Liu Changmiao is not the only person whose story was broken out of context.

Throughout the morning, there were such unbelievable sounds in Liuzhou City from time to time. They are men and women, old and young, and they are all dissatisfied with the ending of this chapter and curious about the content behind it.

Some were more impatient, such as Mr. Liu Changmiao and Liu Changmiao. Because they were dissatisfied with the ending, they didn't even read the two new novels published in the tabloid, so they hurriedly asked the servant to drive to Kaiyuan Bookstore.

Some of them asked how it was cut off here, and some were simply curious about the content behind it and didn't want to wait any longer. Some people are in a hurry to decide on the book mentioned in that sentence, as if they want to know the ending of the story "The True and False Young Master" faster than others.

By the time Fu Wenyu came to the city, the number of pre-orders for the storybook had reached nearly 700.

Shopkeeper Zhang laughed loudly, "Wen Yu, I have some good news for you."

"Seven hundred copies of the storybook have been ordered, which are hardcover editions that cost ten taels of silver a set. Because we can get them two days in advance, that is, together with the next Liuzhou tabloid, we have ordered an extra twelve sets."

"I've asked the printing house to hurry up and staple all the printed items."

That effect is really good.

Needless to say about the ordinary version, there were so many more sets in Liuzhou City alone in one morning. When the number of reservations from other places comes, it will be obvious that it exceeds a thousand sets. Even two thousand, three thousand or more sets are not impossible. After all, when businessmen in the past saw how popular this storybook was, they would order some to be sold elsewhere.

What surprised him even more was that twelve sets of the profitable hardcover version were also sold.

Twelve sets, plus the five sets that have been ordered before, that is seventeen sets, each set is ten taels, a total of one hundred and seventy taels! After deducting the cost of printing and necessary personnel and space, each set made a net profit of seven taels. According to the previous agreement, Fu Wenyu could share half of it, which is nearly sixty taels, which is twice the manuscript fee for the ordinary version!

In other words, it was as if he had earned a second-class house in Fujiacun and returned. After all, the initial budget for their second-entry courtyard was only fifty taels.

And this is just the beginning!

This good mood lasted until Fu Wenyu said goodbye to shopkeeper Zhang and came to the teahouse with the storyteller he had been to last time.

As soon as he entered the door, he skillfully said to the waiter who came up to him: "One plate of tea eggs, two plates of snacks, and a pot of tea. By the way, find me a seat near Mr. Feng. Mr. Feng will talk about books today." ?”

The waiter nodded and bowed: "Please come in, please. There is a seat. Mr. Feng will be here shortly."

Fu Wenyu nodded and followed the waiter to a position facing the stage.

But when he sat down and was about to look around to see who were the guests in the teahouse today, he suddenly heard a sound of slamming on the table next to him, and at the same time a young man said angrily.

"Don't let me know who Fu Wenyu is, or I'll make him look good!"

Fu Wenyu: "...?"

Want to make ‘Fu Wenyu’ look good?

This ‘Fu Wenyu’, isn’t he talking about me?

When Fu Wenyu wrote "The True and False Young Master", he gave himself the pen name "Mantou Liangwen Yuan", which was based on his modern pen name "Mantou Liangwen Yuanyi".

When he first chose the name, he didn't think too much about it.

When "The True and False Young Master" was published, perhaps because the pen name was too down-to-earth, very few people called it out. It was a typical situation where "the work is popular but the person is not".

Later, the affairs of Tang Yuan's family were exposed, and the other party gave him gifts with great fanfare, and there was such a large piece of land, so his name inevitably spread.

So although I don't really want to believe it, I think that the name 'Fu Wenyu' is not as bad as 'Zhang San', 'Li Si', and 'Wang Wu', and some modern readers who have been traumatized will indeed shout for it. The author sent a razor blade and even shouted a terrifying slogan like "One day, with the knife in my hand, I can kill all the people in the world." However, he turned his head cautiously.

He needs to recognize someone first.

If the other party is really his extreme reader, then he should stay away from it in the future.

But when he saw the other party clearly, he was surprised.

It's an acquaintance.

Of course, it's just that Fu Wenyu, or the original person, knows the other party unilaterally, and the other party does not know him.

——That is the famous "Liu Dandy" in Liuzhou City.

This young man, who was secretly called "Liu Dandy", was about the same age as the original person. I remember the last time shopkeeper Zhang asked him if he had heard of this person, Fu Wenyu's answer was 'I heard of him when I lived in the city before'.

