In order to appease his mother and sister, Fu Wenyu said "yes" to whatever they said.

Their family is still living in Fujia Village. They originally planned to move to the city after the mourning period, but later they felt that Fujia Village was quieter and more suitable for studying, so they decided to move after the exam.

However, they still stayed during the exam.

In addition to Fu Wenyu's family, there were several other people living together.

There were three people from Fujia Village who took the county exam this time. One was Zou Erlang, who was 23 years old this year and was a bit shy and didn't like to talk. The other was Fu Mingliang, Fu Wenyu's nephew, who was 15 years old this year. He was not very old but talked a lot. He would ask a few questions about everything he saw. He was a typical chatterbox.

The two of them usually studied in the school where the village's eldest son Fu Minghui was, and they didn't have much contact with Fu Wenyu.

Taking the county exam was a big deal, and the whole village took it very seriously.

So this time, the village chief Fu Wencheng, Zou Tongsheng, and Fu Minghui, who passed the exam last time, came with them. Before entering the examination room, Zou Tongsheng and Fu Minghui, who had taken several exams, reminded them again.

Zou Tongsheng said: "After entering, find your own room and sit down, don't move around. After the exam starts, don't go to the toilet if you can. If you go, you will miss the county exam this time."

Fu Minghui said: "Pay attention to taboos and write neatly."

Several people nodded one by one.

Then there were the procedures of identity verification, guarantor, etc. After all of them were completed, Fu Wenyu and the other two people who asked the same guarantor to go to the examination room together.

At this time, it was still dark.

Fu Wenyu's seat was in the fifth row.

Although the rooms had been cleaned a few days before the county exam, they were only used once or twice a year, and only once in the year when there was only the county exam, so the environment was really not good.

Fu Wenyu took advantage of the intervals between the candidates entering the examination room, and according to the experience taught by Zou Tongsheng and others, he fetched clean water and wiped it carefully. Finally, seeing that it was still early, he even took a nap on the table.

After the test papers were handed out, he carefully reviewed the questions and answered them.

There were five examinations in the county examination, namely the ‘first examination’ and the subsequent four ‘re-examinations’. The content was Four Books, test poems, classics, rhymes and policy essays, and two or three were selected in each examination. For example, the first examination was two Four Books and one five-character six-rhyme test poem, among which ‘Four Books’ was also called ‘eight-part essay’.

Fu Wenyu had been familiar with these types in the past two years, and he answered them all with just a little thought. The last policy essay and eight-part essay were a little difficult, but they were still within the scope.

After all the examinations were completed, Fu Wenyu breathed a sigh of relief. If nothing unexpected happened, he would have no problem in this county examination.

When Fu Wenyu was taking the county examination, Sheng Wen in the storybook was also taking the examination.

In order to make it easier for readers to immerse themselves in the story, the county examination process in the story of "Imperial Examination and Cultivation of Immortality" is similar to that in reality. Before the exam begins, Sheng Wen and his friend Gou Erniu must first go to the ritual room to receive the "Lianbao Mutual Bonding and Relatives Form", fill it out and find a acquaintance to be a guarantor, and finally show it to the "doorman" of the county school to obtain the qualification for the exam.

And this "Lianbao Mutual Bonding and Relatives Form" is kept by the examinee, and on the day of the exam, it will be exchanged for the exam paper from the examiner. If it is lost, you can only come back next year.

But the "Lianbao Mutual Bonding and Relatives Form" in the world of cultivation of immortals is of course not just a piece of paper, but a special jade slip. On the day of entering the venue, as long as this jade slip is placed on a special magic tool, it can automatically scan and identify the examinee, and those who do not comply with the process, those who take the exam for others, and those who bring in will all be identified.

On the day of Sheng Wen's exam, he encountered such a scene.

After someone placed the jade slip on the magic tool, the magic tool popped out a circle of light and scanned him. But unlike others who saw green light after scanning, his was red.

And the magic weapon also made a harsh sound.

"The bone age does not match!"

"Traces of practicing 'Transfiguration' were detected."

"It is suspected that he is impersonating someone."

As soon as the voice fell, someone flashed beside him, looking at him who was shrouded in red light and unable to move, and said: "Look, an impostor was caught. This has not happened for hundreds of years."

The visitor said, "Don't you know that the 'authentication' of the imperial examination can not only check whether you have taken disguise pills and practiced disguise skills, but also find out your bone age?"

"No way, you don't know it?"

"That's good, the crime of cheating in the imperial examination is aggravated, your whole family, the three clans of the person you took the exam for, will not be able to participate in any imperial examinations in the next hundred years."

"Congratulations, young man, you don't have to worry about not being able to do your homework anymore."

The man's face turned pale and he collapsed to the ground in an instant.

And Sheng Wen and Erniu next to him also opened their mouths wide, surprised.

