Just when everyone was quarreling most fiercely, a shrill cat meow suddenly came.


It turned out that when no one was paying attention, the black cat actually jumped on the coffin, widened its eyes and roared at the second and third sons who were making the most noise.


The second son's chest was heaving violently because the third son had shaken off his bad gambling and owed a lot of debt. Now he saw that a beast dared to bare his teeth at him, and he suddenly became furious.


"What do you do for food? The mourning hall is such an important place, and you let this little beast break into it?!" The second son waved his thick arm, "Hurry up and grab it, throw it outside and beat it to death!"

The housekeeper looked embarrassed and said, "Second Young Master, this is my favorite cat during my lifetime."

The implication is that the master is currently lying in the coffin. It may be inappropriate to kill his cat before it is buried.

But the second son didn't care about this and said with a ferocious face: "Just do it as you are told. Now I am the master of the house!"

The third son's lips moved, but he made no sound.

So the housekeeper had to call two brave boys to catch the black cat. Of course, he didn't dare to kill him. He planned to find a woodshed to lock up the black cat and wait until after the first seven days.

But to their surprise, the black cat was extremely flexible and could not be caught by anyone. However, the people sent to catch the cat accidentally knocked over the tributes on the altar table.

The scene was chaotic.

Zhao Le and others did not catch the cat, but carefully hid aside.

Madam She changed her casual state from the time she was in the room next to her. She kept her eyes on the farce in the mourning hall, and then asked in a low voice: "Did you get any useful information?"

Mr. Rong gently shook his paper fan and said with a smile: "No, but that concubine seems to be having an affair with the third son. I saw them flirting with each other when no one was paying attention."

Others: "..."

Zhao Le pursed his lips and said, "I think there's something weird about that black cat."

Zhao Le, who often goes to surrounding villages, knows that black cats are disliked in many places and are even considered to be a bad omen, so he paid close attention to this cat after entering the house. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong. If the other party was not a cat, He even felt that those movements and performances were more like a person.

As for the three newcomers, they were too flustered and frightened, so there was no useful information.

So on the first night, I read it in the chaos of catching a cat.

The next day, several people started investigating again.

Lady She and Lady Zhang went to find the family members and maids to inquire about the news. Mr. Rong took Shi Yi, who admired him, to test the three key figures: the second son, the third son, and the housekeeper, and to look for clues in the deceased's house. As for Zhao Le and Zhao Yuzhi, those given to them were the deceased's grandchildren, the family's guards, etc.

Because Zhao Yuzhi is a real young master, it would be more appropriate for him to contact Changsun and others, so Zhao Le pretended to be his bodyguard and was ready to respond at any time.

The two first went to ask the eldest grandson.

The eldest grandson asked three questions and didn't know.

But the other grandchildren knew a lot. "Who does Grandpa like the most?"

"Of course it's the eldest brother. My eldest brother was raised by my grandfather himself."

"No, no, my grandfather dislikes my eldest brother the most. I once saw my grandfather looking at his eldest brother with a very scary look. It was so scary that I thought my grandfather was going to eat him."

"I saw it too!"

"Hey, why didn't I notice it?"

"That's because you're stupid!"

"You're talking nonsense!"

Several grandchildren quarreled, and by this time Zhao Le and Zhao Yuzhi, who had gotten the news they wanted, had quietly left. Then they asked the guards and servants, but this didn't go smoothly. Fortunately, Zhao Le was from the city and mastered many different dialects, so they still got what they wanted.

So Zhao Le started thinking about it on the way back.

He felt that Zhangsun was very suspicious.

Because whether it was the servants of the family or the grandchildren of the deceased, they all said that the eldest grandson was raised by the deceased, but Zhao Le did not find much sadness on the young man's face.

Of course, the most important thing is that a servant once saw the eldest grandson arguing with the deceased. Since then, the originally optimistic and cheerful eldest grandson has become taciturn and occasionally gloomy.

This is obviously not normal.

While thinking about it, Zhao Le suddenly heard Zhao Yuzhi's hesitant voice.

"Senior Zhao, have you met your younger brother Runzhi?"

Zhao Le stopped and turned to look at the young man who was looking at him, "How did you find out?" He felt that except for the first time they met, he didn't show any clues.

After Zhao Yuzhi heard his answer, he suddenly became excited: "Senior, you have indeed met Runzhi. Last night, I felt that your expression seemed to know me. Sure enough, sure enough."

He murmured a few words, and then asked what he was most concerned about.

"Do you know how Runzhi died?"

Zhao Le looked at his face that was very similar to Du Runzhi's, and the bloody corpse came to mind again, so he answered honestly: "He was killed by the fox demon."

Then he told the mission exactly.

From the appearance of several people in the woods after falling asleep, to Zhao Erqiang's narration, as well as the weird village, the possessed fox demon and the old landlord who helped the evildoer, everything was told.

