Chapter 8

I told Liliel a small white lie. I told her that my parents were aware of the situation and had devised a solution. But now, the reason for us to see Lesha is gone.

Nonetheless, we kept visiting her because she had a lot of magic books and interesting artifacts that Idris might need.

“You guys are here again.”

Lesha greeted us with a warm embrace.

“The books here looked interesting.”

“Of course, something strange and mysterious would always be interesting to us. But it’s not that interesting actually.”

“Will you make that drink for us again today, Lesha?”

Liliel asked her with a voice full with anticipation. Liliel, who loved sweet stuff, enjoyed the drink Lesha made for us.

“Ah, how cute. Alright, I’ll make it for you.”

“Thank you!”

Liliel rejoiced and sat down on the sofa.

Idris had already taken a book from his bag and was reading it. I took a seat next to Liliel. After a while, Lesha came to us with three drinks.

“I would always welcome you to the store, but be careful, especially Vianne. You should never walk alone in a desolate alley like this.”

Lesha expressed her concerns. It’s something I’ve heard a few times already. I nodded my head in response.

“You said a mage would covet my mana?”

“Mages could take and use the mana scattered in the air. But a mage without talent lacks the ability to do so. Even if they have talent, it would also take a long time to gather a lot of mana.”

Lesha’s explanation was a little more detailed today than it had been previously. I paid attention to her story.

“To solve such inconveniences, they would gather as much mana as they can to hasten the process.”

“I see…….”

“When someone else draws it out from you, it’s hard to control the amount, so they will  pull out a lot at once. It’ll be great for you too. But there’s also a downside… even if they take out too much, your mana can replenish, is it worth it?”

Lesha analyzed through the eyes of a mage. It was even more terrifying to hear this.

“To the mages, you are nothing more than a living mana warehouse.”

“I will not let a mage abuse Vianne like that.”

Liliel stopped drinking and stated her opinion firmly.

To calm Liliel down, I tapped her on the shoulder.

Idris was in the best position to abuse me right now. But he treats me well as a friend, so I doubt he would do it.

However, I need to be careful of other mages.

“The knights recently kicked the mages out of this town, so it should be fine for the time being. That doesn’t mean you can relax though.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

I smiled at Lesha.

‘Life is not easy.’

I groaned inwardly and fell on the sofa.

“Idris, do you understand that book? I can’t understand a thing.”

Idris, who was currently focusing on his magic book, raised his head.

“Yes. I could understand it.”

“Huh, you can? How?”

When an unexpected answer came back, I asked him again.


Idris blinked blankly. His long, white eyelashes fluttered.

White eyelashes? Come to think of it. He only wore a wig and didn’t conceal anything else.

“I don’t know.”

He answered my question, but I was already paying attention to his eyebrows.

“Idris. I’m sorry to interrupt, but your eyebrows and eyelashes are still white. What do we do? I never thought of this.”

“Oh my! I didn’t even think of that either!”

Liliel widened her eyes. Lesha also looked at Idris.

“Wait……. I guess you don’t have to worry about that.”

Lesha stared at him, then she moved her hand.

After that, Liliel suddenly collapsed.


I was startled and embraced Liliel. Idris’ eyes became sharp in an instant.

“You have something to explain, but since only Liliel is an ordinary person, you wanted to leave her out?”

I said calmly. Otherwise, Idris may really attack Lesha.

“Yes. It’s a temporary magic that doesn’t put any strain on the body, so don’t worry about her.”

“……I see.”

I waited quietly for her next words.

“Idris, you are unconsciously using disguising magic.”

“What do you mean?”

Me and Idris looked at each other.

“He unconsciously uses it when he meets other people, only a few could see its real colour.”

Lesha tapped the air in front of Idris with her wrinkled hand.

I couldn’t see anything in front of me.

However, Idris focused on watching Lesha’s hand. It seemed that Lesha was using magic.

“So Lesha, do you see his eyebrows in different colors?”

“Vianne, I was fooled by him until you said it.”


Even though he was young, he was overflowing with talents.

“You don’t need that wig.”

