“Hmm, that’s right.”

I felt like I was thrown into reality while living in a fairytale world.

We live in the capital of the Cavellior Empire which consist of large buildings and smooth roads. It was very different from the neighborhood we lived in when we were young.

Compared to that place, it really felt like I was living in a fairytale world.

It was reported that the village we used to live in had suffered for a long time. Because of the incident, only a few villagers survived. It would take along time for the village to regain its former glory.

The plot of the novel <It’s Dangerous, Run Away!> eventually happened to some extent.

Idris, the villain who should annihilate the villagers and lead the story, has died.  Instead, the extermination of the villagers itself actually happened through another way.

I couldn’t understand the laws of this world at all. Or maybe, there weren’t any laws or rules at all.

That’s how my world ended up in such a mess.

“Right, Vianne. Aren’t you going to get the mercenary guild back?”

Liliel asked all of sudden. I swung my parasol and answered calmly.

“I’m going to get it back someday. But it’s not an easy task, so I don’t know when.”

After that, I could  throw away my relatives.

“Your relatives are really bad.”

“I know. They give me enough money to live every month because of guilt. But I can’t guarantee how long it will last.”

We arrived at Liliel’s cafe talking about the same things as usual.

The cafe had a pretty two-story structure. I used to come here on a regular basis. Even if it wasn’t a business day, it was okay because Liliel was the owner. The two of us just used this place as a hideout.

I took a seat and opened the newspaper. Liliel went away for the tea.

[Special News! The Emperor’s official announcement!]

It was written on the front page of today’s newspaper. It was eye-catching because it has been very peaceful these days.

[The master of the mage’s island has changed.]

“… Mage.”

I feel annoyed. With the exception of my memories with Idris, I didn’t have any pleasant memories about the mages.

I was going to put down the newspaper, but I stopped. It was due to the fact that I had nothing else to do other than reading while waiting for Liliel.

[The mage’s island is a large island in the eastern sea of the empire, it’s where mages live together. They have a tradition to determine the next master through fierce competition.]

The following sentence was intended to provide an explanation for people who were unfamiliar with the terms.

“The master has changed…”

It meant that Oscar Ferdinand, the former master of the island who attempted to kidnap me and caused many fatalities in the process, had passed away.

[Unless it is a special case, the competition ends when one of the candidates killed the current master. That candidate will succeed him as the next ruler.]

Those were their rules.

“What’s wrong, Vianne?”

A shadow was cast on the spot where the warm sunlight shone upon me. It was Liliel who brought the tea.

I laid the newspaper on the table in front of me and looked at Liliel, who was sitting in front of me.

“The master of mages has changed.”

The masters of the mage’s island are referred to by that term.

“… Then that person must be dead.”

“I think so.”

Revenge was not given to us until the end.

The master of mage position, which was originally supposed to belong to Idris, would have gone to someone else.

I felt sad, but I also felt a sense of relief at the same time.

“Let’s drink the tea.”


We remained silent. After organizing our complicated thoughts for a while, the conversation continued again.

“Are there any rude people who come to the cafe these days?”

I  asked about Liliel’s daily life. Sometimes, someone like gangsters would come to the cafe and make it difficult for her.

“These days, it’s rare. Vianne, you threatened them last time. I think they’re scared.”

Liliel smiled and pointed to my waist.

‘Ah, this. As expected.’

I pulled out a stylish white gun that I always carried around. It was a gun with elaborate blue patterns embossed on the white body.

It was stolen secretly from my relatives simply by name-dropping. I heard it was a very expensive gun, but it was none of my business.

“They’re intimidated by a few threats of gunshot. All of them should be disqualified as gangsters.”

“Vianne, it’s not a threat if you really shot their arms….”

“How did you know that?”

“I heard it when I briefly went to the police to testify as a witness. I heard you shot two people in the arm.”

Oh no. I thought she wouldn’t know that. I didn’t know I’d get caught as I had done that discreetly.

After giving two shots as an example, I voluntarily reported them to the police and ended with a fine using my baron’s status. This was because the gangsters were commoners and they often stir up trouble.

It’s a secret, but these days, I could only fire two shots.

This was because my body was returning to its former state.

It was very fortunate that the gangsters were terrified with just those two shots.

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“Always be careful just in case. A gun is a very dangerous weapon.”

Liliel said, but I dismissed her.

“It’s okay. You don’t know this, but I’m pretty experienced.”

I didn’t say that I can only shoot two times because I’m afraid she’ll get worried.

It was true that I had handled swords and guns a lot in my previous life. It was for self-defense at that time, and it proved to be quite beneficial here.

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