We had to walk a little to go to the downtown.

While walking along the road, the sun was shining beautifully and I could see a small stream as we passed by.

The stream’s water was clear as it flowed below the bridge.

“Isn’t that a fish?” I can’t help but ask in amazement.

There were a number of fishes as small as a fingernail swimming among the rocks.

When I pointed at the fishes, Idris leaned to take a closer look at the stream. Then, he suddenly submerged his hands into the water and caught something.

“Do you want to see it?”

He showed the fish he had catched to me.

“Wait, what? How can you catch it so easily?” I asked,surprised at his hidden talent.

“The fish looks pretty. But all it ever does in its entire life is swimming, isn’t it boring?” Liliel suddenly spoke.

She did not cross the bridge, but she continued to watch the fish that was catched by Idris.

“Maybe. Do you want to hold the fish with your own hands, then?” Idris asked Liliel, but the latter just uninterestedly shrugged.

“No need, just let it go.”


Idris let the fish go and it quickly swam away, vanishing from our sights.

After that, the three of us  continued with our journey. We crossed the bridge and stepped on the other side of the ground.

After passing the stream, we finally arrived at the streets of the downtown.

We began to walk along the main road and felt a little excited. The streets were very dynamic and lively.

The high ranking nobles passed by our figures while riding in luxurious carriages, and the passersby around us busily strode along the streets as the merchants talked with their customers.

Everything was quite different from our place which was peaceful and filled with trees.

As we entered the street vendors’ area, the number of people increased rapidly.

Idris, Liliel and I  held hands together so that we won’t get seperated.

My left hand was in Idris’ hand, and my right hand was in Liliel’s hand.

I was standing in the middle of the two of them and they both had a larger hand than I do, and so, it looked as if I had been caught in-between my older siblings.

I wish I could grow taller soon. With that thought in mind, we were able to get out of the street vendors’ area safely.

On one side of the street, there were people in costumes that I had never seen before.

Huh? Those people..

“Hey, aren’t those people knights?”

I glanced at Liliel and Idris, and they turned their heads towards me at the same time.

“That’s right. I think they’re  knights. Why did they come here?” Liliel asked

“There have been reports of a strong mage nearby.”

A foreign voice suddenly spoke and gave us an answer.

We were all very surprised.There was a stranger beside us.

The stranger seemed to be a knight. He had  black hair and blackeyes, and judging from his appearance, he looked to be about thirty.

“Who are you?”

The knight didn’t mix with the crowd of knights, and he came out separately.

The knight also seemed to be a high-ranking knight judging from his attire.

“I’m Shannon Lahrat, the head of those knights, kids.”

The knight looks a bit stern but since the three of us  were young children, the knight spoke to us nicely.


I greeted the knight with a simple nod whileLiliel did not say hello because she was busy counting the number of medals hanging on the knight’s chest.

Idris was the only person who verbally greeted the knight and lowered his head.

“But did the mage really come here?”

I decided to ask some questions, since I’m really curious because I have magic too.

“According to the report, yes. We’re still checking.”

“The mage must be very strong, right?”

“Yes, a very strong mage. The mage could cause damage to the villages, so we came to investigate. I’ll be on guard to make sure you kids have fun, so don’t worry about it.”


The knights must be going through a lot.

“Cheer up!”

I smiled brightly at him.


* * *


The nice meeting ended shortly, and we passed by the knights.

We decided to look around and buy some snacks.

I got too engrossed with our outing that I almost forgot my main reason for going downtown. was looking for information about my magic.

I took the two children with me to a quiet corner. And when Liliel heard about my magic, she looked like a startled rabbit.

“Then what are you planning?”

“I don’t know, I need more information.”

“Information about magic wouldn’t be easy to find.”

“There’s an ancient book expert my parents know, and her store is just around the corner.”

“An expert on ancient books?”

“…That’s true, but in fact, she often breaks the law. She used to do trading in the past. My parents got help from her and bought a little bit of magic potion from her, too.”

“I see, where is she?”

“I heard she’s at Silua Street. Do you happen to know where it is?”