But in fact, the two have a deeper relationship.

The private school where Fu Wenyu originally stayed and the one where Liu Changmiao studied happened to be on the same street. When Yuan went to and from school, he met each other several times, but the two had no friendship.

At this time, Liu Changmiao's face was flushed, his expression was excited, and he was pounding the table.

"Fu Wenyu is really a hateful person!"

"It actually made the blood of Wang Yuanwai, Zhang Gou Sheng, and Wang Fugui merge together. Doesn't he know that only Zhang Gou Sheng is Wang Yuan Wai's biological son?"

"If he writes like this, when will Zhang Gou Sheng recognize Wang Yuanwai? Does he want to separate the father and son of the Wang family?"

Fu Wenyu: "..."

Very good, based on the other party's words, he can be sure that the owner of one of the storybooks ordered today must be the young master Liu in front of him.

Before he could figure out how to deal with it, a casual man in his twenties sitting opposite Young Master Liu said in a clear voice: "Ah, that storybook is really annoying."

"When I was in the capital, I also read many works by masters, even those written by Jinshi. But their stories are not as unforgettable as this "The Dove Occupies the Magpie's Nest: It's Hard to Distinguish Between the Real and the Fake Young Master"."

"How did he come up with this idea of ​​only printing 3,000 words at a time?"

Fu Wenyu, who was listening: "..."

Sorry, I was trained by a certain green website. If you update 3,000 words, you will get a small red flower, and there is also an extra full attendance award. So over time, in order to get a neat row of small red flowers on the work page, many authors have developed a good habit of updating 3,000, 6,000, or 9,000 words a day.

So it's not that he doesn't want to update daily, but the ancient printing technology is too bad.

At this time, Liu Changmiao slapped the table again, "Damn Fu Wenyu!"

"I asked the guys in the bookstore today if they could show me the remaining ones. I can pay for it, but they refused. The next printing will be five days later."

"Damn it!"

Fu Wenyu: "..."

He couldn't sit still, thinking that the young master Liu in front of him probably didn't lack that little money, so he interrupted and said: "Young Master Liu, when I passed by Kaiyuan Bookstore just now, I heard the guys inside say that they have a hardcover version of "True and False Young Master" storybook, which is not only beautifully made, but also can be obtained in advance."

The two people at the table next to him looked over.

Liu Changmiao pouted: "I know what you mean."

"Just now when I was there, I had already made a reservation, but the waiter refused to give it to me and insisted on waiting for another five days. If they wait for another five days, Wang Yuanwai and Zhang Gousheng, the father and son, will have to endure another five days of separation!"

Fu Wenyu: "..."

He felt that he seemed to be speechless more times today.

But thinking that the boy in front of him was only fifteen years old, maybe even younger than himself, it was normal to say some exaggerated words in excitement, and he was relieved again.

Thinking of this, he was ready to end the conversation with Master Liu. After all, there was no point in talking any further, and it would be quite embarrassing if the other party found out that he was Fu Wenyu.

Just at this time, the waiter brought up his tea eggs and snacks.

Fu Wenyu was about to pick up a tea egg when he heard Master Liu curiously ask: "Hey, I'm Liu Changmiao, who are you?"

His hand just stopped in mid-air.

"Ahem, me," Fu Wenyu picked up a tea egg, not looking around to avoid being discovered by them, and then he answered in a low voice while peeling the eggshell: "My name is Zhou Yu."

My father's surname is Fu, and my mother's surname is Zhou.

He is called Fu Wenyu, also called Zhou Yu, nothing wrong with that.

Everyone was quiet.

After a while, Mr. Feng's voice was heard on the opposite stage.

"Dear guests, today we are talking about the story of Mr. Wang from Ping'an County, whose child was replaced by a wet nurse. This story is tortuous and bizarre, and it is even more bizarre than what happened in Mr. Tang's family."

"It is said that one day, Mr. Wang knew that his only son had killed someone..."

-It was "The True and False Young Master".

When Fu Wenyu heard this, he suddenly remembered something.

Not long after "The True and False Young Master" was published, he came to this teahouse for the first time. At that time, Mr. Feng in front of him was talking about Mr. Sanliu's "The Woodcutter", and then won the applause of the whole room. After he finished telling a story, the guests were reluctant to leave, so they urged him to tell another story. The story he told was the first chapter of "The True and False Young Master".

