"Brother Murong."

"It's nice to meet you."


Fu Wenyu wrote word by word, and soon made his purpose clear.

That is to invite Murong Bo to Liuzhou and ask him to help draw the sword manual. Fu Wenyu also has some things to discuss with him about illustrations. After all, there is no martial arts storybook like "Rebirth of the Treasure Map" on the market now, and readers don't have the concept of "martial arts". He is worried that if the other party only reads the text in the storybook, he will not be able to understand the charm of martial arts, which will lead to the separation of the illustrations and text.

Of course, he is also very curious about Murong Bo.

After finishing the letter, Fu Wenyu reminded himself to send it tomorrow. Then he spread out a piece of paper, grinding ink while thinking about how to write a plan for forming a "martial arts team".

"Martial arts team" was the inspiration he got after listening to the suggestion of shopkeeper Zhang today. He thought that if he wanted to perform, two people were still too few, and he needed more people, such as 10 or 20.

At that time, 10 to 20 people will be dressed in the same clothes and move in the same way, and one of them will hold a sword in his hand, just like the elegant knights in TV dramas. Not to mention the performance, the rate of turning heads when they go out is not low. In the long run, they can also drive the sales of surrounding areas, the sales of storybooks, and the sales of hardcover editions.

Another benefit is that if one family chooses one, it can indirectly drive more than a dozen families in the village to become rich slowly. According to his observations these days, most of the villagers are kind, and helping them can also increase their voice in the village.

It can be said that there are many benefits.

Because he had already planned in his mind, Fu Wenyu found the village chief after writing the plan.

The eldest son of the village chief Fu Wencheng, Fu Minghui, tried to take the exam for the scholar for the first time this year, but unfortunately he did not pass. After resting at home for half a month, he went to another school in the city to study.

Fu Wencheng accepted his son's failure well, and recovered after a day or two of sadness.

Because when practicing sword moves, Fu Wenyu directly found someone without informing him, and usually practiced at Fu's house, so although Fu Wencheng knew that the three of them seemed to be doing something, he didn't know the details. Now seeing the plan Fu Wenyu brought over, he was puzzled.

"...Martial Arts Team?"

"Yes, it's a martial arts team."

Fu Wenyu said: "In short, I plan to find a dozen young people in the village, and then let them learn a set of sword moves from me, and then let them perform in teahouses or theaters. I will take 30% of the income in the early stage, and leave 30% for them to hire martial arts masters later, teach some boxing and kicking skills, and buy clothes, swords, etc., and the remaining 40% will be divided among the dozen people. When they no longer perform only sword moves in the future, I will only take 20%."

He originally wanted to pay them according to the monthly salary, but then he thought that he had to study and write storybooks, and there were so many things to do that he couldn't keep holding on to this martial arts team.

It's better to just focus on the early stage and let it go after it gets on the right track.

Moreover, this "commission system" is also conducive to the cohesion of the entire team, and the sword moves of the "Thirteen Styles of Yunxiao" are kept secret in a very small range as much as possible before the "Rebirth of the Treasure Map" storybook officially starts selling.

"Martial Arts Team..."

Fu Wencheng thought slowly, and he understood the meaning, but he didn't have a clear concept. So he asked a few more questions and learned that the swords used by this "Martial Arts Team" were all wooden swords and wooden swords, and they were only for performances, and they would not be allowed to go out and fight bravely and cause trouble, so he felt relieved.

So not long after, when Fu Wenyu discussed the specific matters of the martial arts team with Fu Wenshu and Fu Wenhe, the two ready-made "masters", the people in the village were boiling again.

"Have you heard that Wen Yu is looking for some helpers!"

"Give silver."

"What kind of helpers are needed for such a good thing? Do you want to follow him to write a storybook, or go to the city with him to do errands like Wen Shu and others did before?"

"You probably haven't been out these days. Wen Shu and Wen He go to Wen Yu's house every day and have been doing things with him for a long time. They seem to be practicing. What kind of swords are they practicing? My daughter came back and told me that she was so awesome. Now she is holding a stick and practicing as soon as she gets home. What is 'bow step forward stab'?"

"I don't understand it anyway."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand it, just give silver."

"Let's go, let's go to the village chief's Look around, they are all from the same village, we can't leave our boy behind this time, he played with Wenyu before. And this time we are looking for young men, no need to pay attention to the difference between men and women, so if a family sends their daughter to help Wenyu's mother, the family can eat meat once a month, the smell is so delicious that people can't sleep. "

"If my son has this blessing, I will go to cut meat immediately!"

"Let's go together."

The noise did not come to Fu Wenyu, he just felt that after the addition of thirteen people to his family, the villagers were much more enthusiastic about him. If it weren't for his family still in mourning, they would have called him over for dinner. But even so, some people brought baskets to their house to send eggs and fresh wild vegetables, and even the grass for the two ewes was cut and sent.