Because the other three adults had something to do, some were in seclusion, some were catching up on their homework, so Sheng Wen's father came to see him off for the first county exam.

He touched his son's head and explained to the two children: "Cheating in the imperial examination is an unforgivable crime. At the very least, you will not be able to take the imperial examination again, and at the worst, it will implicate your family and relatives. Don't take chances."

Sheng Wen asked curiously: "Dad, has anyone cheated successfully?"

Gou Erniu also asked: "Yes, Uncle Sheng, has anyone succeeded?"

Sheng Wen's father chuckled, "The imperial examination is related to promotion and longevity, and has always been of utmost importance. The court attaches great importance to any examination, even the simple county examination you are taking this time."

"You have learned in school that after becoming a scholar, you will have spiritual consciousness. What is spiritual consciousness? The ancients used this sentence to describe it, that is, 'A scholar does not leave his house, but knows everything in the world.' That is to say, after passing the 'scholar' exam, you send out your spiritual consciousness, and wherever your spiritual consciousness goes, you will know what happened in those places."

"Spiritual consciousness is your eyes."

"The range of a scholar's spiritual consciousness is probably a street."

Sheng Wen's father patted his son on the shoulder and warned him: "You must remember not to release your spiritual consciousness casually in the city. That is equivalent to peeping, which is a very bad behavior."

"And Erniu, you too, otherwise people will come to complain and you will be in trouble. If you meet someone with a bad temper, you will fight back without even complaining, and you will have a headache for a while."

Sheng Wen shook his head, "I won't do that."

Gou Erniu also nodded carefully.

Sheng Wen's father laughed, "So for the fairness of the imperial examination, every examination room in the prefecture is personally guarded by a third-rank official. After the exam begins, he will use his spiritual consciousness to continuously patrol these dozens of examination rooms. And there are special talismans in the examination room that can prevent various cheating methods."

"So in the past thousand years, no one has ever cheated successfully."

"Okay, go quickly."

So Sheng Wen and Gou Erniu nodded and went in with the examination basket.

Their first test was "literature".

When writing this paragraph, Fu Wenyu had just finished a set of "past exam questions" given by Master Chen, so he copied a few questions from it. As for the answers written by the protagonist Sheng Wen, they were written by himself.

As for the second "magic", there is no way to refer to this.

Fortunately, Fu Wenyu has a lot of experience in writing, and there is no problem with a few small battles of magic. Through these battles, he also perfected the weapon settings and magic weapon settings in the storybook. It also enriched the character of the protagonist Sheng Wen, as well as the personalities of several other classmates.

Among them, the little villain who had a grudge with Sheng Wen in the school was defeated by him openly. The other party was unwilling to shout "You wait, I will definitely beat you next time."

Sheng Wen responded with a winner's smile.

In the storybook "Imperial Examination Cultivation", the scholar before was "compulsory education", and everyone must go. Only those who passed the exam and became "scholars" can graduate from the school.

Of course, if you are over 30 years old, and you really can't pass the exam for the scholar, and you give up and don't want to take the exam anymore, and think that you can live for 50, 60, 70 or 80 years, then you can choose to "complete the course".

Otherwise, you can only continue to take the exam.

So when taking the "scholar" exam, Sheng Wen, like Fu Wenyu, met old men in their 50s and 60s, middle-aged people in their 30s and 40s, young people in their 10s and 20s, and teenagers younger than Sheng Wen in the exam room. Among them, there were even young teenagers who were seven or eight years old, either talented or with a try-it mentality.

Sheng Wen took the standard magic weapon distributed in the exam room and competed with them one by one.

In the end, he got the third place.

The scholar exam is three subjects, and the next one is "lover".

Because everyone's choice is not exactly the same, the "lover" in the three arts of a gentleman is divided into different types. There are alchemy exams, talisman drawing exams, and refining exams.

The alchemy exam tests the identification and processing of medicinal materials, as well as the level of alchemy.

Three sets of medicinal materials and an alchemy furnace were placed on each seat. The medicinal materials were completely unprocessed, as if they had just been pulled out of the ground, and some were still covered with dirt. In addition to the three sets of correct medicinal materials, some fake medicinal materials that were difficult to distinguish between true and false, medicinal materials that were easy to make mistakes, etc. were added.

And they were all mixed together.

Sheng Wen and others had to first distinguish the correct three sets of medicinal materials "exam questions", and then process the medicinal materials properly, and they had to be very clear about whether to use leaves, fruits, or juice.

If they made a mistake, they would definitely be deducted points.

Sheng Wen had the guidance of the "sweeping hatred" master, and he undoubtedly won the first place in the alchemy examination. When he took the top-grade elixir he had refined to the examiner for inspection, some people didn't even pick out the correct medicinal materials.

So after the exam, his reputation as a "little genius in alchemy" spread.

Then, Sheng Wen in the storybook and Fu Wenyu outside the storybook were both at home waiting for the announcement of the results.

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