At that time, Fu Wenyu was still muttering in his heart, wondering if he had paid the copyright fee.

Later, he asked Zhang, the shopkeeper, and learned that this kind of storyteller relied on various teahouses, restaurants, theaters and even brothels to survive, and the income would be shared with the owners of the venues.

There are two channels for the books they tell.

One is to write it yourself, and the other is to buy it from the bookstore.

Those with talent will write it themselves, and those who are not at this level will see what the guests like, or see what is the most popular storybook on the market recently, and then buy it back to practice. Mr. Sanliu's "The Woodcutter" was the most popular storybook on the market before, so Mr. Feng told "The Woodcutter".

"The Woodcutter" is about the length of a round every three days.

These storytellers, in addition to buying books, will not pay the bookstore separately. If the bookstore is not satisfied with them telling their own storybooks, just tell them, and they can change the book on the same day.

Similar to them are theatrical troupes.

But theatrical troupes are not only large and powerful, but also more profitable, and the cost of staging a play is also higher. So after they take a fancy to a book, they will pay an extra sum of money to the bookstore in order to stabilize it. The bookstore will share the extra income of this "adaptation" with the author according to the proportion. The author can only get it safely with the support of the bookstore.

Because in this industry, those who can afford to open a bookstore and print books are all people with strong backgrounds. There are many local big businessmen, or scholarly families, and some even have backgrounds in the government.

So the troupe dare not offend them easily.

The two most famous storytellers in Liuzhou City are Mr. Sanliu and Mr. Sun Xiucai. They both had their storybooks bought by the opera troupe for adaptation. However, because Mr. Sanliu likes to write strange stories and legends, most of his storybooks are very difficult to adapt. Therefore, storytellers like Mr. Sanliu's, while the opera troupe prefers Mr. Sun Xiucai's.

Talented men and beautiful women are the eternal popular themes of drama.

When Fu Wenyu knew about this, he was curious and asked if anyone had taken a fancy to his "True and False Young Master". But unfortunately, this storybook is too similar to the Tang family's story, and the people in the opera troupe are still waiting and watching.

Fu Wenyu still feels a little regretful that it has not been "filmed".

But thinking that after the ordinary and hardcover editions are sold out in a few days, he should be able to get dozens of taels. Fu Wenyu became happy again, and listened to Mr. Feng's story with fragrant tea eggs and soft snacks.

"...Mr. Bao in the hall is a great and upright official."

"He is wise and brave, and he is very perceptive. His heart is as clear as a mirror. Moreover, he is well-read and not only has profound knowledge, but also knows many unknown methods of handling cases."

"For example, this time, Mr. Bao, a great and upright official, saw that Mr. Wang was anxious, so he proposed a method. This method can verify who is the real father and son, that is, 'blood recognition'!"


The part Mr. Feng talked about was the process of blood recognition in "The True and False Young Master", which was just published today. Because the story was written by himself, Fu Wenyu was inevitably a little distracted. He listened to Mr. Feng's passionate narration with one ear, and paid attention to the movements of other guests with the other ear.

On the left are Liu Changmiao and the man whose name is unknown.

Liu Changmiao seemed to have subsided.

When he heard this, he asked curiously: "Brother Hu, why do you think the blood of Wang Yuanwai, Zhang Gousheng and Wang Fugui can be mixed together?"

"That Mr. Bao said that blood relations will not change. If they are father and son, then their blood must be able to mix. If they cannot mix, the two will not have the fate of father and son. In this case, why is Wang Fugui not Wang Yuanwai's biological son, but their blood can be mixed together?"

The 'Brother Hu' pondered for a moment and suddenly said.

"Perhaps, Wang Fugui's biological mother used to be Wang Yuanwai's maid or concubine, and Wang Fugui is Wang Yuanwai's illegitimate son. In this way, they also have father and son..."

"Cough cough cough cough..."

Hearing such an outrageous guess, Fu Wenyu was suddenly choked by the tea egg in his mouth and started coughing violently. He was so scared that he quickly picked up the teapot and poured himself a few cups of tea.

Uh, what...

This Mr. Hu's guess is too explosive!

Moreover, he clearly wrote in the article that Zhang's mother had never been to the Wang family before. The court was the first time she met her biological son Wang Fugui. She was also a tragic character. So when the truth was finally revealed and the Zhang family was doomed, she collapsed and hugged Wang Fugui, wanting him to call her "mother".

