Idris walked next to me, dissatisfaction evident on his face.


It had been a while since I came to Mage’s Island, but this was my first time coming out to the city. It felt new. The street looked similar to the city of the empire to the point where it would be hard to even notice the difference.


“This place is completely different compared to what was said in the empire,” I said to him.

“The empire doesn’t like Mage’s Island.”


“Yes. They fought to the death in ancient times, and in modern times, the mages continue to wreak havoc in the empire… But, it seems like there haven’t been any major incidents lately?”


Come to think of it, I don’t think there’s been a single case since Idris became an archmage.


As soon as the question was about to arise, we entered a crowded area. Idris quickly grabbed my hand.


We were merely holding hands, but I felt a shiver run down my spine.. His hands were warm and big. For some reason, my heart began pounding. I gulped, feeling a little bit nervous.


The downtown area was noisy, drowning out Idris’ voice, but I could hear him clearly. 


“As I became an archmage, I gained some control. I’ve reduced external activities to a minimum for the empire.” He was still holding my hand as we turned into an alleyway. “The empire is where you live anyway. If the empire doesn’t touch you, I’m thinking of ending the long-standing hostility.”


 We stopped at a quiet cafe, then I replied, “Really?”


We sat facing each other at the outdoor table of the cafe.


“I’m going to find a way to coexist through exchanges. It is a vicious cycle; the empire rejects mages and because of this, mages escaped to the Mage’s Island and attack the empire. It needs to be stopped.”


“That’s great…”


“I’m not sure if it’ll come true.”


Idris ordered two cups of tea when the waiter came to take our order. The shade and refreshing wind felt nice. I leaned comfortably on a chair, and suddenly realized one thing.


“By the way, Idris. Is there anyone who looks like you on Mage’s Island?”


Idris has white hair and red eyes, same as in the novel. A feature that distinguish him from other people.  However, when we passed by such a crowded place earlier, no one even looked at him.


“No. They don’t have white hair. It’s just that everyone can’t see it since I disguised myself with a spell. You’re the only one excluded from it.”


“Oh, that magic from 10 years ago”


“Yes. It’s a must when I go outside.”


“Huh? Why?”


“Well, they’re still vying for my position.”


“Ah, that’s right.”


In the early days of power, the archmage was still not stable. They had taken advantage of Idris’ absence at one time.


“It will end in another month or so, and the attacks will be over.”


“That’s still some time left.”




Therefore, the current location or status of Idris was confidential.


“You will also appear to have brown hair and red eyes to other people..”


“Did you cast a disguise spell on me too?”


“There was an assassination a while ago. We need to be careful.”


“I see. You took care of me, even if you didn’t tell me. Thank you.”


The conversation was cut off as the waiter came with our tea. We drank in silence. The leaves from the tree shook with the wind, Idris was sitting underneath the shade from the tree. His eyes were on me. A few days ago, I wouldn’t have minded it, but now… 


Looking at each other like this… I became nervous.  


We both must be thinking about what happened yesterday. His gaze proved it. He had never hurt me. Even after reuniting, he would bow down if I insisted.


Then how about this time? How far could he endure? How long would I be able to turn a blind eye to his feelings?


If you ask me if whether I know how patient he is, I would simply say that I don’t know. He was sometimes very patient, and sometimes he wasn’t.


That was why I was even more confused.




Then a call was connected through magic.


“Did you find it?”


[Yes, master… You must be in the alley.]


Eustave always had a great hunch. He felt like a ghost at times since he knew everything. Usually, he was friendly and foolish, but at times like this, he seemed reliable.


[Siezion is on the alley right next to you. The location will make it easy to capture, but we need to be able to capture in the first place. Will it be okay?]




“We’ll go back safely,” I answered on behalf of Idris, who was quiet. He cut off the call.


We went to the next alley and found Siezion. It was in the form of a white bird, chirping in fear at the corner. Some of Idris’ subordinates surrounding the area were also terrified.


‘What is this? Both sides are scared of each other.’


“Siezion.” I approached the bird. Idris flinched, but I turned my head and said firmly, “Don’t come.”




“Don’t do the same thing yesterday. If you do it, I’m going to bring chaos to the island and go back to the empire.”


He became silent because of the threat.


“Chirp, chirp.” Siezion cried pitifully. 


Somehow, I felt a little sad because it made me remember my previous life. I couldn’t go outside, and if I escape, I’ll die.


‘You’re going through the same thing as me before, Siezion.’


“Why did you go out?” I sat down and talked to it. Then, I took out the snacks I brought out and put them in front of me.


When Siezion was in a bird form, it always wanted my snack, so I handed it some.


“It’s me. Vianne who lives with you.”


“Chirp, chirp.”


“You have to go home. It’s lonely and scary when you’re here.” I mustered up the sweetest smile as much as I could. Although I’m not so sure if it came out well or not. “The house is safe now. So, go back and let me know what scared you later. Okay?”


“Chirp, chirp…?” Siezion approached me, it hesitated but then pecked at the snacks… After a while, it suddenly dove toward me and hugged me. “Chirp, chirp….”


At that time, it had turned into a chick and began acting like one. Was it possible to adjust the age of its appearance?


 “Yes. There’s nothing scary anymore. Let’s go home, Siezion.”


“Peep!” Siezion understood what I was saying, and this time it turned into a big bird and flew up.


Looking at the direction of the road, it was toward the tower. It was a success.


“It- it’s going back!”




The subordinates exclaimed. They thanked me, someone they had never met, and then they dispersed. Idris and I were left alone.


[Siezion has returned. How did you do that? Please let me know before you return to the empire.]


Eustave, who wasn’t panicking anymore, contacted me.


I just smiled and said jokingly, “It’s the power of love.”


[Hmm… Yes… It’s my fault for asking. Okay. There are many good restaurants in the city, so you two should eat and have fun. I’ll be responsible for the security.]


“Thank you for your consideration.”


[Yes, I’m hanging up now.]


Well, yes. Now it was really just Idris and me.


I turned my attention toward him.”Eustave told us to go eat. What do you think?”


Silence hung in the air as Idris replied a little late, “… Yes.”


 “Do you know any good restaurants? I don’t know this place well.”


“I don’t come out often either.”


He thought for a moment and guided me, saying there was a place that had came to mind.


The place we arrived at was a secluded luxury restaurant. We had a late lunch sitting in a private room. The meal was delicious, but I didn’t eat as much as  Idris. I was a little upset because I wasn’t feeling well.


There was a large flower shop on the way back home, so I went inside. Summer flowers were generally colorful and large. There were also flowers that I saw for the first time.


“I guess it’s a flower that grows only on Mage’s Island”


I bought a flower that looks like a pink lily.


“Right. It’s not in the empire,” said Idris. I put the flower on his ear and he burst into laughter.


“It looks good on you.”


With a pink flower on his ears, he looked fresher. Even that grim expression changed.


He took the flowers and put them on my ear “You too.”




I suddenly had nothing to say, so I just laughed.


“Huh? There’s a blue rose, too.”


We didn’t have to go all the way to the empire to get this. I should buy it for Eustave. I was curious about what he was going to say.


“Do you like it?”


“Eustave likes it. Oh, of course I like it, too. When I lived alone in the empire, I often buy this flower.”


The most recent thing I bought was ruined from dealing with the mages. What a waste.


“Let’s buy some. It’d be pretty if you put it in your room.”


“… Yes.”


Idris bought a bundle of things. He also bought a bouquet of flowers, and soon we went back home.

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