“After reading the book, it seems that magic is intentionally created and used. How does it work like that?”

Idris asked her and Lesha shook her head slightly.

“Something like that could happen, but it’s not easy. It’s only possible if the mana that responds to your will takes the form on its own. The amount of mana you have doesn’t matter.”

“Idris, you must be a genius.”

I knew he was a genius, but I admired him, pretending not to know.

Idris smiled lightly at me. Soon, I looked at Lesha.

“If I have the talent, can I do more than just draining Vianne’s mana?”

He seemed a little relieved somehow.

Does it make him feel better because he is a capable person?

“Of course.”

“Can I protect Vianne from the mages who wanted her mana?”

“The world of mages is dark and complicted. But if you fight for it, you will be able to do it.”

Lesha gave a positive response.

“That’s why you guys should watch out for each other.”

I looked at Idris as he looked at me too.

Before the silence lengthens. Lesha lifted the spell on Liliel.

“Why am I lying down, Vianne?”

As soon as she woke up, she asked me as she was sweating a little.

“Huh? I don’t know. You suddenly laid down, Liliel.”

For once, I decided to lie boldly.


Liliel tilted her head. Ah, it was difficult to lie to her.

‘I’m sorry, Liliel. Can’t you just overlook it once?’

“Liliel. Play chess with me.”

At that time, Idris brought a chessboard that was placed on the table.

“Chess? You want to have a match with me?”

Liliel immediately showed interest.

‘Yes, this is it!’

I nodded slightly at him so that it wouldn’t be obvious. Idris also nodded in response.

“I’m bored of reading books.”

“Is that so? Let’s do one match then.”

Liliel completely forgot about it as Idris intended.

While Lesha went to organize the book, the chess match between the two began.

We used to play chess from time to time. The record of victory and defeat differed depending on who competed with whom.

I lost dozens of times and won only twice against Idris. I always lost when I played against Liliel. I think those two wins were also intended by Idris.

On the other hand, Idris and Liliel were still tied. This means that it will be a fun game.

I folded my arms and watched their game.


After a while, Idris was closer to winning.

“Oh my god. What did you eat today?”

“I have eaten the same thing as you.”

“But why is your skill suddenly this good…”

Liliel put on a sullen expression. Today, for some reason, Liliel was lacking compared to Idris.

“Cheer up, Liliel! You can win!”

I usually cheer for the losing side, so I took Liliel’s side today. However, the checkmate soon appeared.




“Are you really this good?”

“Well, I do think I’m that good.”

“Really? Let’s do it again! I’ll beat you this time.”

Liliel said in dissatisfaction.

I laughed out loud and organized the chessboard for them instead.

Maybe he is really that good?

I thought to myself and envied Idris a little.

I want to win a match too!


Today was too hot for autumn. As usual, we spread a large mat and sat down on it.

“Aren’t you going to Lesha’s shop today?”

Liliel asked me so I came to her side and answered.

“It’s too hot. Wouldn’t it be hotter if I went to the city?”

“That’s right.”

Liliel took out the contents of the basket she had brought.

“Did you bring snacks today?”

“Yes, I want to feed you.”

Liliel took out many foods including sandwiches, snacks, milk, pudding, and fruit salads.

“I’m eating well these days.”

“You do eat well, but why are you so skinny?”

“Well…?  Is this also because of my mana?”

“Don’t blame everything on your mana. Eat this.”

Liliel shook her head.

I sat up and silently received the pudding offered by Liliel. When I grabbed a spoon and took a bite, the sweet taste spread in my mouth.

‘Wow. It tasted amazing.’

“You eat it too. Come on, try this and this.”

Liliel also lined up snacks in front of Idris.

Idris ate the pudding and had the same expression as me.


“It’s really delicious!”

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Me and Idris exclaimed one after another. Liliel laughed as if she was satisfied.

“I made it. I’m learning from my mom these days.”

“I envy your talent the most, Liliel…”

She has a talent for making delicious things.  I wish I had that kind of talent instead of this useless mana.

We ate all of the snacks and felt full.

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