From about three o'clock to five thirty in the afternoon, Wei Lan almost filled the bucket with fish.

Others simply stopped fishing and came to watch. When they finally saw the harvest, they still said plausibly: I only watched Lanlan go fishing and there was no harvest.

Ren Xiu, who caught two fish on the way, saw that the fish Wei Lan had caught was bigger than his own, so he turned around and released the two fish.

Others put the fish caught by the three friends in their buckets and put them away when they left. Wei Lan kept the three largest fish in his bucket and took them back to cook together.

Lin'an Town is a town whose agricultural structure is mainly based on fishing. Naturally, the residents are all masters of fish cooking. Zhu Hao took a group of guests to a well-known restaurant in the town. Today, the newly caught fish was taken to the kitchen for cooking. After everyone had a delicious fish meal, they went to the open-air yard in the backyard, where there was a bonfire set up by the store.

The guests and the program crew were gathered around the campfire. Ren Xiu took out his guitar, and a burst of brisk chords sounded from his fingers.

The camera has a bonfire as the foreground, and the guests sit comfortably around the fire.

‘Life is never alone’

'Because I have been with you since I was a baby'

‘There is still a long way to go in the future to walk hand in hand’

Originally it was Ren Xiu's playing and singing, but as the camera zoomed out, it gradually turned into the official version of the song recorded in the studio. This is the theme song produced by Ren Xiuying's program team.

The credits at the end of the film began to appear, and in the romantic and warm campfire, the first issue of "Two Treasures in the Family" officially ended.

As a parent-child show that invites popular traffic + cute baby combinations, the ratings of this variety show are very impressive, especially for Wei Lan, even though she originally wanted to be a low-key passerby, but because of her style of painting and other friends Different, it inexplicably attracted a lot of attention, and even many scenes were edited into famous scenes of this variety show.

The show actually aired after Wei Lan came back. During this week, she had completed the final score of "The Queen" and also announced the release date.

Just three days after the show was released, on Saturday, July 1st.

He came to this show to promote the movie. Seeing that the emoticons he made using screenshots from the show were popular all over the Internet, Wei Lan kept doing it and also used his own emoticons when promoting the movie. Bag.

It was a picture taken on the video phone at Mrs. Zhou's door. She looked up at the audience in a cute and pitiful manner, with the words "Please support the new movie" next to it.

This joint ‘interaction’ caused an explosion of comments and reposts on her Weibo.

‘Dream Linkage’

‘Start, start, laugh to death, you are indeed the most popular Director Wei! ’

‘Even if she is a fan of yours, is it really okay for you, a best director, to take advantage of our four-year-old Lanbao’s popularity? [dog head]’

As the movie was announced, there was also a trailer. This time, not much was revealed in the trailer. Moran, played by Qin An, only showed her lower body. She was wearing a carefully matched kalo dress and strode into the company. The hem of her coat As the steps fluttered, the high heels clicked on the rhythm and made a 'tapping' sound on the ground.

Luna, played by Su Yining, was holding a cup of coffee and raising her chin. She was also dressed in fashionable clothes. She was anxiously talking on the phone and quickly walked into the elevator.

Finally, Lu Wei, played by Wei Sijia, is dressed in a rustic style, but with reverence for the future and uneasiness in the workplace on her face, she takes a deep breath and enters a new world.

Accompanied by brisk pop music, a large number of luxury brand clothing and exquisite female accessories flashed by in this fashion magazine called Eve. Lu Wei, who was dressed in ordinary and rustic clothes, was like an antelope entering the territory of a leopard, full of out of place.

Luna looked at Lu Wei in disbelief: "Are you the new assistant Lu Wei?"

"Yes..." Lu Wei hesitated.

Luna rolled her eyes and held her forehead in an exaggerated manner: "I hope the person who recruited you will not be fired."

What follows is an embarrassing scene of Lu Wei buying coffee, delivering materials, etc. after becoming an assistant. The trailer is very fast-paced and contains a wealth of information in the picture, which makes the audience dizzy. However, it can be clearly seen that this The style of the movie is completely different from that of Rural Teacher. It is a complete urban comedy.

There are many themes in movies set in modern cities, and it is a setting where it is not easy to make big mistakes, but it is not easy to make a good film. Moreover, the subject matter Wei Lan tried this time is a movie about the fashion industry that no one has made before. This is the first film after winning the Golden Tripod Award for Best Director. The clothing and accessories in it are all real luxury brands, and the attention is extremely high among the films of the same period.