Finally, he said, "Du Runzhi had an accident on the second night. Miss Chen and Zhao Erqiang went to the ancestral hall. The three of us gathered together, but we all fainted in the middle of the trip. After waking up, we found that Du Runzhi was dead. Later, we found that the fox demon had the habit of eating people, and the younger the age, the more it liked."

"So on the third day, we set a trap and killed it."

Zhao Yuzhi's eyes were red.

"So that's how it is, so that's how it is..."

"Thank you for telling me, senior!"

Zhao Le replied "My condolences". He didn't intend to say it at first, because he was worried that the other party would not believe it after saying it, and misunderstood that he was also involved in Du Runzhi's death, and then hated him.

But since Zhao Yuzhi had already discovered it, it would seem like something fishy if he didn't say it.

But he also secretly made up his mind to be more careful in this mission and not give Zhao Yuzhi the opportunity to harm him. The two people have different strengths. As long as he is careful, his safety is guaranteed.

After returning to their residence, the two did not mention the matter to others.

Others who came back one after another also got other news.

Madam She and Madam Zhang found out that there was something wrong with the eldest daughter-in-law.

Madam Zhang said: "A housewife who sweeps the floor said that the widowed eldest daughter-in-law is generous and often tells people that the family will belong to her son in the future, and that 'the master owes them' the eldest wife and so on."

Madam She said: "She is the most dissatisfied about the three-part family property."

Master Rong and Shi Yi said that the second son is more suspicious.

"I found out that the second son owed a lot of gambling debts outside, and his father said a while ago that the accountant would not be allowed to pay him money in the future. So it is very likely that he killed his father in order to get the family property as soon as possible."

As for the third son, Master Rong chuckled twice.

"When Shi Yi and I went there, he was being pestered by the concubine. It turned out that he was having a secret meeting with the concubine on the night his father died. No wonder he burned so many gold and silver mountains for his father. It turned out that he was guilty."

So after integrating all the information, everyone felt that the second son and the mother and son of the first wife were more suspicious.

One was because he owed gambling debts and needed to pay them back urgently, but the deceased had forbidden the accountant to give him money a while ago, so it was possible that he killed his own father in order to get the money as soon as possible.

The weird thing about the mother and son of the first wife was that one of them felt that the father-in-law should give more property to the first wife, but the eldest son had died a long time ago, and there were two other wives in the family. Another reason was that the eldest grandson's temperament had changed, especially before his temperament changed, he had a dispute with his grandfather who raised him.

So in the next few days, the six people split into two groups.

On the one hand, they went to find evidence of the eldest son's murder, and on the other hand, they went to find the secrets of the eldest daughter-in-law and the eldest grandson. For this reason, several people either sneaked into their rooms to search, or hid on the beams to eavesdrop on the conversation.

In the end, in order to confirm, they even opened the coffin to check the wound.

Finally, the seventh day of the resurrection night arrived.

The six people identified the eldest grandson as the murderer, because the knife wound of the deceased was not deep, and he was stabbed three times before he died, so the murderer should be a person with little strength. Of course, the most crucial reason is that Zhao Le overheard the conversation between the mother and son of the eldest house, and found through the conversation that the death of the eldest son was related to the deceased.

This is the reason why the eldest house was treated preferentially and the eldest grandson's temperament changed drastically.

Therefore, the truth of the matter is that the eldest son was killed by his own father during a dispute many years ago, and then faked as an accidental death. The father felt guilty and treated the eldest daughter-in-law and the eldest grandson preferentially. The eldest daughter-in-law accidentally learned the truth, but she did not think about revenge for her husband who had passed away for many years, but valued the family property promised by her father-in-law more.

But the eldest grandson wanted to avenge his father more.

After identifying the murderer, the family looked at each other in bewilderment.

Then a series of "dong dong dong" sounds were heard, and the lid of the coffin on the mourning hall suddenly fell off. The dead man with a pale face and blood on his chest suddenly sat up.

It opened its blood-red eyes and came back to life!

The family didn't care to blame each other, but was scared to death.

"Ah ah ah help me--"

"Dad, Dad, I didn't kill you!"

"Grandpa, grandpa!"

Just as the old man who came back to life jumped out of the coffin eerily, jumped in front of the eldest grandson, and asked him faintly, "Did you kill me?" When Zhao Le felt strange, the black cat appeared and blocked it. Then the black cat stretched out and turned into a paper-like person, and asked faintly.

"Dad, did you kill me?"

A battle broke out.

It turns out that the "Resurrection Night" is not only the resurrection of the dead, but also the resurrection of the eldest son who was killed by his own father.

If Zhao Le and others had not found the murderer, they would now be facing two resurrected evil spirits. But because they found two murderers, they started fighting.

After reading this story, the people were moved.

"Don't do bad things."

"Otherwise, you will be found."

"That's right."

Of course, some people are curious, "Can you really resurrect?"

"Who knows."

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