The three Fu family members lived in Xiaoli Village for more than a month.

It was a very leisurely day.

Fu Wenyu sleeps until he wakes up naturally every day. After waking up, he has breakfast with his mother and sister, and then starts to have fun for himself. For example, he took Zhao Zhuangtou to arrange for the two young men he named Li Yi and Li Er to dig traps in the mountains to catch pheasants, rabbits, deer and other prey. Although Fu Wenyu knew nothing about it, Li Yi and Li Er were good at hunting. Good hands.

On the first day up the mountain, Fu Wenyu successfully caught a pheasant with the help of two people and took it to the kitchen to make a pot of fragrant chicken soup.

Also like learning to ride horses from Li Yi and Li Er.

There is an old horse in Xiaoli Village. It is said that the old horse was ridden by the housekeeper of the Li family when he came to do errands. However, the old horse injured its leg on the way here, so he stayed here to recuperate.

It was just an old horse. After it was injured, the Li family didn't think of taking it back, so they just kept it here.

Fu Wenyu is still very interested in horse riding. He learned it for a few days with the help of two boys. Now he can ride a horse and walk slowly, but he still can't gallop on the horse and needs to practice again.

In addition to these two items, he also made his own fishing rods and asked people to move some tables, chairs and benches to the river for fishing.

Occasionally Zhou and Fu Rong would go with him.

Zhou was not interested in fishing, and after arriving at the place, he only took people to sit in a shady place to rest, but Fu Rong was very curious, and followed Fu Wenyu around with great interest.

"Brother, what is this?"

"Brother, can you really catch fish like this?"

"elder brother……"

Fu Wenyu responded patiently, "These are earthworms, which can be used for fishing. We will know if we can catch them by giving them a try. If the fish bites the hook, we can catch them."

Fishing is not a product of modern society. Fishing has appeared very early in ancient times. The most famous one is probably the folk legend of "Jiang Taigong fishes, and those who wish to take the bait". It's just that Fu Rong used to live in the city. Although she later returned to Fujia Village, most of the people she interacted with were young girls of the same age, and she had never seen fishing.

Seeing that she was interested in fishing, Fu Wenyu simply made her a fishing rod, and then the brother and sister sat side by side, both of them looking away from the water.

Standing under a tree, Ms. Zhou watched this scene with a gentle expression.

Next to her were two maids brought from home. They were packing things in an orderly manner. They also used the stones they picked up to build a simple stove and put the pots they brought from the village on top.

This will be used to make fish soup later.

And Zhao Zhuangtou's wife, a woman with white hair and a nervous expression, was approaching Mrs. Zhou and said calmly: "Husband, madam, the eldest young master has such a good temper, and he also loves the girl very much."

"I have met the young masters of the Li family before, but they are not as good as the eldest young master."

The Li family was the former owner of Xiaoli Village. It was the Marquis of Zhenbei who bought Xiaoli Village from the Li family and gave it to Fu Wenyu as a thank you gift. In the past, people from the Li family would come over occasionally, so she said this.

Ms. Zhou smiled and said, "The brother and sister have a good relationship."

As she was talking, Fu Rong caught a fish.

She said happily, "Brother, mother, look at me catching a fish!"

Fu Wenyu turned around and looked happy for her, "Hurry up and pretend, we'll make soup later."

An hour passed, and Fu Wenyu didn't catch much, but with the blessing of novice benefits, Fu Rong caught a bucket full of fish. The last three of them sat under the tree, drinking hot fish soup and admiring the scenery.

Fu Rong, who has just experienced the benefits for newbies, is still not satisfied.

"Brother, are we coming again tomorrow?"

Fu Wenyu replied: "You can come if you want."

One of the reasons why their family came to Xiaoli Village was to avoid the enthusiastic matchmakers. Another reason was to leave the familiar environment and relax.

After all, during the three years of keeping filial piety, they were first worried and then constantly making money. The time they could really relax and rest was not long. Moreover, it was still in the filial piety period at that time, and the family would not give themselves too much time to enjoy themselves, whether in terms of mood or behavior.

Now is a good opportunity.

Not only have the family been paying filial piety for a long time, but they also have such a happy event as Fu Wenyu is admitted as a scholar. The most important thing is that the family has a lot of money, so they don't have to worry about food and clothing.

They can naturally relax and enjoy a good time.

Fu Rong cheered loudly, "Then I will come fishing tomorrow."

Fu Wenyu nodded, "Then let's do it together."

After fishing and eating fish for several days, Fu Wenyu didn't say anything, but when Mrs. Zhou saw the tanned Fu Rong, she was unwilling to let her go out.

"Look at you, how dark are you?"

"I'll be back in a few days, so you can stay in the house with peace of mind. If you want to go out, you have to wait until the sun is not so bright, otherwise Chunhua and the others won't recognize you."

Fu Rong covered her face and said in frustration, "Mom, what should I do?"

Zhou scolded while asking someone to get the ointment, "It's all your brother's fault for taking you out early in the morning these days, but don't worry, we'll go to the city to buy some powder later and it'll be fine." ”

Fu Wenyu slipped away quietly at the door.

It's better not to go in and scold him at this time.

So he asked Li Yi and Li Er, the boys next to him, "Besides hunting, horseback riding, and fishing, are there any other interesting things or places near this small olive village?"

Li Yi and Li Er were a little confused.

The two of them are relatively outstanding young people in Zhuangzi, so they were selected by Zhao Zhuangtou. If you ask them how to work, they can answer it, but if they ask where it is fun, they can only hesitate.