The number of film screenings provided by theaters is also quite sufficient.

"Give me a copy of The Queen."

"Two pieces of "Queen"!"

The movie theater was crowded with people on weekends, and the promotional cost of "The Queen" was around 8 million. For an urban comedy, this publicity was already very good. With Wei Lan's fame, the film received not only The audience’s attention also includes professional and non-professional film critics.

As a well-known director, Wei Lanjin can naturally hold a premiere.

Wei Lan chose the Lixiang Theater, a long-established landmark building in City H, for the film's premiere. However, she naturally did not have to appear as a director. The organizer was the Wei family, and all the film's creators attended.

In addition to reporters from major magazines and media, there were also many well-known film critics who were invited to the premiere.

At 2:30, the first movie screening of "The Queen" in all theaters officially started.

Audiences, media, and film critics wear patches and sink into the holographic world.

Amid the brisk music, a busy metropolis appeared before the audience's eyes, where the women were fashionable, slim, and busy.

Wei Sijia played Lu Wei, a fresh-faced girl who had just graduated from school and was the new assistant to the editor-in-chief of the largest magazine, Eve.

Before leaving, she looked at the notes in her hand, which were new reports she had written in college, but the style was obviously not for fashion magazines like Eve, but for social aspects.

Following Lu Wei's perspective, the audience followed her into a fast-paced world full of dazzling fashion products.

Su Yining, who played Moran's first assistant Luna, quickly put on full makeup and appeared in a uniquely tailored black suit.

Seeing the "rustic" Lu Wei, she was not optimistic at all, and reluctantly explained her matters about her boss. From the anxiety and fear she expressed in her language, Lu Wei's new boss seemed to be a very scary person.

Su Yining's performance made the film critics' eyes light up. In the past, her screen image has always been in the two states of "cold and taciturn" and "forced naivety". Luna is a somewhat mean character. When she mocked Lu Wei, her expression and body movements were more exaggerated than usual in a stage play. It must be said that Wei Lan is very good at training actors. In this role, Su Yining's performance was strangely not inconsistent.

This was done by Wei Lan. Although Su Yining wanted to improve herself, in fact, the roles she took on since her debut were all roles with a bit of "idol burden". Her appearance accounted for a large part of her acting performance.

"The Queen" is a light comedy, and it is very appropriate to use some dramatic interpretation methods in comedy. Su Yining's own proud temperament is very suitable for this somewhat poisonous role. Wei Lan expanded Su Yining's expression range in this way, allowing her to gradually get rid of the shackles of appearance and truly step into the world of acting.

With a notification, Moran officially appeared.

With the exciting soundtrack, Qin An walked into the company in high heels, her windbreaker flying off. People who saw her along the way retreated, and the employees hurriedly tidied up their desks and appearances.

After Qin An walked into the elevator, the perspective gave her a full front view.


When seeing Qin An with short white hair, many viewers exclaimed.

As a queen who won two Golden Tripod Awards and was nominated many times, Qin An is naturally a household name. No one expected that Qin An, who has always been gentle, would show such a look in this movie.

Soon, the character of Moran showed all the audience a thorough female devil in the fashion circle.

She is at the top of the industry, delicate, indifferent, harsh, and ruthless. All her subordinates can only complete her orders if they want to, and they cannot say they can't do it.

The first thing she does when she enters the office every day is to issue a series of tasks to Lu Wei in her soft voice without emotion and understated.

Here, a series of quick cuts are used, with Kalo's clothes appearing throughout the whole process, and multiple sets of expensive coats are quickly thrown on Lu Wei's desk every day.

Lu Wei, who just entered the workplace, experienced a process from confusion to collapse. She was in a hurry. The old employee Luna helped her clean up the mess while mocking her. Everyone was revolving around Moran's needs.

Once again, when Moran was discussing the inner page clothing, the designer brought two ties that looked the same color for Moran to choose. Seeing this scene, Lu Wei laughed incomprehensibly.

Moran looked at her: "Do you think this is funny?"

Lu Wei quickly explained: "Uh, I just think that their colors are the same."

Not only Lu Wei thought so, but the audience watching the movie also had the same doubts.

"You think our choice is meaningless, right?" Moran looked at Lu Wei's outfit from head to toe, which was not fashionable at all.

"The most beautiful birds in nature are all males. They evolved to be beautiful to attract the attention of females. Humans, both men and women, have a need to dress themselves up beautifully. This may be based on our hormones, but in the end it sublimates... people's pursuit of beauty..."

