After the news of the joint film was announced, it caused a great response. The issue of equal rights between men and women has always been a hot topic. The centenary anniversary of the Women's Protection Association naturally attracted a lot of public attention. Four well-known directors co-produced a film about female consciousness. The news of Juexin's movie was released and sparked heated discussions among netizens.

‘It’s great, I’ve been looking forward to this kind of work, it represents the official attitude towards equal rights’

‘I hope this time I can shoot something new and meaningful, and not just the same stereotyped female image’

‘I am reminded of the bad TV series xx that was all about female virtues. Did the writer and director live in ancient times? ’

‘I feel like it’s not easy to make a movie with this kind of main theme and color, and a lot of spicy ideas cannot be expressed. I feel that it should be handled lightly in the end. ’

‘The intention announced by the association is for a biographical film. There are so many great and accomplished women in history, so it shouldn’t be a failure, right? As long as the general direction is grasped, it will be fine, and these directors don’t have any dark histories. ’

On this topic, the audience will inevitably have a lot of speculation, because although there are many excellent works about women in the world, there are also many movies and TV shows that are poor in terms of story and concept, and they all rely on scolding to increase their popularity and refresh them again. D station’s list of bad movie commentary.

However, when someone mentions directors, the question inevitably turns to the four directors invited to shoot the movie.

The other three are all well-known directors, each with their own achievements in the TV and film industry. Wei Lan not only debuted for a short time, but is also the youngest. Especially since she was already a hot figure, she immediately became a popular figure. In addition to the theme of the movie, it is another hot topic for discussion.

‘Director Wei nb! It's an honor to be part of a film like this. ’

"The future is bright, I have a feeling that Director Wei may become the lightest member of the national team"

‘I am looking forward to Director Wei’s section. Her works are refreshing every time. I really want to know what the theme of her photography is! ’

"New World" has just been released and has achieved a double success at the box office and has become a well-deserved phenomenon. Because of the interview in "Times Monthly", it is well known to the public that Wei Lan's total box office has reached tens of billions since his debut. Suddenly, Wei Lan's popularity is even higher than that of the two leading actors in the movie, Ye Jingran and Gu Yun.

Even the stars of the recently acclaimed "New World" are always inevitably asked about Wei Lan during interviews, which subverts the usual focus on film creators.

Under normal circumstances, the leading actors in front of the screen have always received the most attention, while the people behind the scenes have received less attention. Except for professionals or people who are interested in film production, the general audience does not pay much attention to the interviews and content of the interviews with the people behind the scenes. It also revolves around the plot or actors, but Wei Lan is in an opposite state here.

Because Wei Lan is obviously full of hot topics of public opinion, astonishing box office results and movie monuments, movie battles with Chen Yuanhang, unconventional acting in variety shows, unexpected publicity methods... etc., contrary to these high-profile things Wei Lan keeps a low profile. After two years of acting, she has never appeared in public, and none of her co-stars have met her in person.

This layer of mystery, which was not deliberately created by Wei Lan, perfectly created hunger marketing, making the public eager for news about her.

What was her personality like during filming? Is it true that you have social phobia as rumored outside? After all, Wei Lan's performance in variety shows and award ceremonies does not seem like a social disorder.

"It's useless to ask me. The director Wei we met during the filming is the panda image that you all know so well."

Because of Ye Jingran’s words in the interview, #EverybodyLovesRedPanda# has been trending on Weibo some time ago.

The directors were required to attend this meeting. In Wei Lan's case, naturally he was unable to participate and could only communicate via electricity.

There was no matchmaker at the official discussion meeting, and they were all directors who wanted to cooperate. Wei Lan still didn't come. Not only were the other three directors quite dissatisfied, but the president of the association who was the organizer was also a little dissatisfied, but the news was announced. , canceling it at short notice and looking for another director will inevitably lead to another turmoil.

It is said that directors are invited to discuss together, but in fact the basic theme and format have been decided. It is to shoot a biographical film with a female protagonist. The theme is the awakening of female consciousness. As long as the theme is expressed, there are no restrictions on the plot. The director will find it himself. The screenwriter creates it.

Among the three people present, the most senior one is Director Ye Wen. He and the other two directors are also old acquaintances in the circle. They have communicated with each other and have a good relationship. He said bluntly: "Since it is the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the association, everyone will create separately. , but in the end, if you want to combine it into one, you must maintain a certain degree of integrity. I think it can be done from two directions..."

"One is that the United Association was established a hundred years ago, and we filmed personal biopics of four outstanding women of that era. The other is to make distinctions directly from the era. Our lines range from ancient to modern eras, and according to this History is sorted to form a line... What do you think?"

