Wei Group.

Wei Mingjie has been very busy these two days, and the power is off.

It all started with the fact that several cities last weekend used "Rural Teachers" as a Teachers' Day activity.

Although the Education Bureau of H City simply invited teachers to watch the movie, when it comes to each school, they often add an extra content to this activity - writing a review of the movie.

This is also an old routine of activities within the establishment, reading reviews, review of the movie... After becoming a teacher, you still have to write an essay.

Teachers are very knowledgeable and have produced some excellent articles in so many reviews of the movie. They submitted them to the Education Bureau. The Federal Propaganda Department thought that this thing was good and directly published it in the current internal propaganda newspaper. It was also mentioned in the official media's foreign news channel.

Although it was only mentioned, the positive impact it brought was huge.

First of all, Wei's image has improved in front of the Propaganda Department, the government's most important department in charge of film and television. Whether it is the application for the version number of film and television works or the declaration of the data flow quota for the next quarter, it has a very positive impact.

Of course, the most direct impact is that the Teacher's Day movie watching event received a good response in H City. After reading the internal propaganda newspaper, the education bureaus of other cities immediately followed suit. Even the cities that had already held the Teacher's Day event followed suit and made this event an event that swept the entire federation.

Now that the leaders of the education bureaus of other cities have come to communicate, and the public relations department staff have come to communicate, Wei Mingjie will naturally be busy.

Although he is busy, he is still very happy and very motivated. He has become a great director, but his daughter is not!

Parents always have the hope of pinning their dreams on the next generation, but the degree of their dreams may be light or heavy, and in reality, the children will follow the path that their parents expect them to take, so seeing their children realize their dreams is a great joy for parents.

In contrast, Zhou Wei and Lu Kaiming seem very idle. The only thing they need to be busy with is to appease the doubts of the shareholders who stood on their faction before.

But more people rebelled silently, all for the sake of profit. In fact, the shareholders who supported them before also thought it was profitable. Now that they saw Wei Mingjie's victory, they naturally knew which side they should stand on next time they faced a choice. Wei Mingjie had been privately shown goodwill by shareholders during this period.

Lu Kaiming found Xia Yangqiu: "... What was the profit return rate written in the previous gambling agreement?"

"If it exceeds 60%, it will be an S-signed contract. If it exceeds 70%, you said... she can set the conditions." Xia Yangqiu has also been in a depressed state recently. He used to be the head of the film and television department's project management, but now he has been assigned an airborne deputy, and his power has been directly divided by half. This is also the price he paid for being involved in the struggle between shareholders.

"70%..." Lu Kaiming has learned about the latest box office results of "Rural Teachers" so far, 670 million. Even if the theater share and distribution costs are deducted, the investment of 8 million still has a profit of more than 300 million... a profit return rate of 37 times.

This is not just 70%, this is 3700%!

At present, this movie has only been screened for the third week. Like "Star Wars", it was completely powerless in the early stage. Now that the influence of the whole federation has spread, it is the real rising period. And looking at the current popularity, the film's release period will be extended accordingly.

When the film is released, we will know whether the return rate will double again.

If the gambling agreement is lost, it is lost. Wei Lan is indeed a powerful director. He is also a shareholder of Wei's. It doesn't matter if the conditions are higher to sign such a cash cow.

What really makes Lu Kaiming and Zhou Wei feel sad now is: originally, the movie released by Wei's makes money, and they should also be able to share the profits. Unfortunately, due to their obstruction at the time, this movie was paid by the group's general account and was invested by Wei Mingjie himself. If the movie loses money, it will make the company lose money on the books. Who can be so popular?

And it is so popular that buying lottery tickets doesn't make so much money!

Even if it is a foreign movie that borrows Wei's distribution channel, it can usually get a distribution share of about 3%. Even this last way to make a profit is blocked at the beginning.

As a compromise, they agreed to Wei Mingjie's publicity and promotion according to Wei's internal standards, and the publicity and promotion expenses were deducted as part of the film investment cost as early as the film was completed and released.

This means that the film still relied on Wei's convenience, but the money earned in the end was all from Wei Mingjie, and had nothing to do with them...

Even Zhou Wei's wife looked at him strangely: "Husband, I dreamed last night."

Zhou Wei: "Ah? What did I say?"

"I kept thinking about it. If I had known that eight million... What's wrong with eight million? Are you short of money recently? Eight million is already. Even if we need it now, we can still get it out of our working capital."

"Yes, eight million is already..." Zhou Wei's heart was stabbed again, "Nothing, I'll go to the company."

He can get all the working capital in his company, not to mention the company's account. The investment of eight million is really a drop in the bucket for the entire group. Even if the film loses money in the end, it will not matter if it is divided into the entire company. Now the movie is making a lot of money. Who can easily meet such a box office god?

It's a pity that they can only regret it at this time.


As the popularity of the movie increases, the box office of "Rural Teachers" in the third week is closely following "Star Wars". Due to Teacher's Day activities in other cities, the weekend box office once again surpassed "Star Wars". It is also closely following at work. The smallest gap is even only a box office gap of one million.