Among us, Liliel was the one who often came downtown the most. We waited until Liliel remembered it.

“Oh, I think I know where it is.”

“That’s great!” I cheered.

Liliel proudly took the lead.

Step by step, we’re getting farther and farther from the main street and as we were going into a remote alley, we went around a few times before we  finally saw a sign.

It was a sign that said Silua Street.

“Found it!”

“Isn’t it a store dealing with old books? Is it there?”

Liliel pointed to a shabby sign on the street.

“Let’s go, guys.”

We strode towards the place Liliel pointed at. Then Idris suddenly pulled me and Liliel backward.



Idris took us into a hiding spot through a narrow gap between the buildings. He raised his index finger to his lips.

“What’s going on?”

Liliel fixed her wrinkled clothes and asked quietly.

“We should be careful, there are many bad people.”

“Who is it….? Ah…”

Looking at the street, I could see a gang of bad-looking thugs passing by.

It was definitely not good for kids like us to run into them. And there weren’t many people present on this street.

“….Okay. Now please let go of Vianne’s hand.” Liliel whispered.

“It’s none of your business, I’ll let go of her  hands when I want to.”

Idris fought her back.

“Really? Then I’ll do so too.”

Liliel grabbed one of my hands tightly.


“Are you guys fighting again? You guys already fought last time, and now you’re doing this again?”

“Don’t worry, Vianne. We’re not fighting anymore. Right, Idris?”

Liliel glared at Idris as if urging him to say yes quickly.

“That’s right, we’re not fighting,”

Idris grumbled.

They must have made some kind of agreement with each other since the incident.

They’re so cute.

“Okay, guys. The thugs are gone, let’s go.”

“Yes, Vianne.”

“Let’s go, Vianne.”

We eventually entered the store, with me in-between them as we hold each other’s hands like we did earlier on the main street.

There were no visible customers in the store when we came inside.

There was only one old lady.

“What are the children doing here?”

Maybe she was the person my parents told me about.

“You’re Lesha, aren’t you? Hello, my name is Vianne Astahilt.”

When I said my greetings, grandma seemed familiar with my name.

“You must be Baron Astahilt’s daughter.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Are they your friends?”

“Yes, we came here to ask you something.”

“Okay, sit here and ask away.”

Lesha had us sit side by side on the sofa inside the store and after that, she gave us sweet drinks one by one.

I took a sip of my drink and asked her, “Lesha, do you  know anyone who is a mage?”

Lesha snorted as she heard my question.

“You’re asking something weird. Does the Baron know you’re here?”

“My father doesn’t know, he’s in the capital city now.”

“Mage are those who have magic power. They’re very rare but they exist on records. But why are you curious about this?”

I stared at Lesha before answering.

She gave useful information to my  parents and built up a strong relationship. But I wasn’t sure if she said the truth.

What if Lesha makes an unexpected move?

“I’d like to tell you right away, but it’s a bit sensitive. What should I do? You answered my question, so I should have answered your question.”

I beat around the bush, but what I wanted to say is to keep this a secret.


Lesha gazed at me with a warm smile.

“I’m famous for keeping secrets. Secrets are vital to those who work with magic. No matter what they say, I won’t let it out. I’ll do that for my friendship with your parents.”

Lesha reassured me.

“……Asking about a mage means that you have something to do with magic. Isn’t that right?”

Right now, it was difficult to decide whether to answer her or to just keep on being silent. When I hesitated, Lesha took the lead.

“I’m deeply involved with magic too. I was a good mage. But in fact, I’m also working on hiding and helping the lost mage.”

It was an unexpected remark. Is it okay to talk about this?

“If this fact becomes known, I could die or go to jail.”


“I told you this dangerous fact first, Vianne. Why don’t you say your secret now?”

Only then did I know Lesha’s reason for saying so.

I looked at Idris and Liliel. My friends nodded.

“As a matter of fact, I think I have magic.”

I was finally able to say this.

“….How are you so sure?”

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Lesha widened her eyes.

“Someone saw magic on my body.”

“Who said that?”

“It’s him.”

I immediately raised my hand and pointed to Idris.

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