With the information Jiang Hua revealed at the end, plus Tong Le's extraordinary vision, the four of them fled the wilderness and found an abandoned factory to rest.

"Now, we need to figure out everyone's abilities."

Huo Yin naturally assumed the role of the team leader.

This is not common in general commercial films, but Chu Mo's role is very convincing.

"The space here is open. Similarly, in the area where there is no sound transmission, I 'see', which is equivalent to my hearing."

Tong Le closed his eyes, but there was no hindrance to his daily actions: "This feeling is too wonderful."

Huo Yin asked: "Anything else?"

Tong Le smiled mysteriously, and a rhythmic soundtrack sounded: "Of course it's just that."

At this time, they walked into the abandoned factory. Tong Le stopped walking. Yin Tianlei wanted to continue walking forward, but he was stopped by him.


Tong Le did not answer him, but counted the numbers by himself: "Five, four... two, one."

As the last 'one' was counted, one meter away from where they stood, a brick fell from the roof due to long-term disrepair.

"Four-dimensional vision includes time. I can now see what will happen in the future at my location."

Next is Ye Yao, a girl who originally had paranoia and could assess the threat value of people.

"I'm just very scared. I just want to hide." As Ye Yao spoke timidly, she petrified rapidly and turned into a stone man.

Yin Tianlei tried to move it and easily lifted the petrified Ye Yao: "Heavy."

"When she turned into a stone man, it seemed that those monsters couldn't do anything to her." Huo Yin thought for a while, then closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his nature suddenly changed.

Huo Yin's second personality looked at the three people, without saying a word, and pulled out the knife from the void again, cutting the part of Ye Yao's 'petrified' clothes.


The Tang sword that could easily cut off the monster's limbs left only a little mark on the corner of Ye Yao's petrified clothes. Huo Yin showed a little struggle on his face, and then turned into the first personality with a gentle expression.

Huo Yin blew on the corner of Ye Yao's clothes, and the mark disappeared without a trace.

"Change back."

Ye Yao's body in the petrified state can move, but her petrified eyes are still moving strangely, which allows her to perceive some changes in the outside world. After listening to Huo Yin's words, the petrification on her body faded and she slowly became normal.

Huo Yin checked her clothes again. The soft clothes were not damaged and looked like they could be torn.

She asked Ye Yao to try to petrify other things, but it didn't work. Only Ye Yao herself and her clothes could be petrified.

"Ye Yao's ability is to seal herself and turn into a stone man. She has no attack power, but at the same time, if the source of the ability is the embodiment of spiritual will, then nothing should be able to hurt her."

Ye Yao frowned: "I feel like I'm useless."

Yin Tianlei patted her shoulder to comfort her: "It's good that you have the ability to protect yourself. At least you won't encounter any danger."

Huo Yin looked at them strangely: "Who said you are useless? You are very useful."

Another piece of music with a strong sense of rhythm, Ye Yao put on a piece of plastic cloth found in an abandoned factory.

Huo Yin held a gorgeous, silver-shining, real-looking □□, and hit a large rock in the distance from more than ten meters away. The rock flew and exploded directly, turning directly into powder.

Huo Yin's hand did not stop, and shot directly at Ye Yao's open back. Because she was covered with a layer of plastic cloth, her petrified area was larger.

After one shot, the ammunition exploded, but Ye Yao was still unharmed.

Huo Yin put away the gun: "Do you think she is a good shield? It must be the strongest shield in the world, and it can even resist supernatural weapons like mine."

'There is such an operation! '

The audience who did not think in this direction for a while suddenly felt that their eyes were opened. No wonder Huo Yin asked Ye Yao at the beginning if he could make other objects be petrified. It turned out that he had this idea.

"What about me?" Yin Tianlei was curious about his ability: "I seem to be able to only touch monsters?"

"I have always had an idea about your ability..." Huo Yin looked at Ye Yao, who was still in a petrified state, and Yin Tianlei said: "Try to attack her."

Yin Tianlei hesitated, looked at Huo Yin's eyes, and stepped forward to pat Ye Yao's hand in a petrified state.


Ye Yao's palm touched by Yin Tianlei faded from petrification and turned into normal flesh.

Ye Yao also cried out in pain, then turned back to a normal person, nervously covering her hand, and looked at Yin Tianlei in fear.

"What's wrong with me..."

Huo Yin looked at Yin Tianlei: "I said before that your obsession is that you are a completely 'normal person', so extraordinary power is ineffective in you."

"But only people with mental abnormalities will..." Yin Tianlei still dared to believe it.

Huo Yin shrugged: "In fact, people have some mental illnesses, and there is no real standard template for 'normal people'. You force yourself to think that you are normal, isn't it normal?"

'Wonderful! ’

‘What she said makes sense. Everyone’s thinking is similar. Why should we classify the same individuals as normal? ’

This sentence made the audience laugh and sigh at the same time. In today’s society, with a fast-paced life and pressure from all sides, people are not only physically sub-healthy, but also mentally sub-healthy.

Whether it is Huo Yin's second personality's belief in supernatural things, Ye Yao's paranoia, or finally Yin Tianlei's belief that he is a normal person... the direction of the protagonists' supernatural powers is unexpected, but if you think about it carefully, there is a kind of reasonable interest.

At least now all the audience and critics who watch the movie are attracted by this strange setting.

"So, you start to exercise and practice fighting skills now."

The scene changes with Huo Yin's words, accompanied by a rising music. Huo Yin's second personality is looking at Yin Tianlei with an indifferent expression. Yin Tianlei hides left and right, avoiding her attack.

