I became an old man in my leisure time

Chapter 091 Baiwei Village, Salt Householders, and Salt Dealers

Bai Suqing was the calmest. Read М

Her parents, master, and fellow disciples all died. She was alone and had no worries. Didn't she survive?

She walked around the first floor and went up to the second floor alone.

She opened the window on the second floor and told Gu Ke that the view was nice. She stayed upstairs and called her if she needed anything.

Gu Ke didn't care. He even moved to the counter near the door and lay there looking at the night view outside.

I have to say that the system really knows how to find a place to project.

Last time it was in the wilderness two miles away from Xiongjia Village, and this time it was almost the same.

Baiwei Village is a fishing village by the sea. There are no other lights nearby, only the sound of waves hitting the rocks more than a hundred meters away.

As the saying goes, the reeds rise in the evening wind, and the scales grow on the autumn sea.

Looking ahead, there is a wide sea not far in front of you, reflecting the sparkling waves under the starry sky.

On both sides are patches of reeds, and large patches of reed flowers sway slowly in the night sea breeze, making bursts of rustling sounds.

Baiwei Village is also named after this large patch of reeds.

There are no clouds on the seashore tonight, and the starry sky is as bright as a galaxy, emitting a hazy glow across the sky.

Unconsciously, Xiaoman and Xiaoping'er came to his side and looked out.

The difference is that Xiaoman looks up at the starry sky like him, but Xiaoping'er looks around, expecting guests to come.

That way she will be able to see her parents soon.

"As beautiful as the stars in Xiongjia Village." Xiaoman murmured.

Gu Ke smiled, raised his hand and stroked her little head: "Because they are in the same starry sky."

Xiao Man rubbed his hand: "I wonder how my father and mother are doing, is there any food at home? My brother and his family are so greedy that I can't compete with them."

Gu Ke smiled: "Don't worry, they won't be hungry after the first season of purple wheat is harvested."

On the other side, Xiao Ping'er heard the conversation between the two and became eager: Can her family also have enough food? Her younger brothers and sisters don't have to be dragged away by the tax collectors to pay off debts like herself.

Suddenly, Gu Ke's eyes moved slightly. A group of people were walking in the dark a mile to the north, and two small boats were coming here along the coastline to the south.

This time he was not in a hurry at all.

The stall in Xiongjia Village was a one-time reward for the event. God knows how long it will take to have the next one.

There is a shortage of many supplies in the valley, so it is more urgent to look forward to nature.

This time, it is a long-term and fixed stall, and he still has one in his hand this month.

There are many kinds of plants planted in the valley, more than what ordinary people usually eat.

After all, the poor can only afford to eat limited things these days. For example, Xiaoman's family rarely eats dry rice and white flour buns, but all eats grain and wild vegetable porridge and grain cakes.

After a while, both the group walking in the north and the group walking dozens of feet away in the south stopped.

Immediately, they all stopped moving forward and muttered in place.

Fortunately, both sides entered Gu Ke's perception range, so he could "listen in".

The two boats came together, and several people were discussing there: "Boss, I said that the light is wrong, it's actually a lantern."

"Bai Louyu, you bastard, is it the lantern that's wrong? What's wrong is that small building, why would someone repair a building here?"

"Wang Dahai, you are stupid, the light is wrong, it doesn't matter if there are more people or more small buildings, anyway, it's wrong."

"Enough, both of you shut up. Xiaobai, go ashore, go over and take a look at the situation in the building and come back. Dahai, send him over and pick him up."

The two quarreling guys suddenly wilted, Bai Louyu cried: "Boss, is it too dangerous for me to go alone?"

The boss looked at him coldly: "Well, Dahai will go ashore with you and help you."

Bai Louyu and Wang Dahai looked at each other, knowing that if they dragged on, the boss would get angry.

The two could only go to another boat in dejection and quietly come to the shore.

Dozens of people on the other side were hesitant: "What's going on? How come there are people there, and there seems to be a house?"

"Is it Boss Lang and his men?"

"How is it possible! They are just selling private salt, not the government. How dare they build a house here so blatantly?"

"Stop arguing, can we get through?"

After a moment of silence, someone whispered: "My family is running out of food. If we don't sell some private salt, we will starve next month."

"You can still make it to next month, but my two little ones have been hungry for several days."

"Then, just go like this?"

"Okay, two people come with me, go and take a look empty-handed. You hide, and run away if there is something wrong."

The leader looked helpless and made a decision.

It's not that he wants to take risks, but he has to take risks.

