His brother...

Dead? ?

Zhao Yunlei, the "Thunder Sword" who was highly praised by the older generation of martial arts masters and said that in time he would inherit the mantle of "Yunxiao Sword", died like this? Died in his own home? ? ! ! !

Zhao Yunfei couldn't believe it. He stumbled and crawled over, and then he discovered details that frightened him even more and made him despair!

There were not many fights in the courtyard, but it seemed that many people besieged the couple, and the eldest brother and sister-in-law were killed after they were unable to resist. The sister-in-law is just that, her martial arts skills are not high and she is pregnant, so there are not many traces of her attacks. But what happened to the elder brother’s sword moves? Completely lost to the previous level, not only weak, but also lacking in stamina, being caught easily? !

For a moment, doubt actually suppressed the grief and despair in Zhao Yunfei's heart. But the smell of blood and the familiar screams from the distance brought him back to his senses.

Now is not the time to think about this!

Help is urgent!

Zhao Yunfei gritted his teeth, looked down at his sister-in-law's belly, and then carefully touched it with his hand.

When his mother Liu Yun was pregnant with his sister, he once touched his mother's belly out of curiosity and was kicked by her sister. Therefore, Zhao Yunfei knew that the child would move when it was still in the mother's womb, so he wanted to know how his little nephew was. The niece is still not alive.

But the result left him heartbroken.

No one in the eldest brother, sister-in-law's family was spared. Including this one that is still in his sister-in-law's belly, he doesn't know if it is his nephew or niece's child!

How deep is the hatred between this group of thieves and the Zhao family that they don't even spare pregnant women? ! !

Zhao Yunfei felt a sweet sensation in his throat.

Then he swallowed the blood that surged into his throat. Now was not the time to grieve! He must help his parents and other people!

So he whispered in a hoarse voice, "Brother, sister-in-law, and my little nephews and nieces, rest in peace. One day, I will come to you with their heads!"

Then he stood up solemnly, walked behind his elder brother Zhao Yunlei, held his still warm shoulder with one hand, held the hilt of the Ben Lei Sword tightly with the other, and slowly pulled it out.

The Zhao family has two swords, one named 'Yunxiao' and the other 'Ben Lei'.

This is not to say that the Zhao family only has two swords and the others are knives, but that the Zhao family only has two good swords and the other swords are crooked. The reason for this is that members of their family will only get a sword with a name when they start to travel in the world.

For example, his father’s ‘Yunxiao’, or his brother’s ‘Ben Lei’.

Because Zhao Yunfei is only fifteen years old this year and has not yet started to travel in the world, he does not have a sword of his own. But now he has to help his parents and sister. In order to increase the possibility of winning even slightly, he has to endure the strong feeling in his heart. Out of grief and anger, he pulled out his brother's sword.

The sword was withdrawn inch by inch.

Zhao Yunfei's heart and expression also grew colder.

When the sword tip left his body, he turned around and left without hesitation.

Not long after leaving his eldest brother's yard, Zhao Yunfei bumped into someone head-on. As soon as the other person saw him, his eyes widened in surprise, "Young Master, Second Young Master!"

Then he looked horrified, rushed up to pull Zhao Yunfei and said: "Second Young Master, quickly, hide quickly!"

He said incoherently: "After dinner today, a group of thieves came from nowhere. They rushed in and killed them. The old housekeeper, Xiao Hong, Xiao Cui, Da Niu and Er Niu were killed as soon as they met. .Second Master, hide quickly, hide quickly!”

Zhao Yunfei grabbed him tightly and asked: "Ruyi, where are my parents? Where is my sister?"

The person who came was none other than his young servant Ruyi, a name he had given him when he was a child.

Ruyi said with a sad and indignant tone, "Second Young Master, please hide quickly. Those thieves put medicine in the food that will make people lose their strength. The eldest young master and eldest young mistress are dead, and the madam and young lady are also dead just now. The master is currently in the process of We will fight with them at the hospital, but I’m afraid we won’t be able to hold on for long.”

"The master just asked me to tell you to leave quickly and ask you to seek refuge in the nearest Tuoshan Mountain. If you have the opportunity to avenge them in the future."

"Master, please leave quickly!"

Mother is dead?

My sister is dead too?

Dad is going to die soon?

After hearing this bad news, Zhao Yunfei could no longer hold on and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Ruyi was shocked, "Master!!!"

Zhao Yunfei pushed away the hand he wanted to support, wiped the blood on his lips, and said in a cold tone: "I won't leave. My home is here and my family is here, why should I leave?"

"Besides, I didn't eat dinner and wasn't poisoned, so I can still fight. Now that I could have saved my father in the past, how can I leave?"

