia, Qiu and Dong helped to sweep away the ground black beans, and then used a large dustpan to sift out the fish that slipped through the net, and kept them together for the second grinding.

This was repeated several times, and Lan and Ju took the initiative to replace the two little girls, completing half of the workload, and the 500 kilograms of black beans were ground.

It took only three quarters of an hour, which was quite fast. The people who pushed the mill and collected the black beans didn't feel tired.

Then they were steamed in a pot.

The large bamboo steamer was covered with gray straw to prevent the black bean fragments from leaking out.

The five-layer large steamer was placed on a bamboo rack and hung above the large iron pot to prevent the only two large iron pots from being crushed.

Then increase the fire, let the water in the pot boil, and turn into steam to flow upward.

Bai Suqing would reach in from time to time to test the temperature of the broken grains in the steamer.

About half an hour later, the temperature of the broken grains exceeded 100 degrees, and then the steamers were taken out from the bottom one by one.

Why can Sister Bai measure the temperature with bare hands? Because the Bi Hai Jin she practiced is more cold and sensitive to heat.

As long as the temperature of the broken grains is compared with the temperature of boiling water, it is not too simple to estimate the temperature slightly higher than the boiling water.

The women had already waited by the side with a handful of gray straw and bamboo rings.

The steamer was taken out and opened. They took stone bowls and poured the hot broken grains onto the gray straw in the bamboo circle.

The bamboo circle was one foot in diameter and about an inch wide. The broken grains were smoothed and evenly spread, and then the gray straw was covered on the surface.

Such "broken grain cakes" were stacked one by one and placed on the oil collecting stone platform.

This stone platform has a shallow concave layer in the middle and an extended opening on the edge. The oil can flow out from here and fall into the container below the opening.

There were more than 20 groups of cakes in a group, and a total of two groups of cakes were placed. Five hundred kilograms of black bean broken grains were all used up.

Then a short stone pillar about a foot high and slightly smaller in diameter than the bamboo circle was pressed on the two stacks of cakes.

Qin Bai and the other two women then placed two huge stones weighing more than a thousand kilograms on the two short stone pillars as pressure.

Four bamboo poles were erected next to them to hold the huge stones to ensure that they would not fall off.

The main process of oil extraction was completed.

After that, adding boulders to increase pressure according to the situation, collecting soybean oil, storing it quietly (it cannot be eaten directly after it is squeezed out), and then putting it in the warehouse are just minor details.

The clear oil began to emerge, soaked the gray thatch outside, and began to slide down.

Gu Ke slightly touched a little on his hand, and the system explained that this was soybean oil, and its basic properties were to remove the fishy smell and increase the fragrance.

He put it in his mouth and tasted it. The bean smell was still there, but it was very light and the aroma was rich.

Perhaps only his mouth, which was nurtured by modern industry, would pay attention to this bean smell.

On the other hand, the oil color was clear, unlike the yellow with green or black in the general soybean oil.

I can only say that the processing workshop is awesome, and it directly solved the refining that he had difficulty completing.

With the first batch of soybean oil, there is enough time to slowly improve the oil pressing equipment to make it simpler and more convenient, and oil pressing will not require all personnel to go out in the future.

Satisfied, he announced to everyone the good news that the oil quality was qualified and the valley would no longer be short of oil.

Xiaoman immediately cheered: "Finally squeezed out! Keep going, I want to squeeze out more, and I must squeeze it dry into dregs."

The girls were all happy and talked about it.

The days of bland soup have been too long, which is really tempting. Finally, we don't have to live on dried naan and boiled noodles every day.

After everyone calmed down a little, Gu Ke announced the second task of the day - grinding soy milk.

The ten pounds of beans soaked last night were put on the stone mill, and the two children started working, one pushing the mill and the other feeding the materials.

Under the reminder of the two girls, Chunxia, ​​the stone mill has made some minor changes, that is, the way of pushing the mill.

At first, the stone mill was to hold the 乚-shaped handle on the side of the millstone with the hand, and people needed to stand and swing their arms to lead it in a big circle.

The two girls Chunxia had seen their neighbors' manual mills, but they used a six- or seven-foot-long "ding"-shaped push handle, and the hook below was vertically inserted into the wooden horizontal strips of the millstone to fix it , replacing the part that people held in their hands before.

The handle of the long pole is hung with a single rope at the same height as the millstone.

People hold the handle of the long pole, push and pull forward and backward, and apply a little force to the left and right, and the millstone can rotate.

In this way, pushing the millstone changes from bending over and swinging a large circle with one hand to standing and pushing and pulling back and forth, which saves effort and trouble.

With this new handle on the stone mill, Miss Qin came back to play with it for several days again - she only plays with ordinary tools for a few days, and then she will return to normal and will not stare at it and play hard.

In this regard, Miss Qin is still very childlike (likes new things) (dislikes old things).

White, raw soy milk with a lot of white foam comes out from the gap of the millstone.

Xiao Ping'er took a small bamboo brush and swept the place with too much foam along the groove to the mill mouth, and the white foam soy milk fell into the large vat below.