All of them are from Yanhu Village. Who doesn't have rice in their family? Otherwise, why would they risk selling salt privately?

If they are caught by the government, they will be beaten half to death at the least, and imprisoned and sent to the army at the worst.

If they are cheated by private salt dealers, they will be in danger of their lives.

However, Boss Lang had a good reputation among the private salt dealers. He was very aggressive in lowering the price, but he had never caused any injuries or deaths.

In other words, trading with Boss Lang would only make less money, but you would definitely get the money.

That was enough.

They approached the roadside stall from the south and north, and soon they could see the lantern with the word "agriculture" and the two-story building.

Although the two-story building has a thatched roof, the walls are made of purple bamboo, and the thatch and purple bamboo are arranged very neatly, which makes people feel that it is not ordinary.

Bai Louyu and Wang Dahai vaguely feel that this cannot be the work of those patrol officers.

Those guys are rich, but they are essentially the same as Bai Louyu and his friends, and they don’t have such taste in their bones.

Since Bai and Wang were on the side, they could only vaguely see Gu Ke and the two children standing at the counter.

"Hey, the people in there don't look like patrol officers, right?" Wang Dahai asked Bai Louyu in a very low voice.

Although the two of them quarreled with each other on a daily basis, he still trusted Bai Louyu, the cunning ghost.

Bai Louyu didn't say anything for a while, squinting his eyes and looking at him.

To sell private salt at sea, you must need a lookout with good eyesight and quick reaction, otherwise some pirate monsters will appear, and if you find it too late, the whole ship will be dead.

Bai Louyu was born as a lookout, and he is also smart, so Boss Lang asked him to come and investigate the situation.

Frowning and thinking, he was not in a hurry to act.

Private salt dealers are stealing food from the government and the wealthy. If they are caught, they are basically dead. You have to be careful.

But before he could act, he saw three people emerge from the dark reeds in the north, and walked towards the two-story building cautiously but firmly.

Bai Louyu's heart jumped at just one glance.

Wang Dahai beside him whispered in surprise: "Isn't this Zhou Dazhu from Yanhu Village? What do they want to do?"

Bai Louyu's thoughts turned and he thought of a possibility, and his face suddenly changed: Could it be that Zhou Dazhu thought that Boss Lang was waiting for them inside?

He knew very well that these salt households really didn't have enough brains.

If they had enough brains, they wouldn't have stayed in the salt field as salt households, holding a golden rice bowl and eating dirt.

But without these people, Boss Lang and his men wouldn't sell private salt, so it's better to be a little stupid, so it's easier to fool.

Unfortunately, the wheel of fate has its own way. This time, Zhou Dazhu and his group of brainless guys finally fell into a trap, and if they are not careful, they will implicate Boss Lang.

Bai Louyu had a fierce struggle in his heart for a moment, but he still endured it and did not call Zhou Dazhu and the others.

They all walked into the range illuminated by the lanterns. If he reminded them again, these brainless salt households might lead the people in the small building to their side.

I just hope that the small building is not from the government or the salt merchant. Bai Louyu thought so and whispered to Wang Dahai that no matter what happened, don't act rashly and listen to him.

Weird creatures? Please, they won't build such a beautiful house just to eat a few people.

Wouldn't it be easier to just rush in and eat all the people in the village like Baiwei Village?

It is also for this reason that they have recently placed the trading location near Baiwei Village, because the people of the government and the salt merchants are hiding far away from here.

Shangguan and the master asked their yamen runners to patrol the Baiwei Village area as usual, but none of them dared to come.

No one was watching all the time, and they didn't make any money. Who would risk death to patrol in the middle of winter?

Wandering around the one-mile area of ​​Yanhu Village and then going back, wouldn't it be nice to hide in the house, warming the fire, drinking and playing with money?

Zhou Dazhu and the other two became more and more nervous as they walked, and their legs were trembling.

This was not because of fear, but the closer they got, the more they could see the exquisiteness and extraordinaryness of the two-story building.

Under the light of the lantern, the purple bamboo was misty, and the thatched grass was like jade, as if it was glowing.

Zhou Dazhu and the other two felt that they were not approaching a small building, but the residence of an extremely noble person.

Well, even if the large courtyard of the salt merchant's house could not be seen to the end, it was not as good as half of this small building, no, it would take another half. Zhou Dazhu, who had the honor of visiting the salt merchant Yang's house once, thought so.

The magical thing was that not only did he not stop, but the two men behind him did the same.

The moment they stepped into the range of the lantern light, they seemed to know that the small building was welcoming them in.