Well, no, this part is later, and they haven't seen it yet.

At this time, Liu Changmiao seemed to be shocked by this speculation and refuted fiercely: "Impossible! Wang Yuanwai is not that kind of person. He is a great kind man and a great hero!"

"Wang Fugui can't be his illegitimate son."

"Absolutely impossible!"

"I, I," he suddenly stood up and rushed out the door, "No, I want to find Fu Wenyu, I want him to change, Wang Fugui can't be Wang Yuanwai's illegitimate son, can't be!"


The 'Brother Hu' frowned as he looked at Liu Changmiao and the servant rushing all the way without caring about his back.

He turned his head and gave a few instructions, and a big man beside him immediately stood up and chased him out. Then 'Brother Hu' shook his head and moved his eyes to the stage again. Occasionally, he was excited and cheered.

Fu Wenyu also frowned.

Young Master Liu's reaction seemed a little wrong.

He thought about it carefully and found that in his memory, the two brothers of the Liu family seemed to have the same mother. When the eldest young master Liu Changyan passed the examination for a scholar at the age of thirteen, the city was in an uproar for a long time. At that time, someone took out Liu Changmiao, who was only five or six years old at the time, who had just started studying and probably didn't know all the characters, and compared him with his brother. If he remembered correctly, everyone said that they were brothers with the same father and mother.

Because the private school and the family, and even the whole city of Liuzhou, talked about this matter, and it was not one or two days, but more than half a month, and it would be brought up and said again every time the scholar exam came later, so the original body still remembered it after a long time.

Could it be that Mr. Liu had a bastard?

The Liu family also staged a bloody plot of "concubine is true love" and "main wife is an accident"?

Fu Wenyu shook his head and thought it was better not to think too much.

He was not very confident about Liu Changmiao who rushed out like this, so he borrowed paper and pen from the teahouse and wrote a note to Zhang Er. He asked him to tell him that Wang Fugui was not Wang Yuanwai's son if he met Liu Changmiao today, and that there was another reason why their blood could be fused, not what he thought.

After writing, he walked to the door and found a half-grown boy who was selling things on the street. He gave him money to deliver the note to Kaiyuan Bookstore, and he bought the other party's basket of persimmons.

After returning to his seat, Mr. Feng had finished his talk.

"Hey, why did you finish?"

A customer asked in confusion: "Didn't the previous talks last for a quarter of an hour? How come today you finished in a cup of tea? Mr. Feng, you are taking a break, right? Is there more to come?"


Another customer who had obviously read the Liuzhou tabloid spat out the fruit shell, "That's all for today. The Liuzhou tabloid is really a piece of crap. It always ends at the key point. This time there are only 3,000 words."

"Print more. Can't I afford it?!"

"That's right," he said, causing many customers to complain. Someone else said dissatisfiedly: "I have been drinking tea here for two months to listen to a storybook. If I had known, I would have studied hard back then."

A rude customer immediately replied, "You can let your son read it to you!"


"That's right."

"Go away, you want your son to read it to you. It's not like I can't afford the tea..." The ridiculed customer cursed twice.

After a burst of laughter, Mr. Feng coughed twice, tapped the ruler on the table, and talked about another story that Fu Wenyu was familiar with, that is, Mr. Sanliu's "The Woodcutter".

Perhaps it was because some guests had heard it before, or even more than once. So when Mr. Feng's voice sounded, whispers came from all over the teahouse.

"Hey, have you read today's Liuzhou tabloid? There is a new story on it, which is very strange!"

"I have read it. Are you talking about "The Legend of the Divine Eye"? "

"Yes, yes, that's it!"

"The immortal in the sky came down to earth and touched the head of the boy named Li Lei, and he got a chance! I don't know what the chance is, it's really enviable."

"Yes, I don't know what he saw in the end, it was strange and glowing!"

"Maybe it was another immortal?"

"It's possible..."

Because "The Legend of the Divine Eye" only had an opening and the plot was not unfolded, Fu Wenyu listened quietly for a while and did not get any useful information. The good news is that most people are very receptive to plots like "immortals" and "chance" and do not find them bizarre or incomprehensible. This may be the advantage of ancient times.

After Mr. Feng finished talking about "The Woodcutter" for today, a woman in green clothes holding a pipa came up. Seeing that it was getting late, Fu Wenyu simply got up and left with the basket of persimmons and the packaged tea eggs.

He was going to write the second chapter of "The Legend of the Divine Eye".

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