I felt someone loosen their grasp on my hand while I was sleeping. And I opened my eyes.


 Idris made eye contact with me while putting down my hand very carefully. I guess he tried not to wake me up somehow, but he failed.

“What… Why am I in your bed?”

I remember confirming that Idris’ fever went down a lot yesterday. Was it around 2a.m? I think I fell asleep after dozing off.

“I don’t know that either,” Idris replied. “I woke up and you were next to me.”

“…I guess I climbed up the bed myself.” 


I slept holding his hand all night… Haha. You’re crazy, Vianne.

I was dumbfounded.

Idris stood up. “I’ll take a break today,” he said as he walked toward another room.


“Camellia will take care of everything in my place today.”

That’s right. He was sick. He looked so healthy as if he had never been sick, so I almost forgot.

“Okay. Take a good rest.”

“I’m not leaving, so there will be no escort today.”



Idris seemed like he didn’t expect my reaction. But when I didn’t say much, he went away. It made me feel bad, but I couldn’t help it. For the time being, I had no confidence in doing anything as I was afraid of dragging him down.


I was denying reality.

“Ah, what should I do?”

I wanted to go back to yesterday afternoon and return the confession and made sure that never happened. I could cover his mouth right before he said it.

Are there any ancient relics that turn back time?

Damn it.

“He doesn’t know how I feel…”

It was natural not to know without me disclosing anything. To be honest, I just wanted to tell him everything. After coming to Mage’s Island, we stayed together, and I grew concerned about his well-being. I developed a habit of leaning on him, hoping for his laughter, and worrying about him. 

However, I didn’t know much about love. I couldn’t tell if this ebb and flow of emotion was due to love or something else. Very few people can confidently dip their toes into water without first checking the depth. I’m not one of the few.

Finding a way to live as a friend of Idris and loving him was very different. Moreover, he was a source of my anxiety and fear. It was too much for me.

What is love? 

I’ve never heard such a thing in the 20th year of my previous life and the 20th year of my present life.

‘Can’t we just live comfortably as we normally do?’

This was due to my avoidance tendency.

Even while entering the next room and washing up, my head was still dizzy. We didn’t say a word even at breakfast. 

It prompted Eustave, who was also with us at breakfast to ask, “Did you fight?” He couldn’t stand the silence.

I shook my head. “No.”

“What’s up with this mood?”

“Is there a problem?”

“Well, it’s nice to be quiet. The world is peaceful,” Eustave said sarcastically as if he was tired of it and put the chicken steak in his mouth. He’s eating well.

Idris was almost unresponsive to our conversation. As a patient, he only watched the scenery outside the window while slowly eating hot soup.

The dining room was on the first floor, so I could see the front yard at a glance. I also gazed at the front yard for a while and soon focused on the meal.

After eating, I have stuck in the room again. I was sitting at my desk and playing with my magic. I can do defense magic now. If I transform it well, I can use it like an attack.

Besides that, I wanted to learn practical things such as communication magic and healing magic, but unfortunately, the difficulty of the two was beyond imagination. There were separate conditions for activation, and advanced skills were needed beyond memorizing and drawing magic circles. It was something that couldn’t be used easily by mages.

Anyway, while steadily consuming the mana in my body, I briefly turned my head and saw Idris sitting in bed far away. He also had something on his hand, as if he was bored just sitting still.

It was magic. What kind of magic is that?

“What are you doing?” I asked him. 

At that, he looked up at me. “Research. I’m thinking of making a new spell.”

“You can even make it?”

“Sometimes we can do it when we need it. The lotus-shaped magic was also a new one last time. The spell is not very effective, although it is a new invention.”

“Did you make that too? You’re amazing.”

Is this the skill of an archmage?

“Every archmage has done this much.” Idris focused on his magic.

“What are you making now?”


“… Why bullets all of a sudden?”

Magic bullets… It was a tempting invention.

As soon as I approached him, Idris activated the magic. A bullet-shaped mana bounced out at a frightening speed. Idris lowered his head almost simultaneously. The bullet headed for the barrier. It stopped and disappeared after breaking the barrier.

He had tested the magic performance.

“… I’m a little short of power,” he muttered.

I moved closer to him. “Why are you making it?”

Idris looked at my hand when he heard the question.

Hmm? What’s wrong with it?

“It’s for you.”


“Are you making it for me?”

“Yes,” Idris responded by activating the magic again. 

I stared at it, surprised by his response. “Thank you, Idris.”

“It’s not much,” he replied awkwardly. “Vianne, go over there for a second. I have to test it a few more times, but it’s hard to do it when you’re close.”

“Oh, I see. Okay, I’ll go back,” I said and walked further away from him.

Idris tried a few more spells. Adding or subtracting formulas every time. I spent the time watching him in his element.

It wasn’t long before he completed the spell.

“Vianne,” he called and signaled me to draw closer. “Can you memorize it?”

I looked into the white magic circle floating on his hand. “Easy.”

“I made it as simple as possible. You can make it in advance, or you can make a new one on the spot when you need it.”

“Oh… I’ve memorized it all.”

“So this is why Camellia said you were fast,” Idris remarked.

“Strangely, I’m only good at memorizing things like this.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Then, shall we go outside now? You should try it yourself.”

I got out of bed and blinked several times. “Outside? Will you be okay?” I asked, looking at his complexion. 

Idris raised his head and stared at me. “The outside air is not toxic, Vianne.”

“That’s true, but that’s not the problem.….”

Even if it doesn’t show, his internal injury wouldn’t have healed yet. He lost so much blood yesterday that he wouldn’t have recovered enough with healing magic. I worried about him.

“I’m fine.”

But Idris was staring at me.

“Okay, do whatever you want…”

How could I win when he persuaded me with such a handsome face? My heart pounded. Damn.

We went outside. To be exact, I headed to the training field. Last time, I couldn’t go in because I was attacked.

I pulled my gun out. But looking at it, this gun was the same color as Idris’ cape. Both had blue patterns on a white background.

“Idris. Is this gun related to Mage’s Island?”

“…You didn’t know it?” Idris replied. 

Oh no, it’s true.

“I’ve never really thought about it.”

“I’m sure it’s one of the guns that my ancestors left behind.”


“This gun was intended to be left one by one in the area where the archmage went and attacked. It’s like a sign to show off.”

“If they’re going to attack… Are you talking about the incident from 10 years ago?”

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