The shaking legs were just the inertia of seeing rich and noble men, but they had no hesitation in entering the small building.

Finally, they stepped over the threshold.

The moment their feet landed in the store, an old voice sounded not far away: "Please come in, our store provides exotic grain seeds in exchange for various goods."

Zhou Dazhu and the other two looked at Gu Ke.

He was tall and slightly bent, with his hands gathered in his sleeves, leaning on the counter in the classic farmer's posture.

The three of them were stunned for a moment, and then suddenly came to their senses: "Exotic grain seeds?"

"What goods are you buying?"

"How to exchange?"

Although the three people said different things, their meanings were similar.

Gu Ke was not surprised. A level 1 roadside stall could already make people ignore some unreasonable things - such as where would people come from to do business in the wild in the middle of the night.

This is just a side effect of the power of the system, making it easier for customers to come.

He waved his hand, and several piles of grain appeared on the counter.

Purple wheat, yellow corn, black millet, and black beans were among them. These were also the most abundant staple crops in the warehouse.

Other pine nuts and vegetables were not full and were not on the system's tradable list.

The three of them almost pounced on the seeds, lowered their heads, and got close to observe carefully.

"You can check it out." Gu Ke reminded them, not afraid that they would snatch it.

The goods in the roadside stalls were protected by the system. Without signing a trading contract, not even a grain of corn could be taken away.

The three of them each picked up a few kinds of grain seeds and looked at them one by one. Gu Ke tapped the counter lightly: "Everyone, are you willing to exchange?"

Zhou Dazhu turned his head left and right, and the two men nodded to him repeatedly: "Yes, Dazhu, this seed must be taken."

The moment they got the seeds, they knew their yield and planting requirements.

In this respect, roadside stalls are indeed more convenient.

Zhou Dazhu just wanted them to help him make up his mind. Seeing this, he immediately turned back: "Old... Sir, we all want these seeds. What do you want to exchange?"

Gu Ke smiled and shook his head: "You can only choose one in the whole village. More varieties are beneficial and harmless."

Zhou Dazhu was stunned: "Our village?"

Gu Ke nodded: "Yes, every household in your village can exchange seeds with me. Ten kilograms of coarse salt can be exchanged for one kilogram of seeds. The quality of coarse salt is not limited."

Zhou Dazhu and the other two did not doubt this. They bowed and hurried out.

Ten kilograms of coarse salt is nothing to them. They secretly intercept a little when drying salt every day. It is not difficult for each household to get one or two kilograms per month.

Not to mention that a few months ago they secretly made a small salt field deep in the Baiwei Beach, producing hundreds of kilograms per month.

It was precisely because of the stable and off-book private salt production that they got in touch with Boss Lang and agreed to trade once every two months.

This time they brought nearly 1,000 kilograms of crude salt for trading, so 30 kilograms for trading was nothing.

Bai Louyu and Wang Dahai, who were still hiding dozens of feet away, saw the three people hurried out and returned to the northern path with joy on their faces.

Wang Dahai looked at his companions in confusion: "They seem very happy. Did they steal some valuable treasures in that building?"

Bai Louyu frowned even more, but still shook his head: "Let's take a look again. I always feel that this small building is strange."

Wang Dahai just nodded and said nothing more.

He really didn't have a brain, so he never quarreled with Bai Louyu when doing things, otherwise he would have died several times.

In less than a cup of tea, Zhou Dazhu and the other two excitedly came out from the northern path again, and one of them was carrying a large bag of things.

Wang Dahai stood up in surprise: "Gan Li Niang, they actually sell our goods."

Bai Louyu's face was gloomy, but he grabbed Wang Dahai: "Wait a little longer."

Wang Dahai was dissatisfied: "Still waiting? If we wait any longer, we will have come in vain this time. How can we make money without goods?"

Bai Louyu was very calm: "Do you know who is in the small building? What if it is someone we can't afford to offend? Don't seek death casually if you can live."

Wang Dahai didn't say anything.

The life of their Langtao Gang is not too easy, but at least they have a full meal to eat. Who wants to die if there is nothing to do.

In the small building, Gu Ke glanced in the direction of Bai Louyu with some surprise: Interesting. There are talents among the private salt dealers? They can keep calm.

But he was too lazy to touch these two people.

The main task of the roadside stall is to trade, not to catch private salt dealers.

Well, this is definitely not because Yanhu Village brought more than a thousand kilograms of coarse salt, nor because Yanhu Village has accumulated a large area of ​​high-salt brine over time-this can also be considered salt in the system.

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