Fortunately, this enthusiasm was only at the beginning, otherwise the whole family would not be able to bear it.

Thirteen more people were selected, forming three rows of five people each. Fu Wenyu discussed the teaching plan with Fu Wenshu and Fu Wenhe, and then let them learn first.

He read books while writing storybooks.

Last time I wrote about Zhao Yunfei, the protagonist of "Rebirth: Treasure Map", after a short journey in the rivers and lakes, he successfully arrived at Tuoshan where the family of "Fire Palm" Chen Lieyang lived.

Tuoshan Mountain is as its name suggests. From a distance, the two peaks juxtaposed look like the two humps on a camel. Although Zhao Yunfei had never seen a camel, his brother Zhao Yunlei had gone to the Western Regions to catch murderers wanted by the court when he was traveling in the world. After he came back, he told him about the scenery in the Western Regions.

Such as yellow sand and camels.

So now that he saw Tuoshan, Zhao Yunfei thought to himself: It turns out that camels are like this. They are indeed very different from horses.

He didn't carry too many things when he went out this time.

There is only a horse, a sword, a birthday gift and some luggage. Since his luggage was stolen once, what he is wearing now were all added later. Even in order to confuse those gentlemen in Liang Shang and those who heard that he was the son of Yunxiao Sword and the younger brother of Ben Lei Sword, who came to challenge him one after another with the intention of defeating him and becoming famous in the world, Zhao Yunfei would also go to Dress up as a scholar.

So now he is wearing a scholar's hat and scholar's robe. He is also shaking a paper fan with the words "The book has its own golden house" in his hand. As for his feet, he is also wearing a pair of shallow cloth shoes, which is not what Jianghu people like. riding boots.

In this way, he was stopped at the foot of Mount Tuo.

The tall man who was specially placed here by the Chen family to receive guests glanced at Zhao Yunfei, who was holding the horse and fanning leisurely with a paper fan in his hand, and asked doubtfully: "Young Master, are you not?" We are from the Jianghu, right?”

"The Lieyan Sect is hosting a banquet for guests. Please stop, young master."

Zhao Yunfei frowned.

He had a bad impression of 'Fire Palm' Chen Lieyang because of the black-robed man. Seeing that he was stopped, he immediately took out the post in his arms, handed it over angrily and said: "My father is Zhao Cliff."

"This post was given to my brother by your sect leader. Can I go in?"

As soon as he heard Zhao Ya's name, the tall man immediately laughed enthusiastically, "It turns out to be Junior Brother Zhao. The master said two days ago that Junior Brother Zhao has already become famous as the 'Chongyun Sword' when you first came out of the martial arts world." He defeated several famous disciples in a row and destroyed a group of human traffickers. He is worthy of being the son of Yunxiao Sword."

"When your brother came back last time, he was praising you. You are indeed well-deserved."

"Please come quickly, wine and food have been prepared on the mountain."

As the tall man spoke, he called a young disciple to guide Zhao Yunfei. Their attitude was warm but not flattering, thoughtful but not offensive. Along the way, the young disciple also introduced him to the scenery and good places in Tuoshan. In addition, which chef was invited to the birthday banquet, what activities were prepared, etc.

He also said that if you need anything, just give me any instructions, and everyone in Lieyan Sect is sincerely waiting for you.

Such considerate hospitality made Zhao Yunfei, who was still a bit interested in finding trouble, no longer be able to keep a cold face. Finally, the young disciple sent him to the door of an upper room with beautiful scenery, and explained that the owner Chen Lieyang was not on the mountain at the moment, please. He rested for a while first. Clean water was already prepared in the house, and when someone would bring lunch later, he had no choice but to say dryly.

"…Thank you."

But as soon as the door was closed, Zhao Yunfei kept hinting at himself.

"To show your courtesy for nothing is to be either an adulterer or a thief!"

"If this 'Uncle Chen' can't explain well why his unique kung fu appears on that black-robed man and the Zhao family, no matter what dad and eldest brother will say in the future, I, Zhao Yunfei, will definitely give it to me this time. His sword!"

After reminding himself in this way, Zhao Yunfei washed himself with the water already prepared in the house and put on clean clothes.

At this time, lunch was also served.

Another young disciple appeared this time. He smiled enthusiastically and said: "Master Zhao, I heard that you are from Jiangzuo. I am afraid that you are not used to our northwest taste, so I specially prepared a bowl of Yangchun noodles for you. There’s our Northwest-specific roasted mutton and steamed buns, and yes, there’s also a pot of roasted knives.”

The young disciple neatly placed a few plates of food in his hands, and then said to Zhao Yunfei: "Master Zhao, just put the bowls and chopsticks at the door after you finish eating. Someone will come to collect them later. If there is anything you want to eat, just ask."

"Just think of our Tuoshan as your own home."

Zhao Yunfei, who had just hinted that he should not be corrupted by sugar-coated bullets, took a deep breath and could only return a dry smile: "...Thank you very much."

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