Sun Xiucai looked down upon Fu Wenyu.

Originally, the two were incompatible with each other, but since Fu Wenyu wrote a book "The True and False Young Master", it became very popular rapidly. Some people began to compare him with themselves and that old man Sanliu.

However, Sun Xiucai didn't care at that time, because not every wealthy family would lose their children like the Tang family, and Fu Wenyu would not be able to be famous for long by relying on the Tang family.

But then the other party wrote "Legend of the Divine Eye" and continued to create "regular edition" and "hardcover edition". Especially the hardcover edition, which cost only two or three taels, could actually be sold for ten taels, which is really enviable. So ever since he learned that the so-called "hardcover edition" was actually so profitable, Sun Xiucai was intrigued.

In his opinion, he has been writing storybooks for many years and has a lot of fans. Fu Wenyu only wrote one or two storybooks and sold fifty hardcover sets. But if it were him, he would not be able to sell a hundred sets. Down.

But who would have thought that he would lose all his money!

What's even more annoying is that Fu Wenyu's "Treasure Map of Rebirth" has sold three hundred sets of the hardcover version alone, not to mention the "peripherals", which is obviously not a small amount.

Now he actually reaches out to the opera, which is really unbearable!

Sun Xiucai snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Fu Wenyu didn't know that he had caused Sun Xiucai's hatred again.

But I wouldn’t care if I knew.

He was now immersed in the world of story books, feeling the excitement he had not seen for a long time.

Because he was eager to verify the purpose of the Liuzhou tabloid and was pressed for time, Fu Wenyu chose the subjects he had written before for the two newly written stories, which were collections of deceptions and bloody stories.

The first article was written in the name of the trumpet "Mr. Gongyang". Because this trumpet is specially used to write a collection of deceptions, so this time I write about classic deceptions, called "Taoist Alchemy".

It is said that the protagonist Zhang Sanlang once went out to do business and finally made money, so he was very happy. After coming back, he held a flowing banquet at home for three days and three nights to celebrate. Perhaps because he was too public, a Taoist priest came to his door a few days later and said that he could refine one hundred taels of silver into three hundred taels.

Zhang Sanlang was dubious and gave him one tael. As a result, he actually got three taels of silver a few days later.

So Zhang Sanlang was overjoyed. According to the Taoist priest, there was too much turbidity in his family and he couldn't make it. So he dug a pit in the open space, placed a bed and an alchemy furnace in it, and let the Taoist priests live in it. He also bought lead, mercury, cinnabar and other materials, and provided seven solid logs and ropes behind, and checked the progress every day.

As a result, a month later, the Taoist priest climbed up with a rope at night and ran away.

Of course one hundred taels of silver disappeared.

Zhang Sanlang was deceived again.

The second article was written in the name of ‘Yin Yang Scholar’. "Yin Yang Scholar" is also Fu Wenyu's trumpet, but compared with "Mr. Gongyang" who has written several deception collections and is slightly famous, "Yin Yang Scholar" only has one article "Green Tea Cousin", and because the length is relatively short , and it didn’t cause much repercussions.

This trumpet has little reputation.

Now Fu Wenyu is ready to run it.

So the name of the second part is "Little White Flower Cousin": the heroine is a 'little white flower', with a weak appearance, the kind who clutches her chest and faints at every turn. The main theme is I love you, you don't love me, I don't love you. you love me.

After spending a few days writing it, Fu Wenyu began to make arrangements for ‘submission’.

The last time "Yin Yang Scholar" wrote "Green Tea Cousin", it was delivered through shopkeeper Zhang, so this time it was through his channel, mainly to test whether the Liuzhou tabloid was targeting the script from "Fu Wenyu".

The "Collection of Deceptions: Taoist Alchemy" was written in the name of 'Mr. Gongyang', also known as 'Zhou Yu'. Fu Wenyu personally took it to the Liuzhou tabloid every time after writing it. But this time he was cautious and asked Liu Changmiao, who knew his identity, to help him take it. This was to test whether someone in the Liuzhou tabloid was targeting Kaiyuan Bookstore.

But to his surprise, both articles passed.

And the page for "Taoist Alchemy" will be in the next issue.

What else is there not to understand?

Someone is targeting him!

Fu Wenyu's eyes sharpened, and the anger in his heart suddenly ignited.

Shopkeeper Zhang is the same. He has found out everything these days. He is walking back and forth in the room and said angrily: "It's all the fault of Mr. Yang from the Liuzhou tabloid!"

"In the past, Mr. Xiao was in charge of the storybook, and I always gave him your storybook every time. But this time, Mr. Xiao has not returned from his trip to the capital, so it was replaced by Scholar Yang."