Finally, Li Eryi was nervous and said: "Yes, there is a ghost spring on the mountain!"

Ghost spring?

Fu Wenyu was puzzled. Before he asked carefully, Li Yi's expression changed, and he raised his hand and patted Li Er, "What nonsense are you talking about? How can I let the young master go to a place like that?"

"That place eats people!"

Can you eat people?

When Fu Wenyu heard this, he became interested.

He inquired carefully and found that the "ghost spring" mentioned by Li Er was just an exaggeration by the village servants, because there were many bubbling springs in that place. Someone once fell into it and was scalded, so the people nearby called it "ghost spring". 'Man-eating ghost spring' to scare children so that they don't run in that direction.

As time went by, no one really dared to go.

Fallen and burned?

Fu Wenyu had a thought in his mind and asked the two of them to take him to have a look. At first they didn't dare to agree, but finally they found Zhao Zhuangtou, and the five of them were able to set off.

After arriving at the place, Fu Wenyu discovered that the so-called ghost spring was indeed a hot spring.

And the temperature is very high.

Even though it's only summer, you can still see the steam rising.

In the sound of "Gulu Gulu", Zhao Zhuangtou looked at Fu Wenyu, who looked a little excited, and asked anxiously: "Master, Master, after you finish watching, why don't you go back?"

Fu Wenyu couldn't suppress the smile on his lips.

He didn't expect that he would find hot springs when he just came to Xiaozhuang for a vacation.

Moreover, the mountain where this hot spring is located is not far from Xiaozhuang, it is only half an hour away. If you ride a horse, it is only a quarter of an hour, so the distance is very close.

It's so close, so I have to buy it.

Not only did he want to buy the mountain, he also wanted to buy the land under the mountain. As for what he would do after buying it, Fu Wenyu had not yet decided, but the benefits of the hot springs were unquestionable. Even if you don't do anything after buying it and just soak in the water, it will be of great benefit.

So after leaving Xiaolizhuang, the hilltop where the hot spring was located was already under Fu Wenyu's name. It originally belonged to a nearby village. When the people in that village heard that someone wanted to buy it, they immediately sold it without hesitation, along with more than ten acres of wasteland under the mountain.

As for other things, especially the piece of land between Wenquan Mountain and Xiaoli Village, although Fu Wenyu also wanted to buy it, it was not in the hands of the villagers, but belonged to Tang Yuanwai.

Tang Yuan was not short of money, so Fu Wenyu had no choice but to stop thinking about buying land.

After returning home and resting for a few days, the Fu family moved.

This time I moved from Fujiacun to Liuzhou City.

The Fu family has two houses in Liuzhou City. One house was bought by Fu Wenyu to facilitate the rest of the martial arts team. It is located in a luxurious area of ​​Liuzhou City, not far from teahouses, Fugui Restaurants and other places.

One is located behind the Silk Village, which was originally the place where the Li family's mother and daughter lived. Because they would not come back after leaving Liuzhou, they sold it to the Fu family together with the silk and satin shop.

What they moved this time was the second house behind the Silk House.

After it was repainted and the furniture changed, it looked like a new house.

Different from the previous stay where he only lived briefly for a few days for exams, this time it was a formal move. From now on, the house in Fujia Village will become the 'ancestral home', and this Liuzhou City will be the place where he lives daily. So after all the things were moved, Fu Wenyu specially posted a message to the people he knew and chose an auspicious day to host a banquet.

In the end, everyone who received the post came. In addition to the representatives of Fujiacun, there were also Fu Qingshan's former friends, Fu Wenyu's classmates, shopkeeper Zhang, Min Xiucai, Mr. Zhou, Mr. Xiao, Liu Changmiao and others.

Even Tang Yuan's family also came.

This is the third time Fu Wenyu has met Tang Yishan.

He was pleasantly surprised to find that not only had Tang Yishan grown a lot taller, but he was no longer as shy and evasive as he had been when he was first found. At least now I can greet people calmly and generously when I see them.

Tang Yishan even asked: "Mr. Fu, why did you take the scholar examination?"

This is a good question.

Fu Wenyu thought for a while, then combined his original thoughts with his own experience and said: "I have been studying with my father since I was a child. My father's biggest expectation for me is to obtain fame. Moreover, when Chen County discovered Yushan before, the people in Fujia Village were Liar, if it weren’t for Magistrate Mu’s help, I’m afraid they still wouldn’t be able to find justice.”

After a pause, he did not excuse the other party because of his young age, but added, "With the reputation of being a scholar, I can do what I want to do and protect the people I want to protect."

This is Fu Wenyu's truest thought.

At the very least, he can now write any storybook he wants. Of course, he still has to pay attention to some propriety and not make unreasonable comments about the court and certain powerful people, so as not to cause trouble.

Tang Yishan's expression became thoughtful.

Seeing that he was deep in thought, Fu Wenyu didn't pay much attention and turned to greet other guests.

Then he learned the news that Liu Juren, one of the two candidates in Liuzhou City, did not plan to take the Jinshi examination in the next few years, but planned to accept two disciples.

Since the other party's eldest son Liu Changyan has already entered the Hanlin Academy, as long as he does not make any mistakes, he will have a bright future. Moreover, Liu Juren's title of Juren was also earned through his own examinations, which made him much better than those scholars in Liuzhou City, so this news caused a great sensation among the scholars in Liuzhou.

Everyone wants to be the next Liu Changyan.

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