Ten pounds of beans were quickly ground, enough to make dozens of pounds of soy milk, and three or five pounds per person was about the same.

Bring 30 jin of boiling water and pour it into the big vat. The soy milk inside is rolling and the aroma of cooked soy milk is wafting out.

Put a bamboo dustpan on the big iron pot, cover the dustpan with linen, filter the soy milk in the big vat to remove the bean dregs, and get about 30 jin of soy milk.

Put it on the oven to boil, skim off most of the foam, and then take it down. Xiaoman is already holding a big bamboo basket and looking at it eagerly.

Gu Ke smiled and waved his hand to order: "One bowl each, and you can have as you like."

He took the first and second bowls without hesitation, and handed them to the two girls Qin and Bai standing together: "Sister Qin, Sister Bai, try it."

These two are six-turn masters, and they can drink boiling soy milk directly.

The two took it, took a sip, and closed their eyes to experience it together.

After a while, Bai Suqing said, "After drinking it, the blood and qi in the body flow faster. Although it is not much faster, long-term consumption can increase the efficiency of blood and qi by 10% or 20%. "

Miss Qin nodded in agreement: "Ordinary people eat it, and the blood and qi flow faster, which can absorb the essence of the beans very well, and play a preliminary external training effect."

Gu Ke coughed lightly: "Well, let's talk about the taste?"

Bai Suqing glanced at it, but answered in his mouth: "It's soft and delicate, with a strong bean fragrance, and it feels good."

Miss Qin also nodded, but raised a small opinion: "It just has no other taste, and it seems to be missing something when drinking it."

Gu Ke slapped his forehead: "Xiao Ping'er, bring the straw candy."

Qin Bai and Bai nodded together: "That's right."

Gu Ke also laughed: sweet soy milk, salty tofu brain, this is the perfect match.

Salty soy milk? Salt is free, how can it be used indiscriminately!

After that, there was a slurping sound in the processing workshop, and everyone drank it with relish.

In ancient times when dairy products were scarce, the fragrant and easily available soy milk had no rivals.

He just drank a bowl and stopped.

I drank too much soy milk in my previous life. It's just a thought. One bowl is enough.

If we really want to talk about the most beloved, it has to be tofu, bean curd, dried bean curd, stinky tofu, fermented black beans, soy sauce, etc.

But the girls drank with relish.

More than 30 kilograms of soy milk were drunk by them, more than two bowls per person.

The only exception was the autistic Saranzhu. The kind-hearted Xiao Ping'er didn't forget to send her a bowl.

Well, in the previous life, all the beginners could become big stomach anchors. They would eat two or three kilograms for a meal, and only three or five kilograms would make them 80% full.

As long as they are not holding their urine, two or three kilograms of soy milk is really nothing.

Seeing that the girls had almost finished drinking, Gu Ke said, "If you squeeze the bean dregs, you can still get 10 to 20 kilograms of soy milk. Remember to use it to make tofu."

Chun Xia and the two girls agreed in unison. Of course, this was said to them, because they are the "canteen chefs".

After Gu Ke gave the order, he went to the workshop by himself and made standard bamboo houses on a daily basis.

Chunxia and the two children were busy here, pouring 20 kilograms of boiling water into the bean dregs again.

After filtering, they wrapped the bean dregs in clumps with linen, and rubbed the bean dregs in the linen with their fists on the panel made of thin bamboo poles.

The remaining soy milk poured out from the bean dregs, and then fell into the large vat below through the gaps between the thin bamboo poles.

In this way, another 20 kilograms of soy milk was made, and it was boiled and then taken down.

Xiaoman had already taken a bowl of transparent and slightly yellow liquid from the warehouse.

This is the brine obtained by Gu Ke using the coarse salt from Xiongjia Village, dissolving it and filtering it with bamboo charcoal particles.

Of course, it was also because this was ancient times, Xiongjia Village was still in the mountains, and the salt used was not processed too much.

For poor people, the biggest role of salt is to supplement the body's needs so that the body will not become weak due to lack of salt.

Coarse salt contains a lot of brine impurities, bitter and astringent? Then eat less to save money.

Of course, Gu Ke didn't know this.

He had only heard about brine making tofu, and when he read novels, he mentioned that bitter coarse salt was because the brine was not cleaned up.

Although he only got two kilograms of coarse salt suspected to be half brine from Xiongjia Village, it would be okay to try a little.

Chunxia and the two girls discussed it, and finally only used about two taels of brine and mixed it with a large bowl of warm water.

Gu Ke said that this coarse salt has impurities, so the amount of tofu should not be too large.

Without telling the specific amount, he naturally didn't know, so he could only let Chunxia and the two girls try it themselves.

Black beans can be planted all the time, and if they are wasted, they can be thrown back to the fairy field as fertilizer.

There are only two kilograms of coarse salt for the time being, so we can't spend it lavishly.

At this time, the temperature of the soy milk has dropped a little, so Xia Lan twists the soy milk at a uniform speed, and Chunshuang holds a large bowl of the mixed brine and slowly and steadily sprinkles it into the soy milk in circles.

The girls watched strongly, watching the twenty kilograms of soy milk spinning in the big pot.

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