I became Garp's twin brother

Chapter 124 Ace, be my son!

Hehe, yes!

Torebol wiped the sweat from his forehead and responded with a sneer.

Somehow, facing Ka Di's eyes as calm as autumn water, he always felt like he was being seen through.

After Torebol finished speaking.

The air became quiet again.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Time seemed to suddenly slow down, and the air became heavier.


Lead the way!

Kadi spoke.

accepted! ?

Torebol opened his eyes slightly and was stunned for a moment. Then, with a touch of surprise on his face, he quickly bowed his head and responded positively to Kadi.

Okay, okay, Master Kadi, I will lead you from the front!

After saying that, he didn't stop any longer and hurriedly turned around and ran towards his ship.

Looking at Torebol's back walking in front of Baby-5, the corners of Kadi's eyes slightly curved, revealing a meaningful smile.

The Quixote family?



Let me see what shocking conspiracy the Clown King of the underground world wants to plot.

Captain, why did you agree to him? He is obviously lying!

Looking at Torebol's leaving figure, Xiaohe pouted and looked at Kadi with some dissatisfaction and asked.

When you ask someone, you have to show sincerity!

Unlike that guy, he seemed to be respectful and not sincere at all.

Kadi smiled upon hearing this.

I didn't say I promised him to be a guest!


After hearing this, Xiaohe and Nami's minds were filled with questions.

Didn’t you just say that you want the other party to lead the way?

Why have you changed your mind now?

Only Taotu's eyes moved, and then she looked at Kadi and shook her head helplessly.

Obviously, she had guessed what Kadi was thinking.

The next second.

I heard that Dressrosa is called the toy kingdom of love and passion. Don't you want to go and see it?

Kadi stretched out his hand and pinched the small noses of Nami and Xiaohe and said.


So this is ah!

After receiving Kadi's explanation, the two of them no longer cared about their red noses pinched by Kadi, with a look of surprise on their faces.


Taotu on the side shook his head helplessly, looking at Nami and Xiaohe, with a look of hatred for steel.

I thought these two girls had grown up just now.

Now it seems that it is definitely an illusion.

What kind of virtue does your captain have? Can't you see it even now?

If he didn't have any ideas, how could he just agree to others casually.

at the same time.

the other side.

After returning to his own ship, Torebol ordered his men to sail the ship. He glanced behind him in the direction of the Dragon King where Kadi and others were riding. His eyes were obscure, and an uncontrollable sullenness appeared deep in his eyes.

After so many years as a top official in the Don Quixote family, this was the first time he had been humiliated like this.

If he wasn't worried about Kadi's strength, he would have exploded long ago.

How could I endure it until now? I just glanced at the other person quietly, and didn't even dare to have extra thoughts, for fear that the other party would notice.

behind him.

Baby-5 noticed the hostility emanating from Torebol and wanted to speak, but was concerned about the previous agreement, so he had to keep silent and stand quietly.

The atmosphere on the entire deck suddenly fell silent.


Two days later.

Just as Carty and others were about to enter the territory of the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

The other side, just before them, rested on the sea.

A new wave of guests were welcomed again.

A pirate ship with a crescent-shaped white beard mark on the sail.

A young man with a golden punk hair stood on the bow of the boat, looking at the empty sea not far away, holding his forehead and sighing.

It's too late!

How should I explain this to my father now?

Yes, this is none other than Marco the Phoenix, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, with a bounty of over a billion beli.

Don't worry, dad won't blame us. Since Mr. Kadi has come to the new world, wouldn't it be a matter of time before we meet him?


The man with a yellow silk scarf tied around his neck, holding a wine jar in his hand and drinking heavily, immediately stopped what he was doing after hearing Marco's words.

With a red wine blush on both sides of his cheeks, the man put his arm around Marco's shoulders and explained nonchalantly.

As he spoke, a strong smell of alcohol rushed out of his mouth, making Marco frown.

Saqi, this is a task given by dad himself. If you can't complete it, dad will be disappointed!!

Marco looked at the drunkard in front of him speechlessly and said.

Unexpectedly, this sentence did not have much impact on Saatchi.

Sachi waved his hands lazily and said carelessly.

What's the matter? Just bring a few bottles of good wine to Dad when you go back. He likes to drink the most!

I just finished saying this.


Sage fell directly onto the deck, drunk.

Seeing this, Marco shook his head in confusion.

Fortunately, the father doted on these sons. Otherwise, if anyone else had dared to fool the white-bearded father who was the fourth emperor like this, he would probably have been sunk to the bottom of the sea long ago without even being able to see his bones.

There is no other way, this is the only way!

Since he didn't pick up the person his father wanted to pick up, Marco had no choice but to return.

Turn around and go back to find Dad!

Marco shouted loudly.

The sound clearly spread throughout every corner of the ship.