"You have the potential to be the strongest warrior in the world, because your supernatural power can reduce all damage to the range you can bear, and can also reduce the strength of all hands to the same level as you..."

People change clothes to show the change of time.

Yin Tianlei swept across, tripped Huo Yin, grabbed her horizontal hands, and pressed her under him. This action is just a regular fighting action and is not ambiguous.

"... and then defeat them with your rich combat experience."

Obviously, Yin Tianlei has shown his ability.

Huo Yin smiled with satisfaction after a glance, and Yin Tianlei's sweaty face also showed a happy smile.

This scene made the audience imagine.

'Want to be together? Brain trust black-bellied teacher x natural student! '

'I have a crush on their looks! '

In the meantime, the pursuit of Qingshan Group also followed closely. At the beginning, it was an ordinary armed force, but it was counterattacked by the four protagonists.

The audience's perspective is naturally on the side of the protagonists. Seeing them get powerful superpowers and solve the problem, they also have a comfortable satisfaction psychologically.

This is also the "cool point" of surreal fantasy movies.

The latest attack of Qingshan Group caused some trouble for them, and several people won the battle thrillingly. Afterwards, they opened the hats of the fully armed soldiers, and found a blue-black monster face inside.

The four protagonists who have already used their abilities gathered together, and they seemed much more familiar than at the beginning.

Huo Yin: "In such a short time, they have begun to use mutations to modulate biochemical warriors. It is useless for us to passively avoid the pursuit of Qingshan Group. We have to find a way to break into their group, create chaos, and then destroy the information about us. If possible, it is best to destroy the equipment that made these warriors."

Tong Le on the side said: "I have seen the mental hospital. They did not capture those monsters, but only captured..."

"Bian Peng, and other patients who escaped from the mental hospital that day." Yin Tianlei was silent.

"It's a pity that I 'see' places I haven't been." Tong Le said regretfully: "Otherwise, we can observe all their situations."

Ye Yao pointed at the warrior: "But they all look like monsters."

Huo Yin laughed self-deprecatingly at this: "Do you think we are monsters? We are just monsters who have maintained their sanity."

As soon as Huo Yin said this, the four people fell silent.

Yin Tianlei asked: "Can you still hear those mumblings?"

"Yes, almost all the time."

Tong Le rubbed his head, then stretched out his hand. In the center of his palm, the fingerprint commonly known as the 'lifeline' in palmistry had cracked a hole. From the crack, you can see some black and white, like an eye that has not opened...

Huo Yin and Ye Yao next to him also stretched out their hands. On Ye Yao's hand, without transformation, some petrified scars also appeared.

Huo Yin, the hand she stretched out had an obvious double-image effect, with a layer of virtualized palm floating on her original palm, like a blurred double image, but the double image phenomenon is possible in holographic movies, and it can only be a deliberate effect.

Only Yin Tianlei's stretched out hand was normal, and his expression was very complicated, a little sad and lost.

"I listen to everything."

Huo Yin: "This may be a good thing."

The scene changed, and the gray-haired doctor of Qingshan Group was pacing: "Have the latest batch of experimenters seen the painting?"

The subordinate replied: "They have, and the reaction is normal. These people are artists with mental illness, but... they are normal, and there is no way to judge whether it is the influence of the painting or the original reason."

"What is the result of the 3.0 version of the evolution serum?"

"It can still produce conscious biochemical warriors, and the special abilities produced each time are the same."

The doctor frowned: "Continue to strengthen the purification."

The subordinate said in embarrassment: "The concentration is already one-third of the blood content of the flame disease patient Bian Peng. If it is more, Bian Peng's body can't bear it. We need to inject him with nutrients, but the flames he ignites after he occasionally regains consciousness are a big trouble. Our senior medical staff have died under his flames."

"Continue, what's the death of one person? If we master the method of producing superpowers, the whole world will be in our hands."

"Yes..." The subordinate lowered his head and agreed.

"Catch Huo Yin?" The doctor asked again.

"No, the troops injected with the .0 version of the evolution serum also failed. Their abilities are very comprehensive, including scouts, protectors, individual forces, and think tank commanders. We have a thorough understanding of their abilities, and can only make a rough analysis based on their psychiatric data."

Doctor: ", the others are not worth worrying about. The one you need to catch is Huo Yin. Without her, they are just a pile of loose sand."

The subordinate explained again: "There are only four of them. Just find a way to catch them slowly. There are many other patients who have escaped. Why are they the only ones that make you so anxious?"

The doctor shook his head: "Huo Yin and I used to work together in a research institute. I have come into contact with her. She was dangerous enough when she had no power. Now that she has such a mysterious power, she will definitely sit and wait for death. If we catch them as soon as possible, they will come to us. The other escaped mental patients are beasts out of the cage. Only she is a hunter. You'd better take a good look at her information..."

The doctor was silent for a while, and finally made up his mind: "We still have to study the painting. Whether it is the biochemical warrior or the secret of superpowers, it's all in it."

The subordinate hesitated: "But you listed the painting as high-risk before, and let any core member of our group touch it..."

"So I can look at it alone."

The doctor walked into a room with nothing but a painting.

His hand reached out and pulled down the rope next to him, and the curtain covering the painting slid down.

The doctor's back stood in front of the painting, and countless fragmented whispers enveloped him again.

At the same time, Huo Yin and others have disguised themselves and appeared at the headquarters of Qingshan Group.

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