Shopkeeper Zhang snorted coldly, "I didn't take it seriously at first. I thought Mr. Xiao and Mr. Yang were the same. But when I asked someone about it this time, I found out that he usually looks down on people who write stories and thinks they are not as good as poems and articles. ”

"And because of the rudeness in front of Mr. Gong Wenbin last time, he also held a grudge against you. This time he deliberately suppressed you. What's even more outrageous is that he not only suppressed your words, but also accepted other people's money. , I chose some random words and printed them. No wonder some customers complained to me that the recent Liuzhou tabloids were not good. "

"This is really unreasonable!"

"Yang Shusheng..." Fu Wenyu also remembered who the other party was, and couldn't help but sneered, "He actually did such a thing, doesn't the Liuzhou tabloid just care about it?"

Relying on your own good and evil, suppressing the author of the story?

Who gave him the face? !

Without scripts, Liuzhou tabloids would still be half-dead.

Speaking of this topic, Zhang, the shopkeeper, was no longer angry. He smiled mysteriously and said, "Wenyu, this is another thing I want to tell you today. I wonder if you are interested in the shares of Liuzhou Tabloid?"

Shares are shares. Fu Wenyu is really interested in this.

So he asked, "What do you mean?"

Zhang, the shopkeeper, said, "I told you before, right?"

"Liuzhou Tabloid was started by a few scholars who came back from the capital and imitated the tabloids in the capital. Unfortunately, their family background and connections are limited, and it is difficult to continue."

Fu Wenyu had heard of this. At that time, Zhang said that he got help from several nobles, and Tang Yuanwai, the owner behind Kaiyuan Bookstore, was one of them.

So Fu Wenyu nodded, "Yes, Uncle Zhang, you told me."

Shopkeeper Zhang saw that he still remembered, so he explained in detail, "Those scholars are Mr. Xiao and Yang Shusheng and others. Some of them are still in Liuzhou Tabloid, while others have already found other ways out."

It turned out that for a long time before, Liuzhou Tabloid was in a half-dead state. Even with the support of Tang Yuanwai and several businessmen and famous scholars in Liuzhou, it was still unable to make ends meet. The first batch of people, such as Mr. Xiao and others, could not make a living by relying on the tabloid, so except for a few people with family background, the others gradually changed their careers.

Among those who changed their careers, some were co-founders, who had paid money and divided shares before. And some were just simple workers, and leaving Liuzhou Tabloid was just a change of job.

As a result, a year later, the tabloid was revived.

So some people were ready to move.

Shopkeeper Zhang said: "Some of them want to come back, some want to exchange their shares for some money, and some want to get involved. After all, if nothing unexpected happens, Liuzhou Tabloid will get better and better."

This is the truth.

Because as society stabilizes and economic conditions improve, there will be more and more people who can read and write, and the audience of Liuzhou Tabloid will naturally become wider and wider.

Fu Wenyu thought for a while and asked: "So Uncle Zhang, what you mean is to take the opportunity to buy their shares and shares?" From then on, from a worker to a boss?

Shopkeeper Zhang laughed, "Yes."

"And Mr. Tang and several others are also dissatisfied with Liuzhou Tabloid. They think that there are too few "advertisements" each time, and the price is getting higher and higher, and they also want to change."

"So when Mr. Xiao comes back, there will probably be changes."

Fu Wenyu understood.

So the current situation is that businessmen such as Mr. Tang want more benefits, the previous founders also want benefits, and some people outside also want to get a piece of the pie.

Shopkeeper Zhang suggested that he simply take this opportunity to change from a worker to a boss.

In this way, not only can he get some dividends every year, but also his story books will not be blocked by people like Yang Shusheng who are not tactful. Or maybe he can take this opportunity to clean up Yang Shusheng, the black sheep, and give Liuzhou Tabloid a clearer environment?

This is a good idea!

Fu Wenyu was tempted, so he asked, "Then what should I do?"

"Hahaha," Shopkeeper Zhang laughed, "Wenyu, don't worry, this matter will be handled by Tang Yuanwai. He said that he benefited a lot from the "advertising" and hasn't really thanked you yet. In a few days, he will introduce you to people who are interested in selling their shares. I hope you can give Liuzhou Tabloid more good ideas in the future."

Fu Wenyu refused disrespectfully, "Okay, okay."

He really has many ideas in his mind that can make Liuzhou Tabloid bigger and increase sales.

For example, hold a "storybook competition", "poetry competition", "article competition"?

Then print the ticket on the tabloid, one tabloid can cast one vote, the person with the most votes can get a sum of money, and also get the opportunity to print a storybook/poetry collection, or even rehearse a drama to become famous?

