‘Thirteen Styles of Cloud Sky’ has become popular.

Not only are martial arts moves popular, but so is the Fujiacun martial arts team.

When Fu Wenyu hired a pipa player to give them the music, he brought his own background music every time he went on stage. The passionate pipa sound made the scene even more exciting, and the venue was so popular that the venue was full and invitations continued.

Teahouses and houses in Liuzhou City, and even opera troupes with their own independent places, all wanted to invite them to perform there to make themselves popular.

However, when Fu Wenyu first organized this martial arts team, he did not think about making a lot of money through it. Moreover, both he and other members of the martial arts team understood the principle of "too much is not enough", so they all rejected it. Only those rich and powerful people People would only agree if they wanted to invite them to perform at their homes.

But even so, I made a lot of money in a few days and earned back all my previous expenses.

Fu Wenhe was so excited that he couldn't speak coherently, "Wen, Wen Yu, we made money, we really made money. This time I went to Tang Yuan's wife's house to perform for his son, and I made ten taels of silver directly!"

Fu Wenyu was also very happy and gave them a thumbs up.

At the same time, the peripherals of "Rebirth: Treasure Map" have also begun to be sold.

According to the plan previously agreed upon by Fu Wenyu and Shopkeeper Zhang, two swords made of different materials were made this time.

One is a more expensive wooden sword, which comes in two styles: 'Yunxiao Sword' and 'Ben Lei Sword'. The 'Yunxiao Sword' is painted with light blue paint the same color as the sky, with some white cloud patterns painted on it, and the word 'Yunxiao' is also engraved on the sword. The 'Thunder Sword', on the other hand, is painted with white paint, with blue cloud patterns painted on it, and the word 'Thunder' is also engraved on the sword.

The hilts of both swords are exquisitely carved and gracefully shaped. They are different from the 'Chongyun Sword' held by Fu Wenshu and others, but they also have their own characteristics. Each sword sells for three hundred coins. There are also cheaper ones, which Fu Wenyu commissioned several clan uncles to make. They use bamboo from the mountains behind Fujia Village. There are 80 coins with a scabbard and 30 coins without a scabbard.

In addition to these, there is also the fan that Zhao Yunfei used when he first arrived at Tuoshan. It says on the front, "The book has its own house of gold" and on the back, "The book has its own beauty, like jade."

There are also sword spikes, wooden knives, wooden daggers, etc...

As for the set of fancy clothes worn by Fu Wenshu and others, they were also entrusted to the Li Family Silk and Satin Shop. Every time a set was sold there, Fu Wenyu would be given a sum of money, and the condition was that whenever anyone asked, they would pay It was said to be made at the Li family silk and satin shop.

Perhaps many people have a "stick plot" in their minds. Among all peripherals, swords are the best-selling ones. Especially the cheapest bamboo sword, dozens of which can be sold a day. And the buyers are not only men, there are also some little girls who pester their parents to buy a bamboo sword, and then walk around with it in their hands, cutting down the flowers and plants on the roadside, or on the walls. of bricks.

Men and women who couldn't afford genuine wooden or bamboo swords simply made their own, or held a stick in their hand to pretend to be a sword, and then danced and shouted.

“Look at me ‘catching a tiger into the sea’!”

Not to mention a place like the school, almost everyone has one.

Liu Changmiao bought two swords, a 'Cloud Sword' and a 'Thunder Sword'. The two swords were hung on his waist regardless of each other, and they would collide with each other when walking.

In addition to these two peripherals, he is also wearing the most fashionable clothes in Liuzhou, which are exactly the same as those worn by Fu Wenshu and others, but the size is slightly smaller. When Fu Wenyu saw him in school, he found that he was holding a folding fan with the words "The book has its own golden house" on the front and "The book has its own beauty like jade" on the back.

Good guy, this whole set costs almost two taels of silver.

Fu Wenyu suddenly laughed.

When Liu Changmiao saw Fu Wenyu, his eyes suddenly lit up, he ran over in a few steps, and said excitedly: "Mr. Fu, Mr. Fu, you can give me a good meal."

Fu Wenyu asked curiously: "Are you looking for me?"

"Yes," Liu Changmiao said excitedly: "I want to buy the 'Chongyun Sword' so that the three swords can be made into a set, but the clerk at the bookstore said that the 'Chongyun Sword' will not be sold outside until the book is printed. Yes. But when I asked him when the book would be printed, he hesitated and said nothing. When I asked anxiously, he said that you haven't finished it yet. "

"And the guy also said that the hardcover version not only contains the 'Chongyun Sword', but also the mental techniques of the 'Yunxiao Sword Technique' and the sword manual of the 'Yunxiao Thirteen Styles'. Everything that is not available outside is included in the hardcover version. ”

"So Mr. Fu, when will you finish writing the storybook?"

Fu Wenyu: "...?"