Ruyi was anxious, "But young master..."

"Stop talking," Zhao Yunfei quickly interrupted him and ordered in a concise tone, "You leave now and report to the Yamen!"

Ruyi said "Ah" in surprise, obviously not understanding why he had to report to the official. People like them in the world never want to deal with the imperial court, so they avoid it whenever they can.

Zhao Yunfei had no time to explain anymore and said directly: "Go now and tell them that a group of extremely vicious people have broken into the city and kill everyone on sight. When they kill all our Zhao family, I'm afraid they will take away all the people." The people in the city opened fire and killed everyone!"

"Go quickly!"

"If the officials come quickly, they might scare them away!"

Ruyi was shocked, and then overjoyed, "Yes, young master!"

Seeing Ruyi leave obediently, Zhao Yunfei could no longer hold back, and flew to the main courtyard with Qinggong.

When he was near the main courtyard, he heard his father's sad and angry voice.

"Who are you?!"

"How did my Zhao family offend you?!!"

"You sneaked around, first drugged and then besieged, do you dare to take off your mask and fight with my 'Yunxiao Sword' openly!"

Then a deliberately changed, hoarse and harsh voice sounded, "Yunxiao Sword' Zhao Ya is indeed worthy of his reputation. After taking the San Gong Powder, he was able to kill so many of my people. I admire you."

"As for how your Zhao family offended me?"

The man sneered, "Haha, this is your precious son's fault. Who made him blind, took things he shouldn't have taken, and heard words he shouldn't have heard?"

"Hand over the treasure map."

"Then I will leave your family with a whole body!"

Hide, treasure map?

Hearing this, Zhao Yunfei was stunned and subconsciously reached out to cover his chest, because the treasure map was now hidden on him, and he was going to show it to his parents tomorrow!

But the treasure map was indeed there, so how to explain the sentence "heard something he shouldn't have heard"? The man was obviously dead when he went there!

In a panic, Zhao Yunfei couldn't control his breath, and the next moment he saw the black-robed man leading the courtyard turned around and shouted angrily: "Who's there?!"

At the same time, Zhao Ya also found his son at the door.

He widened his eyes, then shook the tip of the sword violently, and used the third move of the "Yunxiao Sword Art" specifically used to repel the enemy, "Chasing the Clouds and Raining", which shook away the several black-clothed men who besieged him, and then stood in front of Zhao Yunfei with a rise and fall.

Zhao Ya pushed his son hard, "Go!"

Zhao Yunfei grabbed his father's hand tightly and said incoherently: "Dad, Dad, treasure map, I, I picked up a treasure map half a month ago. I, I was going to tell you tomorrow, tomorrow, I, I don't know, I..."

Realizing that he was the one who brought this disaster to his family, Zhao Yunfei was terrified and wanted to die to apologize now.

But after hearing his words, Zhao Ya, who was covered in blood and had his hair crown cut off, showed his son a gentle smile with his hair disheveled.

And comforted him: "You can always find a pretext to accuse someone of something?"

"I, 'Yunxiao Sword', have lived an upright life and never robbed others of their belongings. If they had the heart, they would have come to visit us after learning the news and presented us with gifts so that we could return the treasure map, instead of poisoning us first and then slaughtering us, using all the mean tricks they did today. And killing people first and then asking questions is not the way to find something?"

"San Gong San is a rare treasure from a sect in the southwest, and the southwest is nearly two months away from us, but the treasure map appeared half a month ago. These people are probably looking for the treasure map, and they are also really trying to destroy my Zhao family. Even if there is no treasure map, my Zhao family can't escape this disaster, so you don't have to blame yourself."

With Then he pushed his son again, turned around and faced the slowly approaching black-clothed men, and whispered: "Dad, stop them, you go to Tuoshan to find your uncle Chen. Your uncle Chen is a great hero, who loves to fight for justice all his life, and is also Dad's best friend. He will definitely protect you."

"Don't think about staying," Zhao Ya ordered in a hurried tone, "Although the leader has not taken action, Dad can sense that he is unfathomable, and is not much weaker than Dad before he was poisoned, so you should leave quickly, and there is always a green mountain to save. When you practice the "Yunxiao Sword Art" to perfection in the future, you can avenge us, and leave quickly."


Zhao Yunfei's tears could no longer be suppressed.


"Pa pa pa..."

A burst of applause suddenly came, and in front of the father and son, the black-clothed man in the lead said in a hoarse and shrill voice.

"What a deep love between father and son."

"Since you are stubborn, let's die together today, which will save me some effort. Go, kill the old one, and bring the young one here for interrogation. We must find the treasure map!"