Or find some knowledgeable people to write an article to teach people how to write poetry?

Or introduce the tourist attractions in Liuzhou?

And so on and so forth.

Seeing that the shares of Liuzhou tabloid were about to be acquired, Fu Wenyu didn't even have the mind to deal with Yang Shusheng. He turned around and directly submitted the storybook "The Story of Zhenniang" to the Beijing tabloid that had officially started serializing the storybook, to see if he could take this opportunity to open up the market in Beijing.

As for the recruitment of Rongsheng Bookstore, he was rejected.

In Rongsheng Bookstore, Manager Xu's face was livid.

"You don't know what's good for you!"

"Does Fu Wenyu think that without Liuzhou tabloid, his storybooks can still sell so many every time?"

"Humph, he will know how powerful he is in the future!"

For the past year, Manager Xu has seen clearly the difference between "serialized" and "unserialized", and even customers deliberately choose storybooks that have been "serialized". Because if they are not regular customers, the bookstores will not let them read new storybooks, just because they are worried that they will not buy them after reading them, and the storybooks will not sell if there are too many such people.

So for Fu Wenyu's refusal, Manager Xu decided to give him the cold shoulder.

Because he also got a message from Yang Shusheng these days, that is, Mr. Xiao, who was originally in charge of storybooks, will probably go out frequently in the future and will no longer be in charge of storybooks. In this way, when Fu Wenyu knows that Kaiyuan Bookstore can no longer help him to submit storybooks, he will naturally turn to their Rongsheng Bookstore.

After all, who can't get along with money?

Fu Wenyu didn't know that it was actually Rongsheng Bookstore who was behind the scenes. He thought it was just an ordinary poaching, and after refusing, the matter would be over.

Now, what bothered him was another matter.

Because in the latest issue of Liuzhou Tabloid, in the section that originally belonged to poetry and lyrics, there appeared an article criticizing the play "The Story of Zhenniang".

The article quoted classics and said that the play was "absurd", "nonsense", and "incompatible with etiquette". It also said that Zhenniang "did not observe the virtues of a wife" and "was unwilling to be divorced because she had no children, so she slandered her husband's family". In summary, "Zhenniang" was a woman who did not observe the virtues of a wife and failed to "take her husband as the sky". Moreover, this play was not in line with etiquette and traditional opera, and everyone was urged not to watch it.

The signature was: Sun Xiucai.

To be honest, when Fu Wenyu first saw this article, his expression was very confused.

The play "The Story of Zhenniang" is different from the traditional opera that is currently widely circulated, and Fu Wenyu could not refute this.

Because during the rehearsal, he combined more modern drama and musicals, and paid more attention to the audience's visual experience. The so-called lyrics and music are also based on the audience's understanding, and from time to time there is a small climax to mobilize emotions. At the beginning, the people of Changxiban also rejected such an adaptation, but after the modification, they had no objection.

When he went to listen that day, the audience's response was not bad.

Even Zhang Zhanggui, Fu Wencheng, Zou Tongsheng, Fu Dashi and others who received his free tickets did not say anything bad. Fu Qingshi was happy to see him and said that the play was performed like this, and he understood it.

So what does Sun Xiucai mean?

Fu Wenyu murmured to himself, "Is it because of peers looking down on each other?"

"Because my "The Story of Zhenniang" stole the customers of his "The Story of the Green Hairpin" after it was performed, he hated me? That's why he finally called on everyone not to go to see it?"

"It's ridiculous."

Fu Wenyu felt that he couldn't let it go. It happened that he had learned to write articles with Master Chen in recent months and made a lot of progress. So he spread out a pen and paper, and replied with a quote from the nickname "Mr. Gongyang".

"The Story of Zhenniang" is a good play!

As for why he didn't use the name "Fu Wenyu", firstly, his big name was restricted in Liuzhou tabloids, and it might not be printed if he wrote with the big name, and secondly, he was not used to bragging about himself openly.

Anyway, in addition to the big name "Fu Wenyu", he now has two small names. If two are not enough, he can also create a third, fourth, and fifth.

In terms of hand speed, he will never lose!

So five days later, an article appeared in Liuzhou tabloids. The article also quoted from the classics, saying that he accidentally went to the theater to watch a play, and the name of the play was "The Story of Zhenniang". The article did not say what the content of "The Story of Zhenniang" was, but focused on describing its novel background, saying "it is clear at a glance".

The whole article did not say "everyone go and watch it", but the words were "novel", "strange", and "interesting".

After seeing this, Mr. Sun was so angry that he didn't even eat.

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