He was stunned. After writing a novel for so long, this was the first time he met someone who urged the author to finish the novel quickly in order to collect peripherals. Is this putting the cart before the horse?

But Liu Changmiao felt that he had no problem at all, and said: "Mr. Fu, I have already paid the deposit. You must write it quickly. I also want to learn how to act for my grandmother and my mother."

Fu Wenyu had no choice but to say "definitely" and then ran away.

Within two days, Tang Yuanwai also found the bookstore, and not only him, but also his biological son Tang Yishan, who had finally found it. The child did not speak like he did in the teahouse that day, but remained quietly nestled at Tang Yuanwai's feet. However, he was still holding a miniature wooden sword in his hand and his eyes were bright.

Tang Yuan smiled brightly and said, "Old Zhang, Wen Yu."

"This is my son Tang Yishan. He likes your storybook very much. When you wrote "Legend of the Divine Eye" before, he would calm down after listening to it. The current "Treasure Map" is also good. After I read it to him, he said that he liked "Thirteen Styles of Yunxiao" very much and shouted that he wanted to see it every day."

"That day I invited him to my home, and he ate an extra bowl of rice. His mother and I were very happy. So, Wenyu, are you still accepting disciples? Let Yishan also learn martial arts with you."

Fu Wenyu, who was studying hard and preparing to try it out after he was out of filial piety: "......?"

When did he become a martial arts master?

Fortunately, Tang Yuanwai was just joking. Learning sword moves was real, but he did not force Fu Wenyu to teach him personally.

So the two discussed it and decided to let Fu Wenshu, the most stable person in the martial arts team, go to the Tang family to teach for a few days, just as a new way of training for Tang Yishan.

In addition to these two people, the martial arts team and the surrounding fire not only made Liuzhou City lively, but also attracted people from nearby Jiangzhou, Anzhou and other places to watch, and also led to a lot of things.

For example, after Fu Wenshu and others put on their clothes, they would be watched wherever they went, so they have now changed to taking clothes with them when they go out and changing them when they get to the place. For example, as their popularity increased, they became busy at ordinary times, so Fu Wenyu simply bought a house in the city so that they could have a place to rest. For example, some people in the city saw that they could make money and had a good temper, so someone came to their house to act as a matchmaker, and finally it really became a good marriage for two families.

But these are all later stories.

In the case of the surrounding fire, one day when Zhang, the shopkeeper, saw Fu Wenyu, he showed a bright smile, "Wenyu, come and see, Mr. Murong's letter has arrived, this time it's really fast."

"Mr. Murong's letter has arrived?"

Fu Wenyu stepped forward quickly, opened the envelope directly, and then a few pieces of paper fell out.

Seeing what was drawn on the paper, Fu Wenyu exclaimed.

That was the ‘Sword Manual’!

Unlike the ‘stick figures’ he sent, the ‘Sword Manual’ drawn by Murong Bo was full of lifelike little figures, with swords in their hands stabbing or slashing, and movements moving forward or backward. Although there were not many strokes of ink, the picture drawn was very vivid, as if there were really one or two people holding swords and gesturing on the paper.

Fu Wenyu exclaimed, “…Mr. Murong is worthy of it.”

It completely captured the feeling he wanted!

He was a little worried that the other party might not draw accurately before, and specially invited him to see the ‘Thirteen Forms of Yunxiao’, but now he has no such concerns at all, because the little figures drawn by Murong Bo are much better than the ‘stick figures’ he sent, and their movements are very similar to the real ‘Thirteen Forms of Yunxiao’.

It was as if he was also present when Fu Wenshu and others performed.

Shopkeeper Zhang next to him also sighed, "It's so lifelike."

"As expected of Mr. Murong, whom you highly recommend, Wenyu, if you hadn't said that he couldn't walk and couldn't come to Liuzhou, I would have thought that he had seen the performances of Wenshu and others."

Shopkeeper Zhang's joke made Fu Wenyu laugh.

He flicked the paper in his hand and said to Shopkeeper Zhang: "Uncle Zhang, let's start printing the sword manual right away. Once the sword manual is printed, the 'Thirteen Yunxiao Styles' can be divided into the previous ordinary ten styles and two copies of the thirteen styles. We will release the first ten styles first, so that everyone can learn them first and maintain the popularity."

"Then after two months, when all the stories are printed, we can start selling the stories."

Recently, Fu Wenyu has not been idle, but has made a more complete plan, which is to take advantage of the 'Martial Arts Team' and the surrounding fire to stir up the popularity of 'Martial Arts'.

The release of the sword manual was one of the steps. He then prepared a martial arts performance in which the characters could fight each other, as well as the ups and downs of the plot in the story book "Rebirth of the Treasure Map", etc., in order to maintain the popularity of "martial arts" for two to three months, or even half a year, so that when the story book is officially sold, there will be no worries about sales.

Shopkeeper Zhang nodded happily, "I'll arrange it right away."

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