"Yes, Master!"

At such an urgent moment, Zhao Ya pushed Zhao Yunfei again, asking him to leave quickly, and then he raised his sword to meet him. But Zhao Yunfei gritted his teeth, stood shoulder to shoulder beside Zhao Ya, and made the starting posture of the 'Yunxiao Sword Jue' in his hand.

"Dad, I won't leave."

"If you want to leave, I will take you with me."

He would never be willing to give it up without a fight. Especially now that the trouble he caused has implicated the whole family, if he is allowed to leave like this, even if he becomes a martial artist in the future and avenges the whole family, how can Zhao Yunfei, who loves him, have the face to face his family?

Zhao Ya was startled, then laughed out loud, "Well, let's fight side by side today. Yunfei, today I will teach you the last three moves of the 'Yunxiao Sword Art'."

"Watch carefully!"

The following scene became hazy in Zhao Yunfei's memory.

He saw the sword lights all over the sky, the group of black-clothed men retreating in panic, and the leader hitting his father's back with a palm, and then his father fell down...

Swinging a sword, killing people, getting injured, killing people again, getting injured again...

Falling down, getting up, falling down again, and getting up again.

In the end, Zhao Yunfei, relying on his hatred, also used the family's 'Yunxiao Sword Art' to injure the black-clothed leader, and then was slapped away by a black-clothed man.

After landing, he spat out the blood in his abdomen, turned around and ran away without any lingering feelings. Zhao Yunfei hid in his familiar home, killed a few more people, and finally hid in the garden pond with the help of a reed.

After recalling what happened in the past half month, Zhao Yunfei was filled with grief.

On the one hand, he blamed himself for not telling his parents immediately after picking up the treasure map, which led to the tragedy of the extermination of the whole family. On the other hand, his father's words emerged in his mind again. Was the San Gong San really prepared by those people in advance? Is there any secret in it that he doesn't know, and his father didn't have time to tell him?

While his thoughts were in chaos, the men in black had killed all the servants in the mansion who had not escaped.

The whole Zhao Mansion was quiet, with only the crackling sound of burning wood.

As the men in black came back to report, the leader's voice became colder and colder, "A bunch of trash, you can't even find a 15-year-old kid, what use are you?"

"Please forgive me, master!"

At this moment, a man in black came running, "Master, someone is coming!"

The leading man in black was stunned and said decisively: "Let's retreat first!"

So the group of people disappeared quickly.

Not long after Zhao Yunfei, who was under the water, heard the movement outside. It seemed that someone was shouting "Fire", "Fire", "Come and put out the fire", and it seemed that someone was shouting "Murder, the whole Zhao family was killed"...

Could it be that the reinforcements really came?

Zhao Yunfei was delighted, quietly exposed his head under the cover of the lotus leaves, and then looked around. As a result, he found that those men in black seemed to be really afraid of being discovered, and they all left!

Seeing this, Zhao Yunfei immediately climbed out of the pond.

He originally wanted to leave quickly and go to Tuoshan to find Uncle Chen as his father had ordered, but the moment he turned around, he couldn't suppress his inner desire to see his mother and sister.

What if they were not dead?

So he gritted his teeth and ran quickly to the main courtyard.

In the main courtyard, his father's body was still in the yard, his eyes widened, as if he had seen something unbelievable. Zhao Yunfei felt a pain in his heart, squatted down and closed his eyes for him, silently praying in his heart that he would avenge him.

Then he got up and ran into the house.

There was no mother and sister in the yard, so they should still be in the house. Sure enough, as soon as Zhao Yunfei entered the house, he found that his sister's small body fell to the ground, and she was no longer breathing.

But the body of his mother was not seen!

Could it be that his mother was not dead?

After realizing this, Zhao Yunfei hurriedly looked everywhere.


"Mother, where are you?"


He looked under the table, behind the door, and then around. Finally, through the hazy gauze curtain, he found his mother standing upright in the inner room, showing a very strange standing posture, as if she was tied up and hung on the beam above.

Zhao Yunfei was stunned, and his heart, which had just been a little happy, became cold.

Such a mother couldn't be alive.

But before he could wonder why his mother's body was standing, a figure turned out from the thicker curtain behind her. It was the black-robed man who was leading the group!

The black-robed man walked slowly towards him, and Zhao Yunfei even felt that he smiled under the mask! !

The voice that was deliberately changed, both hoarse and sharp, and that Zhao Yunfei would never forget in his life, slowly sounded: "As expected of Liu Yun's most beloved child, you really came here."

"Zhao Yunfei."

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