Next to them, Zheng Yongyan and Zhao Jiayu nodded while listening. Although they both knew that the four directors were filming separately, as a film that will be released at the end, if there is no connection in the format, it will give the audience a sense of disconnection. People who cherish feathers will certainly not fail to consider this.

Zhao Jiayu said: "I think the second option is better. Everyone has room to play, and the progression of time and space is in line with the changes of a hundred weeks, which is more commemorative."

Zheng Yongyan also agreed easily: "I can accept both options."

"Then it's settled." The president of the association thought for a moment and looked at the panda portrait at the center of the table: "Does Director Wei have any other opinions?"

One is because Wei Lan didn't come, and the other is because all four directors voted three times. It's useless for Wei Lan to vote against it. Everyone's opinions must be respected.

Wei Lan, who was on the other end of the line, said, "No, just how to divide them in terms of era-specific topics?"

Wei Lan has no major objections to these two plans, because this is actually a very broad topic, and there are many outstanding women. No matter which plan is used, she feels that there is a lot of room for performance, and there is no need to choose it at this time. Go against everyone.

Seeing that Wei Lan did not raise any critical objections in this situation, Ye Wen nodded and his expression softened a lot: "From ancient times to the present, let's see what eras you don't want to take pictures of. Let's discuss it and decide if there is a conflict. , just draw lots.”

Zheng Yongyan had a good-natured character and said with a smile: "For the lady, Director Zhao and Director Wei will choose."

Zhao Jiayu said: "Wei Daoqing, I will let the young man come."

Wei Lan didn't understand this bit of human sophistication, so he said humbly: "Director Zhao, you're too polite. Everyone sitting next to me is a senior. I must have been chosen by everyone."

Seeing that Wei Lan took the initiative to lower her profile and did not rely on her talents to be arrogant, the dissatisfaction of several seniors about her not being on the scene disappeared. After a few polite words, Zhao Jiayu said: "I have been shooting costume dramas for most of my life, and this time I will also shoot ancient costume dramas." ”

Zheng Yongyan chose the same ancient times as Zhao Jiayu, Ye Wen chose modern times, the era when the Women's United Association was established, and the remaining Wei Lan had no choice but to choose modern times.

Several directors did not dare to be careless when shooting a movie that was officially required. They chose the era background that they were good at. Zhao Jiayu and Zheng Yongyan were easier to shoot. In ancient times, due to era restrictions, there were only a few characters who awakened female consciousness. There are many examples that can be tested. Ye Wen chose modern works that reproduce the spirit of resistance. Wei Lan's seems to be the simplest, but in fact all three directors know that it is the most difficult to shoot.

In this era, there have been many controversies on the topic of women’s awakening of consciousness. There are many options to shoot, but it is difficult to make a good shot. Whether it is a strong woman or a dodder flower, the audience has seen too much, and it is easy to fall into stereotypes. .

However, the task has been assigned, and since Wei Lan has taken it on, no one will say anything more.

The four short plots are put together, which is not only linked, but also easy to make comparisons. No one wants to have their part get the lowest evaluation from the audience in the whole movie.

Wei Lan is a person who is restless. After determining the modern background of the film, he began the initial preparations for the film, which included selecting real people for adaptation, casting and auditions, preliminary scene structure in the director's machine, etc.

Wei Lan's workaholic nature is well known, and working overtime is common.

At around eight o'clock that night, Wei Lan was still working overtime on the director's machine. It was not Ye Luoxue who sent her to the company today, but Lao Wang, the driver of the Wei family.

Lao Wang was playing with his mobile phone outside the studio while waiting for Wei Lan inside.

Everything looked the same as usual, another ordinary day.

Suddenly, the lights went out. Not only the aisle where Lao Wang was sitting, but also the power supply of the entire studio was cut off, and it was dark.

"What's going on?" Lao Wang took his cell phone and turned on the flashlight. He turned back and opened the door of the director's room consciously, wanting to see what was going on with Wei Lan inside.

As a result, the door could not be opened. When the director's cabin was working, the door inside was locked, and the director's cabin needed to be opened to unlock it.

It was time to find a technician. Lao Wang directly looked for Wei Mingjie's phone number in the address book. Before he could get through, a strong gust of wind suddenly came from behind him.


Lao Wang was unsteady on his feet, his head clenched on the back of his neck, and he fainted. The phone in his hand was still glowing in the dark, showing the connection time of 00:01 seconds.

"Hello?" Wei Mingjie's voice came from inside: "What's wrong, Lao Wang?"

"Hello? Hello? How..."

In the darkness, a man's hand reached out, picked up the phone, and pressed the red hangup button on it.


A little light came on, and another man in black bit the tube and opened the bag in his hand, which contained a lock picking tool.

I saw him holding a long stick-like object and twisting it hard on the lock of the director's room.


The door opened in response.

The only item inside - the director's machine, which was still turned off, fell into front of the two of them.

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