Even at this time, due to the increase in the number of viewers and the votes of black fans, the movie score was lowered to 9.5 on Guangying.com.

But in terms of box office, this movie has truly broken away from the situation that the previous movies in the same period were completely overshadowed by "Star Wars". It has shown a strong dark horse posture, enough to be a competitor at the box office.

Similar to the variety shows that used to take advantage of Su Yining's popularity, now there are a lot of interview invitations flying to Wei's. Only Wei Lan is invited, and there are also invitations to Yang Xingyuan, He Zixuan and other actors in this movie. Su Yining directly transferred it to her agent through the public relations department.

A female voice with a bit of electronic sound came from Yang Xingyuan's phone: "Wei's looking for an actor contract?"

"Yes, let me ask you." Yang Xingyuan said.

Wei Lan had been very kind to him, so he followed Wei Lan wherever he was when he wanted to sign the contract. He originally thought that Wei Lan was a contracted director of Wei's company. When Wei's agent approached him to sign the contract, he looked at the conditions and thought it was wrong, so he was going to sign it. As a result, he asked what level of contract Director Wei had, but the agent was stunned. With an indescribable expression, he told him that Wei Lan had not signed the contract with Wei's company yet. He knew the level, but was willing to sign it.

Hearing this, Yang Xingyuan stopped his hand that was about to sign the contract, and said politely that he would consider it for a while, and then called Wei Lan.

Wei Lan looked at it, and she remembered that Zhou Wei seemed to be in charge of the agency contract. She raised her eyebrows and asked, "What level of agency contract did they give?"

Yang Xingyuan replied, "B level, the other party told me that this is the best contract for new actors, and I saw that the terms are quite generous."

The agent did not lie. Although he had played the leading role in a movie, Yang Xingyuan only had this work at the moment. He was a newcomer, and his appearance was really ordinary in the entertainment industry, even a little "ugly". Giving him a B contract was already a compromise and a gesture of goodwill from the other party.

Wei Lan's answer was: "Sign."

She was very protective of her son. Yang Xingyuan was an actor she found through panning for gold in the ocean, and his limit was limited.

"Wait for a while, and you will get a better contract. The share of the salary can only be settled after the movie is off the shelves. If you need money during this period, just ask me... ahem... ask Director Wei for money."

Yang Xingyuan listened, without a single question, and just nodded: "Okay, I understand Director Wei."


As a movie with a strong humanistic temperament, the rural teacher has already had many long reviews in the three-week release time, and this is still the review after the Teacher's Day event.

However, this new review that appeared in the Directors Guild newspaper this week has caused a small backlash in the entire film industry.

Title: ‘I saw the infinite possibilities of science fiction movies’

‘The two science fiction movies that were recently released, Star Wars and Rural Teachers, both shocked me. With the advent of the era of film investment, we have discovered more possibilities of holographic movies…’

‘Star Wars dared to try, and it can be said that it has brought the characteristics of holographic movies to good use. I hope that Director Chen Yuanhang can create more imaginative works in the future…’

‘The movie Rural Teachers really opened up a new world for me. The neat expression of the movie not only achieved humanistic expression, but also took into account commerciality. ’

‘The touching feeling conveyed by this movie is from the perspective of civilization, and it is not just ordinary teacher’s gratitude. It explains the role of the profession of teachers in the development of our civilization from the perspective of civilization, and its replaceability. ’

‘Compared to other films, this film is much higher in terms of the level of gratitude between people. When I was watching the film, I deeply felt the insignificance of myself in the universe as an individual…’

‘The quality of a film depends not only on the script and the actors, but also on the director. It needs to integrate everything well, and have enough aesthetics and emotions. Only then can a good film be made. This film has achieved excellence in all aspects, including the performance of the actors, the structure of the script, the expression of the lens, and the appropriate soundtrack. I can hardly believe that this is the first film work of director Wei Lan. I have to say that the young are formidable. ’

Although two works were mentioned at the same time, more than two-thirds of the space was used to praise "Rural Teachers". It can be seen how much the author of this film review respects this film and how much he appreciates Wei Lan.

At the moment when Chen Yuanhang finished reading the newspaper, his face was visibly gray.

The explosive box office of "Rural Teachers" has diluted the box office and caused losses to "Star Wars", but the coverage of "Rural Teachers" is not as wide, and the publicity and popularity are not as good as "Star Wars". Some people go for the special effects of the movie. Even if the online word-of-mouth is blown up, from the perspective of model and promotion, even if this wave takes advantage of the system, Rural Teachers still beats Star Wars with a lot of pre-promotion and the highest theater share.

Even if it can be predicted that this movie will become a double harvest of box office and word-of-mouth.

What really makes Chen Yuanhang tremble with fear and pokes his lungs at this time is the person who wrote this film review in the newspaper.

Shen Zhiwen, a famous director, honorary chairman of the Directors Guild, professor and honorary president of the Imperial Capital Film and Television Academy... a person who will be remembered in film history.

Most importantly, he is also one of the current judges of the Golden Tripod Award Jury!

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