Yes, Captain!

After a deafening shout, the bow of the ship under Marco's feet began to turn around, heading towards Whitebeard's territory in the new world.

I heard that a guy named Ace wanted to challenge Dad, but I don’t know what’s going on now.

The New World, the sea area under the control of the Four Emperors Whitebeard.

An unknown island.

The raging flames almost surrounded the entire island.

In the orange-red firelight.

A majestic and tall figure stands in the center of the island.

His figure was towering and straight, like a mountain peak.

Opposite him, another relatively thin figure was burning with flames, constantly attacking the former, trying to knock down the mountain with the Glimmer of Fireflies.

The battle continues.

The continuous collision sounds were like bursts of thunder, and the terrifying strong wind was raging, and the high temperature almost flattened the entire island.

The surrounding trees had been broken and had scorch marks.

With another impact.

Finally, the thin figure could no longer hold on.

There was a pop.

He was smashed directly to the ground.

Guhahahahaha, Ace, do you want to continue?

At this moment, the man with a body as strong as a mountain suddenly smiled.

The heroic laughter spread almost throughout the entire island.

The beard as curved as the white moon has already revealed the true identity of this man.

One of the Four Emperors.

Whitebeard, who holds the title of The Strongest Man on the Sea!

Whitebeard smiled and looked at Ace, who was struggling to get up from the ground, and said again.

How about it, Ace, come be my son, carry my name on your back and make a lot of noise in this sea.

As he spoke, Whitebeard slowly extended his arm to Ace.

Cut the nonsense!

There was a sting.

Ace's shoes rubbed hard against the ground, and he finally stood up straight with great effort.

Looking at the whitebeard opposite him who was ten times his size, Ace suddenly roared.

I, Ace, want to be the Pirate King!

The roar echoed through the sky, even causing Whitebeard's men who were watching the battle nearby to change their colors.

Their expressions were slightly dull, and they felt a little unbelievable as they watched the thin little man like an ant below attack their father again.

Only a burst of shouting was heard.

Ace's flaming fist struck Whitebeard again, but unfortunately it was blocked by the latter's arm as solid as an old tree.


Unbridled flames burned, and the swirling firelight almost illuminated the entire sky.

Isn't this guy afraid of death?

Looking at Ace fighting Whitebeard below, one of them said in shock.

I don't know. I heard that this guy declined the invitation from the Navy's Shichibukai!

Another person replied dumbly.

The scene became very quiet, with only the crackling sound of the burning flames and the occasional collision coming from the center of the battlefield.

Blue, blue, blue…

Suddenly, a harsh phone bug sound suddenly sounded.

Suddenly awakening some people nearby.

Moxi Moxi?

What, no one was picked up?

Okay, I get it, I'm going to report it to dad!

In the crowd, a strong man with curly black hair took out a phone bug from his armor and answered it. He immediately stood up and walked towards the battlefield between Ace and Whitebeard below.

There was almost no hesitation.

Hey, Jozi, what are you going to do? Don't disturb dad's enjoyment!

When the people next to him noticed Qiaozi's behavior, they quickly stopped him.

There is something important that needs to be reported to dad!

Qiaozi continued to move closer to the white beard below without moving his head.

at the same time.

The white beard below also noticed that his beloved son was approaching, and a trace of doubt immediately appeared in his eyes filled with vicissitudes of life.

Joz, what's going on?

After repelling Ace's attack, Whitebeard turned his head in the direction of Jozi and asked.

It's Mr. Kadi, Marco and the others didn't receive Mr. Kadi!

Jozi replied concisely and concisely.

Didn't receive it?

Whitebeard frowned slightly, did he miss it?

The Yonko are the four pirate emperors who came to the New World, and their intelligence network covers almost the entire New World.

It can be said that every corner of the entire second half of the Grand Line is covered by their intelligence network.

Being able to miss it like this has to make Whitebeard doubtful.

He missed one thing. In this place, besides the four emperors, there was another person who had an intelligence network that far exceeded theirs.

That is the underground dark leader - Doflamingo!

This time, Whitebeard's move to pick up Carter was intercepted by Doflamingo's people.

But soon, Whitebeard was relieved.

Guhahahaha, is that so? That's such a pity!

Thanks to me, I prepared good wine. It seems that Kadi has no chance. Now he can have a few more drinks!

Immediately afterwards, Whitebeard changed his words and once again set his sights on Ace who regained his confidence in the distance and launched an attack.

His eyes became calm.

Hey, that boy, do you dare to get on the boat and have a drink with me!


Faced with Whitebeard's sudden invitation, Ace was a little caught off guard.

But soon, he reacted immediately.

Of course I dare, it's just for a drink, there's nothing to be afraid of!

Even if the Kadi you just mentioned comes, I will still bring him down!

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