"You think clothes and shoes are enough to cover the body, and glasses can only be used to block the sun or correct myopia." Moran looked at the sweater on Lu Wei with disdain.

"You don't know that after we make this choice here, this color of fabric will be on Eve, and then be inspired by designers of mid-range brands, and finally sink to department stores and be found by you. You think you choose this sweater on you, but in fact, we make the choice for you."

"This is the meaning of fashion."

I thought this was a simple light comedy. After hearing this, the film critics' eyes lit up. The analysis of fashion here is very interesting.

As the film progresses, Moran blames Lu Wei after failing to complete Moran's unreasonable request. The questioning from the female devil makes Lu Wei unable to control her tears. She finds Eve designer Xue De, who has a good relationship with her, to complain.

When the audience saw Xue De, it took a while for them to realize that this was Yang Xingyuan, who had just won the Best Actor Award.

Yang Xingyuan was clean-shaven and his hair was combed meticulously. He no longer had the simple and upright temperament of Teacher Li, but was very gentle. He fiddled with the ruler in his hand and licked his fingers occasionally, which revealed from the details that he was a designer who often cut clothes.

Lu Wei complained to Xue De aggrievedly, telling him how unreasonable Moran was.

"I know that the choice is two-way. You can choose to resign and leave here."

Lu Wei stared unyieldingly: "But this is unfair. I didn't do anything wrong!"

Xue De smiled and said, "Fairness? You are working, do you think you are in school? Moran needs to assume the responsibility of a mentor, guide you, tolerate you, and let you understand fairness in society?"


"You are just complaining, Lu Wei. When you complain about this place, have you ever really understood this place and the fashion circle?"

Xue De pointed to the sample issue of Eve magazine: "Do you know how many girls regard this magazine as a beacon to guide them?"

"Maybe in your opinion, 60 points or more is a pass, but what we pursue is 100 points, the ultimate beauty."

"We pursue points, to stand out. Our clothes and accessories represent our aesthetic needs and are the expression of our own personality. For this reason, we discussed it for an afternoon, and the plan that cost tens of thousands of yuan can be overturned."

"...Because this is art! Do you understand? If you don't really love this job and don't want to integrate, you can't do it well."

From the enthusiasm in Xue De's eyes, Lu Wei saw what people who really love this industry are like. She asked Xue De for help and was determined to change.

Accompanied by the theme song of the movie, a quick and sharp editing transition came out.

After the transformation, Lu Wei quickly changed six different fashion styles from home to the company after moving several obstructions, which made the audience dazzled and at the same time gave them an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

The complex of the ugly duck turning into a swan is irresistible to every audience.

At this position, many women posted comments:

‘I like this set so much, it looks so good’

‘This white set is so great, what brand is it? ’

After the transformation, Lu Wei was completely reborn, her work efficiency was greatly improved, and she also won the respect and attention of Moran, but at the same time, her relationship with her boyfriend and friends was also alienated. She was confused and experienced obstacles. Lu Wei finally solved Moran's problem perfectly. At the same time, because of Luna's illness and experience, the opportunity to go to the fashion capital P City fell on Lu Wei.

But her boyfriend chose to separate from her because he felt that Lu Wei had changed.

Lu Wei looked at He Zixuan's back and showed a confused and heartbroken expression, which was extremely fragile.

The seamless performance made the audience empathize with him.

‘Ah, scumbag, Lu Wei cried, he is not worth it. ’

‘Break up just because your girlfriend is too busy with work? Can’t stand Lu Wei? He used to support her career! ’

The audience was indignant, but the critics saw the clues from the confusion and fatigue that Lu Wei showed from time to time in different scenes. Did the boyfriend who had always supported Lu Wei leave her because he was dissatisfied with Moran taking up too much of her private time?

As the movie progressed, Lu Wei and Moran came to P City. In this city full of fashion, luxury and romance, Moran in the hotel did not have the strong and invincible image in the past for the first time. She took off her makeup and her face was tired and fragile.

“I divorced my husband... Once, I let my children down...”

“Is there anything I can do?” The kind-hearted Lu Wei wanted to comfort her, but Moran was Moran, and the fragility was only temporary. The next moment, her tired voice returned to its former strength and understatement.

"I need you to... arrange the last two seats for Editor-in-Chief Jiang and his wife."

Qin An's emotional transition from this crying scene to the later part is undoubtedly a movie queen-level performance.

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