
Idris was silent. He must have been hurt

“I’m sorry.”

I apologized hastily. I am still confused as well.

“I’ll try not to be afraid of you. It might be possible after listening to your stories. So I’m sorry.”

Idris looked up at me and sighed softly.

“That’s a natural reaction. I know that I’ve changed.”

He let go of my hand and stood up.

“… I do that to survive. If I hadn’t done it, I would have died that day.”

“What happened then?”

I grabbed my hands nervously. It’s finally time to listen to this.

Idris continued.

“I fought the archmage Oscar Ferdinand because I needed to buy time.”

However, a different story emerged from what was expected.

It was a story that was incredibly different from my expectations and even more absurd.


An eleven-year-old dealt with that monster?

“It was 10 years ago, Vianne. It was worth it using that method. Unfortunately, I lost then, but I won not too long ago, so that’s enough.”

“…… So, what happened then?”

Let’s hear more first.

“Of course, because I lost, Oscar tried to kill me. But changed his mind while trying to cut my arm. He’s going to take me and raise me…….”

No. I think I should stop listening.

“Wait, cut your arm?”

“That was 10 years ago, and my arm is fine.”

He must be crazy.

I couldn’t say it out loud, so I only made a displeased expression.

“…… Keep talking.”

He looked like he didn’t know why I was interrupting him, which made me even angrier.

“Oscar recognized my talent and raised me for his amusement. He locked me up so that I couldn’t come into contact with the outside world, and tamed me in many ways. I learned magic from him, survived, and eventually killed him. If I didn’t do it, I couldn’t escape from the island.”

When I listened to it, my head was spinning.

“The result is this.”

Was this how everything went?

“I’m sorry it took 10 years.”

He begged me for forgiveness in a low voice.

“The way back to you was not easy.”

After suffering for ten years because of me, he continued to speak like that.

“…… Hey, Idris.”


“Don’t move.”

Unable to contain my emotions, I got up and ran to him.

Idris merely stayed like I told him, so I hit him.

“Are you out of your mind? Who told you to sacrifice yourself? I didn’t think there would be any story behind it, but you’re really–!”

“Vianne, why are you like this all of sudden?”

In the meantime, Idris did not avoid me and welcomed me in his arms. I didn’t like it even more.

He must have been hit by the bullet I shot accidently before.

“Who told you to ruin your life like that? It’s been 10 years! Do you know how long I cried? I should’ve killed you myself!”

I exploded.

So what about the original story? Villain? Let’s forget all about it.

He and the person in the original are not the same person. He is simply Idris.

“Why did you do that…”

After hitting him as much as I could, I felt like I could burst into tears. How could he end up in the villain’s den…….

This is all because of the original. I’ll seriously destroy it. I’m going to destroy the original plot.

“…… Vianne, are you crying?”

Idris asked me worriedly, grabbing my face with his palms.

“Be quiet, it’s because I want to hit you more.”

I ended up crying.


He really didn’t ask me anymore.

How could there be such a uselessly good person?

I lost all my energy after getting angry.

I sighed deeply.

Idris quickly helped me up. I didn’t push him away this time.

His white cape and black shirt contrasted.

Because of our height difference, I could see his face by raising my head.

I was unbearably tired because of the lack of sleep over the past few days, hence, I lowered my head and leaned slightly against him.


Idris didn’t look surprised. However, he asked carefully.

“Are you afraid of me?”

“I’m not afraid anymore, you foolish man.”

“Am I foolish?”

“Did you ask because you don’t know…?”

“I see. Alright.”

Idris merely agreed to what I was saying.

‘He’s a strange kid, really. Is he that nice or naive?’

He doesn’t seem to have changed much from before. His personality is the same as before. And I could instantly recognize that he is Idris.

That was a very good thing. The fact that Idris remains as the person I know gave me a sense of trust.

“I’m sorry I said that I’m afraid of you. You used to hate me for being so scared of you.”

“You already apologized, Vianne. I’m fine.”

“But, I almost misunderstood you. I wonder if there’s anyone in the world who shoots a gun as a gift to a friend who came back after 10 years.….”

Suddenly, a deep sense of guilt washed over me.

Idris laughed.

“Hey, are you all better with gunshot wounds? It looks fine, but…”

While leaning against him, I put my hand on his side. Idris’ laughter was cut off.

As I fumbled around, I could feel that the wound at that time seemed to have disappeared. Instead, only solid muscles were in place.

‘Wow. He must have exercised hard.’

“……I am confident in healing magic. Don’t worry.”

Idris said in a slightly rigid tone. He gently held my hand and removed it from his stomach.

“I’m just asking out of curiosity.”

He said softly, as if embarrassed.


I lifted my head.

“Is it fine to touch you like this?”

The question is weird. However, I didn’t know what was weird specifically, so I answered it.

“It’s fine. Even if it’s Liliel, she won’t say anything if you just touch me like this.”

“As expected, I see.”

I tilted my head slightly.

“What, as expected?”


Idris nodded slightly.

Then, after taking a long breath, he asked my permission at once.

“Vianne. Can I give you a hug?”

“So suddenly?”


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